23 ° from the killings of April 24, 2010 A MANUEL
I tempi dei procedimenti penali infiniti per noi gente comune.
Attendo da 23 mesi di poter vedere,ascoltare le ragioni di coloro che han causato la morte di mio figlio,le motivazioni per cui appunto a distanza di 23 mesi dal Tribunale di Genova non mi giunge alcuna risposta.
Il nostro legale mi autorizza a pubblicare memorie dell'opposizione all'archiviazione.
not understand?
Why give information to the assassins?
I still have a lot of reasons, facts, to oppose any other attempts to filings.
Pen Proc. n ------/08/44 RGNR, AM Dr. Francis CARDONA ALBINI
Ill.mo GIP Dr. Annalisa Giacalone
the undersigned Attorney Francis STRINGER, as an advocate of confidence Elia Maria Elia Manuel's mother , victim, criminal proceedings as specified in the epigraph, with this memory art. 121 Code of Criminal Procedure, sets out:
Dall’ esame degli atti d’indagine e dalla relazione del C.T.U. medico legale Dott. Andrea GIANELLI CASTIGLIONE, si osserva quanto segue:
In ordine all’ora della morte di ELIANTONIO Manuel.
Il C.T.U. Dott. Andrea GIANELLI CASTIGLIONE, nelle conclusioni della sua consulenza medico legale, afferma che “la morte è avvenuta nella notte del 25/07/2008, circa 6-8 ore prima del rinvenimento della salma”.
Il Medico – Legale, nella narrativa della relazione (per ben due volte, a pag. 32 e 34), indica il rinvenimento del cadavere alle ore 01.00 del 25/07/2008, pur riferendo, sempre a pag. 32, che ELIANTONIO Manuel era stato visto vivo dai compagni di cella alle ore 2.00 del 25/07/2008.
Dalle annotazioni della Polizia Penitenziaria e dalle dichiarazioni rese dai compagni di cella, risulta invece che il corpo esanime di ELIANTONIO Manuel è stato rinvenuto, in data 25/07/2008, alle ore 06.50 circa.
Stando alle conclusioni del medico legale (e non alla sua narrativa, frutto di un probabile mero errore), la morte di ELIANTONIO Manuele, dunque, sarebbe avvenuta in un arco di tempo compreso tra le ore 22.50 del 24/07/2008 e le ore 00.50 del 25/07/2008.
Invero, tale orario è assolutamente incompatibile con le dichiarazioni rese dai compagni di cella del deceduto.
Si evidenzia, infatti, che:
- AYANRU Abiodun, in data 25/07/2008, ha dichiarato: “L’ultima volta che ho visto l’ELIANTONIO vivo è stato alle ore 02.00 circa del mattino, in quanto addormentandomi verso le ore 22.00 circa, mi sono poi alzato intorno a quell’ora e assieme ad altri due miei compagni (DIOUM Goumbo e PISSARELLO) abbiamo preso il caffè…”.
- DIOUM Goumbo, in data 25/07/2008, ha dichiarato “Sono andato a dormire intorno alle ore 02.00 del mattino in quanto ho preparato del caffè…In quel momento l’ELIANTONIO era sul suo letto che dormiva”.
- PISSARELLO Simone, in data 25/07/2008, ha dichiarato “Intorno alle ore 02.00 sono andato a dormire. ELIANTONIO era a dormire nel suo letto”.
A fronte di quanto sopra, si ritiene, inoltre, improbabile e/o impossibile che, in detta cella, di pochi metri quadrati, nessuno dei detenuti abbia udito, per un’intera notte, alcun rumore (stando alla versione ufficiale: di Manuel che si alzava per andare in bagno, prelevava il fornellino dalla cucina, staccava la bomboletta dal medesimo e li portava nel bagno, inalava il gas ivi contenuto, subiva gli effetti dell’assunzione del gas ed ancora, con tutta evidenza, si lamentava per il dolore, provava a chiedere aiuto, cadeva con le braccia e la testa verso terra ecc.).
Così come si ritiene improbabile che nessuno dei detenuti della cella si sia recato in bagno nelle 6 – 8 hours preceding the discovery of the body of Manuel Elia.
Furthermore, it is noted that the inmates, said they had warned gas smell in the bathroom at the time of the discovery of the corpse.
