Sunday, January 18, 2009

Public Diaper Punishment

strategic therapy short in OCD

Author: Dr. Robert Cieri

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a form of control of anxiety, where the ritual comes with a dual role, which often becomes over time: initially la persona si sente in grado di gestire le situazioni proprio grazie al rituale che la fa sentire meglio e la rassicura, ma successivamente, col passare del tempo, quella che sembrava una soluzione si trasforma a sua volta in un problema, perché la persona si ritrova schiava del suo stesso rituale e sente di non potersene liberare.
Generalmente è in questa seconda fase del disturbo che le persone sentono di avere bisogno di un aiuto specialistico e ricorrono al supporto di una terapia: è la sensazione di essere ostaggio del rituale, che in alcuni casi, per essere eseguito, può arrivare ad occupare gran parte della giornata di chi lo mette in atto, con ripercussioni importanti nella vita lavorativa e relazionale.
Ma cerchiamo to better understand how the disorder presents itself: sometimes the ritual is only mental and provides for the repetition of formulas or prayers, sometimes the ritual is an action that is repeated several times (there are many, many kinds, from from washing of hands or body parts, controls the gas or car door, etc ...). It may be a specific number of checks to be made or may be a feeling "positive" to be achieved, which allows to stop the ritual act.
There are precise reasons for which the rituals are performed: sometimes need to get things right, such an examination, a meeting, etc.. And at other times are used to avoid disgrazie a sé o ai propri cari, altre volte ancora si eseguono per riparare qualcosa che è già accaduto a cui bisogna porre rimedio.
La terapia breve strategica è attenta alle numerose varianti del disturbo ossessivo compulsivo e utilizza strategie specifiche, frutto di molti anni di ricerche nel settore. Ha individuato un metodo che coniuga efficacia ed efficienza, ovvero la risoluzione di questi problemi in tempi brevi (entro le 20 sedute), attraverso un intervento che calza al problema e che mira a dare alla persona un nuovo e più funzionale controllo sulla sua vita.              

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Solution To Level 31 In Electric Box

conflicts in the couple

autore: dott.ssa Susanna Murray

Molte coppie che vedo in studio, nonostante vengano in consulenza per svariati motivi, prima o poi si fermano al nodo centrale delle loro difficoltà: il conflitto legato alle loro diversità.I partners entrano in una guerra spesso esplicitata in un braccio di ferro su chi “ha ragione”, perdendo di vista quanto invece possa essere arricchente la diversità dell’altro.Non riconoscere l’altro, le sue peculiarità, il suo modo di essere e di rapportarsi alla realtà impedisce che nella coppia avvenga una reale comunicazione e conoscenza di chi sia davvero il proprio compagno o compagna. Ma perché tante difficoltà ad accept the other?
When you fall in love at first often we tend to idealize their partner and to give it only merits and the idea that the "right" person, able to understand and amarci.Tolto the fact that this may be true, it is necessary However, be aware that this is not the person we love will love us and we will include in the manner that we expect: everyone has his own way and tends to write what he would like to have and which received significant relationships in her life until at that time (ex-partners, parents, siblings, relatives, etc.).. Understand that we have more or less conscious individual expectations against the person imagine that on our side, we must help them to recognize that sometimes it is our partners that we disappointed, but it is the fantasy that our needs can be met in full, which must break with reality: Sometimes our wounds can not be remedied by whom we love and sometimes we must refrain from claiming that we had in passato.E always remember that the couple's relationship is an important occasion in everyone's life, often therapeutic, if you lived in a constructive manner.

Images Of Different Throat Infections

How long you have to go to a psychologist?

author: Dr. Susan Murray

All patients presenting to the first interview with the psychologist are often motivated by a desire to find a solution to their difficulties, but most arrive at the end of the interview with the big question: How many sessions will it take?
often reflects the fact that as I said my teacher, psychotherapist: "If I had to respond to the patient saying what I think really, the terror and run screaming." I do not think there is a suitable response to the second reported symptom of the disorder or this: everyone has certain resources and tools for individuals or couples that can accelerate as slowing the course of the path of psychological support. I believe that we must learn instead to enjoy the time, thing that maybe today we are not used to reflect. We live in a society where there is more time and above all the demand that we are constantly being asked is: efficienti.L 'efficiency does not allow space for reflection, but only in the speeches and the response speed. Unfortunately we forget that between an event and how to respond go of emotions, we lose the excitement of proving something to others and we are stessi.Spesso own emotions and feelings that underlie what we live, which should be recovered to help us to understand the symptoms that many patients live as unexpected incomprensibili.Recuperare emotions is the work that the patient has to do with the help of the psychologist, and often the timing and duration is not so easy to identify in the first colloquio.A Sometimes I think it is more useful to investigate to what a patient believes will come to my studio: the answer is often already gives a measure of how a person can be granted to evaluate themselves and the value it gives to its serenity.