The truth can not be found, you will not find, see, read.
are so obvious, screaming, and yet nothing has been done to impute to the guilty.
We find in the statements made by Marassi the reporter of the Press: ARTICLE
-Struck gas, butane-
is often used as a drug by the prisoners
The minutes of the prison service said that Manuel would be stunned with a canister of butane used for a camp stove in his cell. Very usual practice for prisoners with drug problems. But something went wrong, the poisoning was fatal. To clarify the contours of this death of the Prosecutor Republic has already opened an investigation.
ABSURD FALSE, who immediately had established the cause of death, ABSURD, FALSE that Manuel could have spontaneously inhaled butane, for some absurd that spinel is labeled as a drug addict,
To confirm the minutes that I have personally requested and the court withdrew Genoa seized IS TAKEN FROM A BOBOLETTA kitchenette, NOT in the room where the body is photographed on the floor, as these findings are exegetes without the presence of a Magistrate, cleaning the floor before shooting, by placing the bodies in their will, dressing to hide the signs of botte.Alle h.09: 00 is written on registro dell'obitorio l'arrivo di Manuel perchè non sono stata avvisata subito della morte di mio figlio? Perchè i medici gli han somministrato tanti psicofarmaci senza alcuna diagnosi,senza le patologie per le quali quei veleni sono consentiti dalla legge.Solo dopo un anno mi è stata consegnata l'autopsia dove viene descritto un corpo diverso da quello di mio figlio:
Abbassando la statura,combiando il colore dei capelli,omettendo un angioma che aveva dalla nascita,.........falsando la perizia medico legale,impedendomi di presenziare a vedere,fotografare anche la schiena i piedi,...quei calzini bianchi,bianchissimi lindi come han potuto rimanere puliti,quei capelli rasati mai li avrebbe fatti in quel modo orrendo.Quanto dolore,umiliazioni has suffered and yet it was not enough to have wanted to destroy.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
How Do You Put On Double Strap Bag
Gli stupri collettivi del 1944 e il silenzio della memoria
Ninetta e le altre
Il 25 novembre è un giorno che il 17 dicembre del 1999 l'Onu ha voluto dedicare alla lotta contro la violenza sulle donne.
In questa particolare occasione io voglio perciò ricordare una vicenda storica particolarmente drammatica, che ha per protagoniste non solo ma soprattutto le donne. Una vicenda ormai lontana nel tempo, pressoché ignorata dai manuali di storia e sottovalutata dalla storiografia, per quanto copiosa, del secondo conflitto mondiale. Una vicenda who has never filled the pages of newspapers, has never shaken the conscience. I am referring here to "Moroccan " , rapes group 43-44 years who underwent mostly women but also men (and even children) in some areas of central and southern Italy, during the advance of colonial French Maghreb. The violence has left behind a trail of pain, loneliness, anxiety, no one tried to alleviate and cure. On the contrary, to be disposed of in silence, in a context of shame, humiliation and condemnation. To keep the shame of the violence hidden, even to those husbands returning home from the war wanted to resume life as before. In 1943 the army
alleato sbarcato in Sicilia, avendo subito perdite che potevano comprometterne l'avanzata, chiese aiuto alle forze francesi che inviarono il Corpo di Spedizione Francese, al comando del generale Alphonse Juin: 130 mila uomini, tra cui 12 mila soldati marocchini e algerini (i goumiers). Per entusiasmarli al compimento dell'impresa sembra che il generale Juin inviasse ai suoi goumiers questo proclama (della cui autenticità però, che scaricherebbe la responsabilità dei fatti quasi interamente sulle sue spalle alcunii storici dubitano): "«Soldati!...Alle spalle del nemico vi sono donne, case, c'è un vino tra i migliori del mondo, c'è dell'oro. Tutto ciò sarà vostro se vincerete. Dovrete uccidere i tedeschi fino all'ultimo man and go at any cost. What I have said and promised to keep. For 50 hours you will be the absolute masters of what they find beyond the enemy. No one will punish you for what you do, nobody will ask you what you take into account "(see" The French Expeditionary Corps in Italy 1943-1944 ", by Fabrizio Carloni, ed. Mursia). For