As stated by these prisoners are considered unlikely: it is' possible that the low gas content in a small cylinder (thus the smell) has remained for more than 6 - 8 hours in the room in question (since, going the boy's death at that time, inhalation must necessarily have occurred earlier).
Note, however, that the butane has an 'extreme volatility, as declared by the coroner page. 34 of the first consultancy filed.
The "strong smell of gas", also was not detected by the agent FERRAIOLI Antonio, entering the bathroom.
If this smell is left for an entire night in the room, because the inmates have never experienced throughout the whole of the same, since, as reported by Joseph CONTOUR, the bathroom door was not closed, but only turn?
The discovery of the body of Manuel Elia. The Chief Inspector Charles
PAPER, intervened on the spot following the statement of Agent FERRAIOLI Antonio, found Elia Manuel "sitting on the bidet, leaning with their backs to the wall, with the head and upper limbs pour on the left side and both legs pointed at the metal wall (right side), dividing the galley, between a weight of the body prevent the fall of itself. "
Prisoners cell Elia Manuel said they had seen sitting on the bidet with his arms and his head tilted to the left touching the floor. No
cellmate said he saw the legs of the deceased "points" against the metal wall on the right side.
Given the above, it shows that it is practically impossible for a dead body can remain for many hours (6 - 8 according to the outcome advice), "sitting" on a bidet with his head down on the left side.
E 'clear, in fact, that over an entire night, the weight of the head touching the ground, would surely cause the fall of the body of Manuel, even if his legs had been in some way "bets" (but, note, not embedded) against the wall of the right side.
Moreover, the prisoner AYANRU Abiodun, the immediacy of the discovery of the body, reported seeing stains on the floor of a strange red.
This statement is not being investigated by the PM and examined by CTU.
As regards the gas canister, allegedly used by the deceased.
The CTU has found that the cause of death was "cardiac arrest resulting from inhalation of butane."
According to the expert, Elia Manuel would have inhaled the gas in the cylinder of one of the three stoves used for cooking by the prisoners, after the posting of the same on the stove. The
PM, how acquired, held that the stove and the canister, when the body was found, were in the bathroom, on the ground near the body of Manuel Elia.
On this point, but must emphasize that the inmate's cell BARBASO Alex, dated 25/07/2008, stated: "The boy was holding a can and on the ground I saw the stove. I immediately removed the cylinder el 'I threw it in the garbage can in the bathroom. Another friend then put the bowl in place. "
Therefore, the eyewitness, the immediacy of the facts related, differently from other inmates, which Elia Manuel had the bottle in his hand (it therefore could not be found on the floor) and there is no reason to doubt on that version, the same as that held memories associated with a precise action, carried out immediately after:
"I immediately removed (by hand) the cylinder el 'I threw in the garbage can in the bathroom. "
As it is possible that a corpse has been able to squeeze into their own hands an object (the can) for 6 to 8 hours, without which it has fallen to the ground?
addition, it is not clear why the Prison Police, on 25.07.2008, at 09.30, to seize a green stove and a can of blue, separated from the stove, sink found on the kitchen area of \u200b\u200bthe cell.
This is the same bottle that was used by Manuel Elia and that, therefore, was to be found in the garbage can in the bathroom?
Why not also have been seized the other two stoves in the cell, one with all the cans?
But above all, because the bottle was not analyzed?
E 'is quite clear, in fact, that its analysis could be whether (and if so in what quantity) the gas content in the same had actually been sprayed.
on this point must also be evident that, as the readily observed by family members, Elia Manuel "would not even come close to a canister of gas" because it had a real phobia about this substance, due to a traumatic event suffered by itself in childhood: the fire of the oven at home following the outbreak of the same.
The mother of the deceased Maria Elia pointed out in the complaint, which, due to this phobia, Manuel used refillable lighters that, once discharged, allow the mother's home, which were then only after he had reloaded the same.
Elia Manuel also prepared the coffee and then asked his mother to turn on the gas and away in the meantime, rather than turn on the stove, in fact, preferred to eat cold foods and if there was nothing not even ready to eat.
Given the above, it therefore appears unlikely that the deceased Elia Manuel has used the spray above, without any handling fear of the stove to which it was connected.
However, the condition now referred to would still be scrutinized by investigators, but this did not happen.
It is also clear that no one has ever seen cellmate Elia Manuel "sniffing gas."
