Author: Dr. Robert Cieri
"It can not those who live without fear because of his fear. "
Epicurus Click moral
The most common syndrome is represented by the panic fear of losing control of themselves or their body's functions: to become suddenly red, sweating in public, stop as you speak, do not have control of their bowels, to be gripped by a spasm of that then we are ashamed, lose the vision and going crazy, losing control while driving and cause an accident ...

The difference between those living in fear and over and who is trapped between the fear lies in the interaction and reactions that can trigger this. In fact it is not the kind of fear that causes panic, but the perception and reaction of the subject.
For example, imagine the case of a person who fears that they could do him in public, appears to be reasonably embarrassing but it is not in itself a phobia.
While avoiding all possible situations that may experience the unpleasant incident, means to make real what is only hypothetically possible. If you add attention and vigilance constant on the functions of your body, you end up achieving the dreaded event.
It is no coincidence that in all the phobias of loss of control of the person arrives in somatization exactly what we fear most.
Source: "There is no night that does not see the day" Giorgio Nardone