goumiers was entrusted with the conquest of the ridge of the mountains Aurunci. The villages that fell into the nightmare they met: humiliation and unspeakable violence, "some 2,000 women outraged," the complaint a report of the '50s (with a lower number of victims, many of which are a kind of modesty chose not to report) "affected syphilis, 90 percent from gonorrhea, and many children born of unions Islam by force - 40% of men infected by their wives. 81% of buildings destroyed, removed 90 percent of livestock, jewelry, clothes and money. "
The Vatican had to ask the allies to come to Rome only Christian forces, hoping thereby to avoid the violence peggori and believing in those behaviors that perhaps there was a component of 'cultural' fighting spirit typical of the Maghreb, still tied to an idea tribal of war, pillage, plunder, rape, ways to weaken the enemy "corrupting" the blood. An idea that would not sit well with the allied army as a liberating force. These
mass rapes, preceded by behavior primitive path already on the Gela-Licata, exploded in the province of Frosinone, affecting particularly the small village of Esperia, and continued in some areas of Lazio and Tuscany. Where there were sufficient women, goumiers is vented, and even on older children. A priest (Don Alberto Terilli: appointed him because he is a hero. I wonder if they named a school, a square ...) tried to defend the three women: the torture to which he was subjected to revenge during a 'the whole night killed. Many men who rushed to protect their women, were impaled. Mothers who try to defend her daughters were shot and possibly raped: Elisabetta Rossi, Margherita Molinari ... let's not forget! But the names sono tanti, la Liberazione in posti comeEsperia è stata la liberazione degli istinti, l'orgiastica esaltazione del diritto dei vincitori. Ci pensino bene quelli che sottovalutano il contributo della resistenza partigiana attribuendo al solo esercito il merito della caduta del fascismo. L'esercito alleato è stato anche questo: le marocchinate .
Negli atti parlamentari relativi alla seduta del 7 aprile 1952, scrissero che "questo è uno dei casi più dolorosi della guerra; uno di quei casi che è meglio dimenticare". Infatti è stato dimenticato, perché non se n'è parlato per molti anni. Moravia vi ha fatto esplicito riferimento nel romanzo La ciociara , che ha poi ispirato un celebre film, but even this has been able to translate into historical consciousness. I believe instead that it would be for the writer's history also compensate those who history has caused subire.Chi it was sucked and mangled. It is in a compensation fund "Manzoni": that is the same that inspired the writer Milan the "History of the infamous column.
Unfortunately we can not charge those responsible for this massacre of the weight of the sins committed, neither the bloody French General Juin (but is certain that even people far more influential, as De Gaulle himself, were aware of the violence of the Maghreb, so that will send dozens of African prostitutes, but did not arrive in time to calm their boiling spirits). Indeed, France still maintains marked confidential all information relating to each other. We can only remember the women (many died from violence and infections, many lives were ruined), men, children ... all innocent before the turn of armed killers by the indifference of power. We remember them all because it never happens again.
One question: why it continues to talk about so little? The reworking of the trauma of the affected population (not by individuals who do not ever free from pain more) will have some considerable time and this, in addition to the moralism and a little reticent 'sexual phobia prevalent in the fifties and sixties, può bastare a spiegare l'iniziale silenzio sui fatti (una vera e propria rimozione collettiva). Ma adesso?
F. Carloni - Il corpo di spedizione francese in Italia, 1943-1944 - Milano, Mursia, 2006
Atti parlamentari - 37011 - Camera dei Deputati, "Seduta notturna di lunedì 7 aprile 1952"
Ninetta e le altre
Il 25 novembre è un giorno che il 17 dicembre del 1999 l'Onu ha voluto dedicare alla lotta contro la violenza sulle donne.