On the psychological conditions of Elia Manuel and allegations of mistreatment made by him.
It notes that those data have not been examined comprehensively, by investigators.
First, the letter, dated 15/07/2008, by Elia Manuel family members, received by the mother on 24/07/2008 (the day prior to death). In this
missiva, Manuel denunciava: “mi riempiono di botte almeno una volta alla settimana…mi riempiono di psicofarmaci…se non li prendo mi ricattano con le lettere e le domandine che faccio…Sono in isolamento almeno quattro giorni alla settimana…”.
A chi e cosa si riferiva il detenuto? A quale “trattamento” veniva sottoposto? Da parte di chi?
V’è poi la denuncia sporta dal sig. ELIANTONIO Angelo, nonno di Manuel, il quale ha riferito di aver ricevuto, in data 20/07/2008, una telefonata del nipote dal carcere, nella quale Manuel faceva presente al proprio congiunto di essere preoccupato perché i compagni di cella, di etnia romena, lo avevano massacrato di cask, had taken away by force and compelled him to spend the money available to spend on his book.
Angelo Elia had then asked the nephew of the names of those responsible for these events, but the communication was "mysteriously" lost.
In view of these complaints, it is clear the lack of investigations on this point, in particular, none of these detainees have been interrogated Romanians.
Yet, their names were easy to find, since the previous cellmates of Elia Manuel.
Taking also into account that, despite being in different cells during the day all the prisoners are "in touch" with each other.
Inoltre, si rileva che il C.T.U. ha precisato ed evidenziato quanto emergente dalla cartella sanitaria del deceduto ELIANTONIO Manuel, la quale in data 7 luglio 2008 evidenzia due ipotesi di “autolesionismo” di cui una, alle ore 15.00, “contusione in regione nasale, con richiesta di esame Rx naso”; l’altra, alle ore 23.10, “lesione a livello della base della fronte”.
Quanto richiamato induce questo difensore a ritenere che il deceduto, nelle occasioni di cui sopra, abbia subito lesioni riconducibili all’azione violenta di terzi e che, solo per uso dell’ambiente carcerario, ELIANTONIO Manuel abbia omesso di denunciare la persona e/o le persone responsabili.
Moreover, no investigation has been carried out in order for the complaint made by relatives of Manuel Elia, about the medical treatment to which it was submitted about the blackmail and suffered from it.
E ', however, evident that the intake of certain drugs (including drugs found in the body of the deceased) was indeed incompatible with his state of health (hepatitis C, diagnosed as early as 2007).
Moreover, a real clue (really scary) of that incompatibility is the discovery, during the autopsy, a pad of a rectangular, pink, in the foreskin of the deceased. It
ago however, observed (as evidenced in the above letter, as well as from the conversation the day before death with Dr. Isa Brusetti Vilma, a social psychologist SerT) and Elia Manuel was in good condition, emotional, happy for ' upcoming release, which was effected, by the end of the sentence, on 02/08/2008. In order
autopsy performed by Dr. Andrea Gianelli Castiglione and the outcome thereof.
As previously stated, the CTU has found that the cause of death of Elia Manuel was "cardiac arrest resulting from inhalation of butane."
According to the expert, "it is quite clear the role played by the inhalation of aliphatic hydrocarbons in causing death dell'ELIANTONIO. CTU
The same, however, shows that after "only a few cases are reported in the literature related to incidents of death due to inhalation of volatile substances and, in particular, aliphatic hydrocarbons such as propane and butane; even if is forced to dwell at length on those few to support his thesis.
Note, however, alleged that a previous episode of inhalation of gas from the detainee, June 20, 2008, had not caused any consequences to Elia Manuel.
addition, the amount of gas found in the body of the deceased are minimal: less than 0.5 mcg / ml of butane and only "traces" of isobutane and butene.
Moreover, there is also no certainty that the inhalation, if indeed there was, was spontaneous.
In any case, the CTU has failed to state what quantity of gas is necessary to inhale for there to be a fatal event, and if the amount recovered in the body of Manuel Elia could actually lead to his death or otherwise be due to an arrest heart.
Moreover, it has already shown that the CTU has indicated a time of death in any manner inconsistent with the statements of prisoners inmates of Elia Manuel and records of the Penitentiary Police.