In questa particolare occasione io voglio perciò ricordare una vicenda storica particolarmente drammatica, che ha per protagoniste non solo ma soprattutto le donne. Una vicenda ormai lontana nel tempo, pressoché ignorata dai manuali di storia e sottovalutata dalla storiografia, per quanto copiosa, del secondo conflitto mondiale. Una vicenda who has never filled the pages of newspapers, has never shaken the conscience. I am referring here to "Moroccan " , rapes group 43-44 years who underwent mostly women but also men (and even children) in some areas of central and southern Italy, during the advance of colonial French Maghreb. The violence has left behind a trail of pain, loneliness, anxiety, no one tried to alleviate and cure. On the contrary, to be disposed of in silence, in a context of shame, humiliation and condemnation. To keep the shame of the violence hidden, even to those husbands returning home from the war wanted to resume life as before. In 1943 the army
alleato sbarcato in Sicilia, avendo subito perdite che potevano comprometterne l'avanzata, chiese aiuto alle forze francesi che inviarono il Corpo di Spedizione Francese, al comando del generale Alphonse Juin: 130 mila uomini, tra cui 12 mila soldati marocchini e algerini (i goumiers). Per entusiasmarli al compimento dell'impresa sembra che il generale Juin inviasse ai suoi goumiers questo proclama (della cui autenticità però, che scaricherebbe la responsabilità dei fatti quasi interamente sulle sue spalle alcunii storici dubitano): "«Soldati!...Alle spalle del nemico vi sono donne, case, c'è un vino tra i migliori del mondo, c'è dell'oro. Tutto ciò sarà vostro se vincerete. Dovrete uccidere i tedeschi fino all'ultimo man and go at any cost. What I have said and promised to keep. For 50 hours you will be the absolute masters of what they find beyond the enemy. No one will punish you for what you do, nobody will ask you what you take into account "(see" The French Expeditionary Corps in Italy 1943-1944 ", by Fabrizio Carloni, ed. Mursia). For
goumiers was entrusted with the conquest of the ridge of the mountains Aurunci. The villages that fell into the nightmare they met: humiliation and unspeakable violence, "some 2,000 women outraged," the complaint a report of the '50s (with a lower number of victims, many of which are a kind of modesty chose not to report) "affected syphilis, 90 percent from gonorrhea, and many children born of unions Islam by force - 40% of men infected by their wives. 81% of buildings destroyed, removed 90 percent of livestock, jewelry, clothes and money. "
The Vatican had to ask the allies to come to Rome only Christian forces, hoping thereby to avoid the violence peggori and believing in those behaviors that perhaps there was a component of 'cultural' fighting spirit typical of the Maghreb, still tied to an idea tribal of war, pillage, plunder, rape, ways to weaken the enemy "corrupting" the blood. An idea that would not sit well with the allied army as a liberating force. These
mass rapes, preceded by behavior primitive path already on the Gela-Licata, exploded in the province of Frosinone, affecting particularly the small village of Esperia, and continued in some areas of Lazio and Tuscany. Where there were sufficient women, goumiers is vented, and even on older children. A priest (Don Alberto Terilli: appointed him because he is a hero. I wonder if they named a school, a square ...) tried to defend the three women: the torture to which he was subjected to revenge during a 'the whole night killed. Many men who rushed to protect their women, were impaled. Mothers who try to defend her daughters were shot and possibly raped: Elisabetta Rossi, Margherita Molinari ... let's not forget! But the names sono tanti, la Liberazione in posti comeEsperia è stata la liberazione degli istinti, l'orgiastica esaltazione del diritto dei vincitori. Ci pensino bene quelli che sottovalutano il contributo della resistenza partigiana attribuendo al solo esercito il merito della caduta del fascismo. L'esercito alleato è stato anche questo: le marocchinate .
Negli atti parlamentari relativi alla seduta del 7 aprile 1952, scrissero che "questo è uno dei casi più dolorosi della guerra; uno di quei casi che è meglio dimenticare". Infatti è stato dimenticato, perché non se n'è parlato per molti anni. Moravia vi ha fatto esplicito riferimento nel romanzo La ciociara , che ha poi ispirato un celebre film, but even this has been able to translate into historical consciousness. I believe instead that it would be for the writer's history also compensate those who history has caused subire.Chi it was sucked and mangled. It is in a compensation fund "Manzoni": that is the same that inspired the writer Milan the "History of the infamous column.
Unfortunately we can not charge those responsible for this massacre of the weight of the sins committed, neither the bloody French General Juin (but is certain that even people far more influential, as De Gaulle himself, were aware of the violence of the Maghreb, so that will send dozens of African prostitutes, but did not arrive in time to calm their boiling spirits). Indeed, France still maintains marked confidential all information relating to each other. We can only remember the women (many died from violence and infections, many lives were ruined), men, children ... all innocent before the turn of armed killers by the indifference of power. We remember them all because it never happens again.
One question: why it continues to talk about so little? The reworking of the trauma of the affected population (not by individuals who do not ever free from pain more) will have some considerable time and this, in addition to the moralism and a little reticent 'sexual phobia prevalent in the fifties and sixties, può bastare a spiegare l'iniziale silenzio sui fatti (una vera e propria rimozione collettiva). Ma adesso?
F. Carloni - Il corpo di spedizione francese in Italia, 1943-1944 - Milano, Mursia, 2006
Atti parlamentari - 37011 - Camera dei Deputati, "Seduta notturna di lunedì 7 aprile 1952"
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Can I Renew My License Before My Birthday
for the murder of Manuel does not conduct investigations, interrogations, perizie.Giustizia dormant since 25 July 2008.
article calugne owner was enough to hide, justify, manipulate the truth.
who disfigured the body of my son, who has administered the lethal drugs into prison killing him just eight days of freedom does not, should not be protected by continuing to destroy other vite.Agenti, doctors, and inmates must meet their unspeakable shameful, monstrous, outrageous acts.
for the murder of Manuel does not conduct investigations, interrogations, perizie.Giustizia dormant since 25 July 2008.
article calugne owner was enough to hide, justify, manipulate the truth.
who disfigured the body of my son, who has administered the lethal drugs into prison killing him just eight days of freedom does not, should not be protected by continuing to destroy other vite.Agenti, doctors, and inmates must meet their unspeakable shameful, monstrous, outrageous acts.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Wedding Card With Slogan
La puntura dello Scorpione
La palude di Silvana Brunotti
La pioggia estenuante di questi giorni ci sta immergendo nell'elemento dello Scorpione, costellazione astrologica che infatti segna il periodo. E' l'acqua stagnante e mefitica su cui gravano misteriose le nebbie, dove la vita pullula insospettata e tenace, generandosi decomposition. The animals are those of the seabed, camouflage uniforms in which the sands lie hidden, waiting for prey. The plants are slimy algae that land, imprison, detain.
We try to exorcise it in many ways, this water. With the Halloween carnival for instance. The bright orange of pumpkins and jagged smiles drawn in the bark are the signs of cheerfulness coarse that it can not erase the tragic, as he would like. Indeed. And 'This is the joy of Don Rodrigo superstitious a few hours earlier to warn about the signs of the plague is laughing his company reciting the eulogy of his cousin, Count Attilio, torn away by the raging infection. An apotropaic act that sounds, the light of the events to follow, as a sinister prophecy.
in just over a month is Christmas. And soon the lights and Christmas decorations in the windows of the center will evoke the magical atmosphere of Advent. Always appear as soon as possible, anticipating the bright memory of a moment that can dispel the darkness. Maybe we can make it (we think) to avoid setting eyes on this pond cursed eye leaden old murderess. But no. It rains it rains it rains. All fall and break, the break-up prevails. Finally, we must recognize: the Scorpion has stung us, our soul is as it were intoxicated. Sloth, anxiety, sense of death are the background to the present. The water of Scorpio is
damn water? Traitor, covering the sand where it sinks. And 'the water in which the exhausted Ottilie of Goethe's Elective Affinities let drown the child entrusted to her. The same cold caresses the cheek where Ophelia's madness and drowning.
Yet this water can be crossed. We also like Atreyu, the hero of the never-ending story, we can travel in the "swamp of sadness" without being overcome, without losing hope sink (which is what happens to the beautiful horse Atreyu, pure energy, instinct, attachment to life without consciousness). And 'this water the macabre Milan in 1630: a huge whale corrupt from the body, in which the worker silk Renzo Tramaglino must necessarily stick, winning the disgust that the brand experience inspired him, if he wants to find his Lucia. If Lucy is not dead. As dead and defeat all around.
The hero can not deal with death. For it is clear that, if you simply try to chase them away, she will come back and sting all his days, poisoning. As an 'infection becomes chronic.
Why is there something worse than death, and the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath. The idea (death pictures, slides, advance with the mind), which gives the torment poisoning every happiness with a sense of insecurity and vanity of things. Only people who have been in the valley of Sheol, and he looked death in the face, Only those who have regained their lives snatched from the swamp can live as long as he has left. Others do not remains to survive. And a bit 'of divertissement. Less
man willing to live and think about the Scorpion and more is owned by his myth. It is located at acting it out, not understanding. Proof of this is water, beautiful, pure nature "Cancerian", or the vast, blue, fish, which reduces the man in a "scorpion". We always end up becoming what we strive for a bit 'unnatural to deny. A beautiful Persian legend tells of a servant to the market that meets the death, which sees it and makes a rude gesture, which he interprets as a threat. Runs far away, in Samarra, where he thinks he is safe. But in Samarra death awaits him. The gesture, in the morning it was not a threat, but a surprise: he knew he had to take it in Samarra: Why was the servant there? The death
flee, in short, riding as the servant of the story, just waiting for us in Samarra, and sure there is. And as we fled, there is cowardly traitors, and murderers. Scorpio.