Furthermore, it is noted that the CTU has found the presence of "signs of trauma to cause injury, bruising, injury or damage which may be due to other causes of death."
The only injury reported by the coroner, at the occipital bone, was thought to be completely irrelevant in order inmediately death.
These, in short, the determinations of the CTU.
On this point, it must disclose the following:
Elia Maria Elia Manuel and other family members, on July 25, 2008, in the early afternoon, came at the morgue where they could view the deceased joint; there, photographing the body lifeless Elia Manuel.
These photographs have been produced in acts, seems to emerge from the same corpse of a condition different from that held by the OTC as a result of the autopsy later experienced the next day (July 26, 2008).
In particular:
The face and neck seem swollen and presence of hematomas, the nose seems as if fractured and deformed nostril flows a stream of congealed blood which reaches the head.
The upper lip is swollen and excoriated injured left eye, bruising in the regressive phase, with its deformed cheekbone.
's face, the capillaries have exploded and there are signs of nails between the nose and lips.
The rib cage is apparently swollen stomach and dehydrated, with bruises on the left side of mustard yellow and red on the left arm and there are many stripes on the left side, at the spleen, a stamp.
The right hand is red and swollen, with a suspected fracture of the little finger.
Finally, posture tends to the left, the neck is not aligned with the head and shoulders, as if the deceased had a broken neck and paralysis of the left side of the body.
It is also noted that the morgue, Elia Manuel wore a new shirt and not his own, before the autopsy, his body was carefully cleaned by experts the service, so as to appear different in the CTU.
In order to put forward the above, you
What 's Dr. Annalisa Giacalone Ill.mo GIP, GIP at the Office of the Ordinary Court of Genoa,
SHOULD reject the request to dismiss PM Dr. Francis CARDONA albino
Arrange the return of documents to the prosecutor so that integration is carried out preliminary investigations;
In particular, order the renewal of the CTU medical examiner, in order to ascertain the actual cause of death Elia Manuel as well as any leader, considering also l’opportunità di escutere, quali persone informate dei fatti, i congiunti parenti, gli agenti di custodia, i sanitari e gli psicologi che hanno seguito il detenuto, nonché gli altri soggetti all’epoca detenuti presso la Sezione del carcere di Marassi ove si trovava il defunto.
Si designa sin da ora il Prof. Dott. Carlo TORRE, dell’Università di Torino, Medicina Legale, quale C.T.P., per l’espletamento della rinnovanda C.T.U., per l’accertamento delle cause effettive del decesso.
Con perfetta osservanza.
Torino, addì 11 gennaio 2010.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
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The difficulties concerning the childhood and adolescence, which is the period of growth of our children, often shared by parents who are trying to find a solution, they can unknowingly become accomplices and remain embroiled in the situation. Unfortunately, a difficulty, if repeated over time, can become a real problem. Fortunately his parents in psychotherapy may become useful lever for change of their children, thanks to the techniques and strategies tailored to each individual problem. It is very important to avoid creating the idea of \u200b\u200billness at this age, in fact the perception of identity "healthy" in the children must be protected, as well as before resorting to psychiatric diagnoses and drugs, let us pause to reflect on the presence of communication problems , relationship management rules, inconsistency between the messages they receive from parents, who repeated over time may have produced the problem.
Author: Dr. Robert Cieri
relationships between parents and children have always been for me an object of interest, since the years of college, then to arrive at the training in school psychology, which was followed by years of experience at the Divisions of Pediatrics of San Donà di Piave and Pescara. However, the therapeutic approach that has allowed me to obtain the best results in terms of effectiveness and efficiency has proven to be even intervention in this field, the model of Brief Strategic Therapy Center.

This is what occurred in the majority of families with whom I am in contact in daily clinical practice. Obviously things are often exacerbated by emotional stress that may accompany a difficult situation: distress, fear, sense of failure, guilt, fear for the future and so on.
Very often, critical situations can be managed and resolved by simply changing some attitudes, rules, actions and reactions. When you live in the "system-family," every element of the system itself can change the other elements because each is connected to the other and all are influenced by all. This becomes a resource when you "use" the parents make a conscious, useful and functional with the ultimate aim of helping to initiate a change that promotes the welfare of children. What is certain is that psychotherapy is understood in this way, he needs all the effort and cooperation of parents.
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