La palude di Silvana Brunotti
La pioggia estenuante di questi giorni ci sta immergendo nell'elemento dello Scorpione, costellazione astrologica che infatti segna il periodo. E' l'acqua stagnante e mefitica su cui gravano misteriose le nebbie, dove la vita pullula insospettata e tenace, generandosi decomposition. The animals are those of the seabed, camouflage uniforms in which the sands lie hidden, waiting for prey. The plants are slimy algae that land, imprison, detain.
We try to exorcise it in many ways, this water. With the Halloween carnival for instance. The bright orange of pumpkins and jagged smiles drawn in the bark are the signs of cheerfulness coarse that it can not erase the tragic, as he would like. Indeed. And 'This is the joy of Don Rodrigo superstitious a few hours earlier to warn about the signs of the plague is laughing his company reciting the eulogy of his cousin, Count Attilio, torn away by the raging infection. An apotropaic act that sounds, the light of the events to follow, as a sinister prophecy.
in just over a month is Christmas. And soon the lights and Christmas decorations in the windows of the center will evoke the magical atmosphere of Advent. Always appear as soon as possible, anticipating the bright memory of a moment that can dispel the darkness. Maybe we can make it (we think) to avoid setting eyes on this pond cursed eye leaden old murderess. But no. It rains it rains it rains. All fall and break, the break-up prevails. Finally, we must recognize: the Scorpion has stung us, our soul is as it were intoxicated. Sloth, anxiety, sense of death are the background to the present. The water of Scorpio is
damn water? Traitor, covering the sand where it sinks. And 'the water in which the exhausted Ottilie of Goethe's Elective Affinities let drown the child entrusted to her. The same cold caresses the cheek where Ophelia's madness and drowning.
Yet this water can be crossed. We also like Atreyu, the hero of the never-ending story, we can travel in the "swamp of sadness" without being overcome, without losing hope sink (which is what happens to the beautiful horse Atreyu, pure energy, instinct, attachment to life without consciousness). And 'this water the macabre Milan in 1630: a huge whale corrupt from the body, in which the worker silk Renzo Tramaglino must necessarily stick, winning the disgust that the brand experience inspired him, if he wants to find his Lucia. If Lucy is not dead. As dead and defeat all around.
The hero can not deal with death. For it is clear that, if you simply try to chase them away, she will come back and sting all his days, poisoning. As an 'infection becomes chronic.
Why is there something worse than death, and the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath. The idea (death pictures, slides, advance with the mind), which gives the torment poisoning every happiness with a sense of insecurity and vanity of things. Only people who have been in the valley of Sheol, and he looked death in the face, Only those who have regained their lives snatched from the swamp can live as long as he has left. Others do not remains to survive. And a bit 'of divertissement. Less
man willing to live and think about the Scorpion and more is owned by his myth. It is located at acting it out, not understanding. Proof of this is water, beautiful, pure nature "Cancerian", or the vast, blue, fish, which reduces the man in a "scorpion". We always end up becoming what we strive for a bit 'unnatural to deny. A beautiful Persian legend tells of a servant to the market that meets the death, which sees it and makes a rude gesture, which he interprets as a threat. Runs far away, in Samarra, where he thinks he is safe. But in Samarra death awaits him. The gesture, in the morning it was not a threat, but a surprise: he knew he had to take it in Samarra: Why was the servant there? The death
flee, in short, riding as the servant of the story, just waiting for us in Samarra, and sure there is. And as we fled, there is cowardly traitors, and murderers. Scorpio.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Magtek Card Swipe Not Working
La morte non è mai bella
's always a good living, is always a bad thing to die? How do you respond to these questions in general? The life and death for themselves do not exist. There are living beings. I as born, live, die. By individuals. Always open to individuals. In the past I have often wondered "If you bring a child in her lap for some affection
frightening malformation that expose you to a life of great suffering and no way out, put it in the world?". That is to ask: "always worth living?" Any answer I was hurting, but the prevailing "no". No, do not put it in the world. No, life is not always better than death. Voice of my selfishness of the heart that decides on the basis of abstract universal principles? Even here, how do you respond ...
The most beautiful things on the issue of euthanasia for me so far were written by Eugenio Borgna, remembering how death is something so unique, special, unique that it can not be simply set by law. Da non poter produrre opposti schieramenti, perché la "bella morte" mette comunque sempre fine non "alla" vita, ma "ad una" vita. E poi il filo tra la morte procurata volontariamente e il rifiuto dell'accanimento terapeutico è così sottile, che è quasi impossibile distinguere. Io non so se l'altra sera, alla trasmissione di Fazio e Saviano, si sia riusciti a trattare il tema con il rispetto che gli è dovuto. Qualcosa però mi ha disturbato. Sono stata assalita dallo stesso sgomento che ho provato davanti al cartellone di Oliviero Toscani che un paio di anni fa mostrava il corpo nudo di un'anoressica. Lo scopo si disse era assolutamente educativo ma, continuo a domandarmi, non c'era un altro modo più discreto, umano, prudente to remind everyone of the consequences of malnutrition?
What prompted Welby's wife to read those final messages of her husband, things of daily life is absolutely harmless and not particularly meaningful, very personal, who had no way to communicate to millions of people. For what, to evoke emotional involvement? yet? That death had already given too much show, but apparently was not enough. More, more, more ... The man died as he wanted, but the show will not end, the show must go on.
Any spoken words on a screen (also "give my Pannella"), and exhibited spectacularized acquires a meaning, a weight, which in itself does not have. It 's a weight fittizio dato dal mezzo (l'unico ad esserne veramente esaltato). E tale peso ha a che fare con la retorica e l'ideologia più che con la verità. Ha che fare con l' arte e con il piacere estetico della rappresentazione, della catarsi, ma poco o nulla con la verità. La retorica e l'ideologia qui si aggirano come fanno gli avvoltoi intorno al Golgota.
Comprendo la moglie di Welby. La morte del marito è stata una grande morte. Una di quelle che danno l'impressione di bastare da sole a riempire una vita. Un po' come il sole d'inverno che occupa tutto l'orizzonte nell'ora del tramonto. Non è facile staccare lo sguardo e immaginare un'alba.
A proposito di eutanasia, io credo che si dovrebbe riflettere sul fatto che ogni epoca ha pensato alla morte, e soprattutto al modo di morire, in maniera diversa. La tecnologia oggi prolunga la vita di persone colpite da patologie che un tempo uccidevano velocemente. E ancora,oggi, una vita gradevole si misura con degli standard di autonomia, gradevolezza estetica, attività ed efficienza che in altre epoche forse avevano un peso meno determinante. Altrimenti ogni lebbroso si sarebbe ucciso, il che non accadeva, per quanto tragica fosse la vita e senza prospettiva il futuro. E tuttavia, a differenza di noi, in quelle epoche lontane c'era più tolleranza nei confronti di altri modi di troncare la vita. Dell'infanticidio ad esempio. Capitava che i neonati venissero soffocati dopo essere stati battezzati con maggiore frequenza di quanto si pensi. It was sin, I agree, and as such was treated in confession. A serious fault, however, be forgiven in the name of misery and struggle for existence. Because the environments and times were those in which the tender was a luxury. That is to say: every time you compare with these major issues in a necessarily different and this should not shock anyone. If anything should make us more aware and more careful when judging.
should also make us think that not everyone who calls for euthanasia can not give it to him himself. Welby and Luana were delivered to the gesture of pity, extreme, on the other. But there are cases in which the patient is free to kill, why not? Perhaps you expect from the legitimacy of community gesture. Maybe he wants to share responsibility for an act too big for one individual. Life should be closed with a positive feeling in which all adds up. A suicide too much like a disorderly flight. Everyone wants to get out of life through the back door and the window like a thief.
who refuses a priori the idea of \u200b\u200bputting an end to a degenerate life in hell, perhaps imprisoned by the machine should stop and think. Thinking with the mind and heart. And 'this moral philosophy. An hour of grief absurd, outrageous, procured through the application of technologies invented in the name of life, is an hour cursed. Idolize this life I do not like. Love is worth more than life. We always ask what are the reasons of life. But do not ever ask "love - mercy, compassion-what does it say?"
should reflect who is also a priori from the euthanasia or the living will (which does not solve the problem). The words spoken today by a man healthy, young, in the heyday of the forces ("if I had to be developed as such, is crippled, etc. attached to a respirator., Definitely let me die") are still valid today, when lie sick in bed, sick, hungry for light, and perhaps of care and caresses? Of many in agony is told not request to the comrade who was watching: "Let me see the light ...". The light is a decision take it seriously. I want to even imagine this story: a hapless man who did not know or care or any form of care than those that exempt doctors and nurses. Who can claim the right to judge his last days as unnecessary and undignified or think, in the absence of a clear determination of the expression, that is worth putting an end?
In conclusion, the "good death" is still evil and not nice at all. If anything can be compassionate. Why not call it "merciful death." Bella gives me the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath compatible with the prevailing aesthetic. Buttocks and high cheekbones. A death hypocritical, bourgeois. Devised not to offend the politically correct optimism middle class. La classe che piace a Pannella.
Io, se mi è permesso esprimere un desiderio, chiederei a tutti coloro che verranno coinvolti nella mia morte solo questo: "Non dimenticatevi di avere pietà".
's always a good living, is always a bad thing to die? How do you respond to these questions in general? The life and death for themselves do not exist. There are living beings. I as born, live, die. By individuals. Always open to individuals. In the past I have often wondered "If you bring a child in her lap for some affection
frightening malformation that expose you to a life of great suffering and no way out, put it in the world?". That is to ask: "always worth living?" Any answer I was hurting, but the prevailing "no". No, do not put it in the world. No, life is not always better than death. Voice of my selfishness of the heart that decides on the basis of abstract universal principles? Even here, how do you respond ...
The most beautiful things on the issue of euthanasia for me so far were written by Eugenio Borgna, remembering how death is something so unique, special, unique that it can not be simply set by law. Da non poter produrre opposti schieramenti, perché la "bella morte" mette comunque sempre fine non "alla" vita, ma "ad una" vita. E poi il filo tra la morte procurata volontariamente e il rifiuto dell'accanimento terapeutico è così sottile, che è quasi impossibile distinguere. Io non so se l'altra sera, alla trasmissione di Fazio e Saviano, si sia riusciti a trattare il tema con il rispetto che gli è dovuto. Qualcosa però mi ha disturbato. Sono stata assalita dallo stesso sgomento che ho provato davanti al cartellone di Oliviero Toscani che un paio di anni fa mostrava il corpo nudo di un'anoressica. Lo scopo si disse era assolutamente educativo ma, continuo a domandarmi, non c'era un altro modo più discreto, umano, prudente to remind everyone of the consequences of malnutrition?
What prompted Welby's wife to read those final messages of her husband, things of daily life is absolutely harmless and not particularly meaningful, very personal, who had no way to communicate to millions of people. For what, to evoke emotional involvement? yet? That death had already given too much show, but apparently was not enough. More, more, more ... The man died as he wanted, but the show will not end, the show must go on.
Any spoken words on a screen (also "give my Pannella"), and exhibited spectacularized acquires a meaning, a weight, which in itself does not have. It 's a weight fittizio dato dal mezzo (l'unico ad esserne veramente esaltato). E tale peso ha a che fare con la retorica e l'ideologia più che con la verità. Ha che fare con l' arte e con il piacere estetico della rappresentazione, della catarsi, ma poco o nulla con la verità. La retorica e l'ideologia qui si aggirano come fanno gli avvoltoi intorno al Golgota.
Comprendo la moglie di Welby. La morte del marito è stata una grande morte. Una di quelle che danno l'impressione di bastare da sole a riempire una vita. Un po' come il sole d'inverno che occupa tutto l'orizzonte nell'ora del tramonto. Non è facile staccare lo sguardo e immaginare un'alba.
A proposito di eutanasia, io credo che si dovrebbe riflettere sul fatto che ogni epoca ha pensato alla morte, e soprattutto al modo di morire, in maniera diversa. La tecnologia oggi prolunga la vita di persone colpite da patologie che un tempo uccidevano velocemente. E ancora,oggi, una vita gradevole si misura con degli standard di autonomia, gradevolezza estetica, attività ed efficienza che in altre epoche forse avevano un peso meno determinante. Altrimenti ogni lebbroso si sarebbe ucciso, il che non accadeva, per quanto tragica fosse la vita e senza prospettiva il futuro. E tuttavia, a differenza di noi, in quelle epoche lontane c'era più tolleranza nei confronti di altri modi di troncare la vita. Dell'infanticidio ad esempio. Capitava che i neonati venissero soffocati dopo essere stati battezzati con maggiore frequenza di quanto si pensi. It was sin, I agree, and as such was treated in confession. A serious fault, however, be forgiven in the name of misery and struggle for existence. Because the environments and times were those in which the tender was a luxury. That is to say: every time you compare with these major issues in a necessarily different and this should not shock anyone. If anything should make us more aware and more careful when judging.
should also make us think that not everyone who calls for euthanasia can not give it to him himself. Welby and Luana were delivered to the gesture of pity, extreme, on the other. But there are cases in which the patient is free to kill, why not? Perhaps you expect from the legitimacy of community gesture. Maybe he wants to share responsibility for an act too big for one individual. Life should be closed with a positive feeling in which all adds up. A suicide too much like a disorderly flight. Everyone wants to get out of life through the back door and the window like a thief.
who refuses a priori the idea of \u200b\u200bputting an end to a degenerate life in hell, perhaps imprisoned by the machine should stop and think. Thinking with the mind and heart. And 'this moral philosophy. An hour of grief absurd, outrageous, procured through the application of technologies invented in the name of life, is an hour cursed. Idolize this life I do not like. Love is worth more than life. We always ask what are the reasons of life. But do not ever ask "love - mercy, compassion-what does it say?"
should reflect who is also a priori from the euthanasia or the living will (which does not solve the problem). The words spoken today by a man healthy, young, in the heyday of the forces ("if I had to be developed as such, is crippled, etc. attached to a respirator., Definitely let me die") are still valid today, when lie sick in bed, sick, hungry for light, and perhaps of care and caresses? Of many in agony is told not request to the comrade who was watching: "Let me see the light ...". The light is a decision take it seriously. I want to even imagine this story: a hapless man who did not know or care or any form of care than those that exempt doctors and nurses. Who can claim the right to judge his last days as unnecessary and undignified or think, in the absence of a clear determination of the expression, that is worth putting an end?
In conclusion, the "good death" is still evil and not nice at all. If anything can be compassionate. Why not call it "merciful death." Bella gives me the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath compatible with the prevailing aesthetic. Buttocks and high cheekbones. A death hypocritical, bourgeois. Devised not to offend the politically correct optimism middle class. La classe che piace a Pannella.
Io, se mi è permesso esprimere un desiderio, chiederei a tutti coloro che verranno coinvolti nella mia morte solo questo: "Non dimenticatevi di avere pietà".
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a step too PRESENT: the memory of a trauma
Il disturbo post-traumatico da stress è la diretta conseguenza di un evidente episodio traumatico, vissuto in prima persona o come spettatore, di un incidente, della morte improvvisa di una persona cara, di un intervento chirurgico, oppure di una calamità naturale, di un terremoto, di un'alluvione o di una guerra.
L'esperienza nailing the person for an injury to his past and present and past league and keeping alive the memory of that emotionally devastating.
Autore: dott.ssa Roberta Cieri
Il disturbo post-traumatico da stress è la diretta conseguenza di un evidente episodio traumatico, vissuto in prima persona o come spettatore, di un incidente, della morte improvvisa di una persona cara, di un intervento chirurgico, oppure di una calamità naturale, di un terremoto, di un'alluvione o di una guerra.

In clinical practice, it was noted that behind some psychological disorders such as panic attacks apparent, an obsessive-compulsive disorder, an eating disorder, can sometimes hide a type of traumatic event.
In memory of trauma is usually associated with severe pain, sometimes the sensation experienced is a mixture of pain and anger. In telling his life refers to a 'before' and 'after' in relation to the traumatic event, stressing that it represents a kind of breaking point in the narrative of himself and his life.
When it comes to post-traumatic disorder makes no reference to childhood trauma, which occurred within six years of life, they are based on psychoanalytic theories, but rather it is events experienced in adolescence or adulthood, when the person's identity has already built a well-structured.
What people are trying to do to get rid of this kind of experience is groped to erase from their memory, but in an attempt to jump behind a painful past experiences is the paradox from being nailed. Sometimes you try to distract themselves, they close themselves off in their pain or share it continuously. The variety of
reactions you may experience depend on both the personal characteristics of those who lived through the trauma, whether the particular type of experience.
psychotherapy, specifically in the model of brief strategic therapy, aims to reposition the past in the past, so that no spill-over of this in person, instead allowing them to unlock their own resources, those resources we are all naturally gifted to be able to overcome those events which, unfortunately, may be part of the human condition.
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