Autore: dott.ssa Roberta Cieri
Il disturbo post-traumatico da stress è la diretta conseguenza di un evidente episodio traumatico, vissuto in prima persona o come spettatore, di un incidente, della morte improvvisa di una persona cara, di un intervento chirurgico, oppure di una calamità naturale, di un terremoto, di un'alluvione o di una guerra.

In clinical practice, it was noted that behind some psychological disorders such as panic attacks apparent, an obsessive-compulsive disorder, an eating disorder, can sometimes hide a type of traumatic event.
In memory of trauma is usually associated with severe pain, sometimes the sensation experienced is a mixture of pain and anger. In telling his life refers to a 'before' and 'after' in relation to the traumatic event, stressing that it represents a kind of breaking point in the narrative of himself and his life.
When it comes to post-traumatic disorder makes no reference to childhood trauma, which occurred within six years of life, they are based on psychoanalytic theories, but rather it is events experienced in adolescence or adulthood, when the person's identity has already built a well-structured.
What people are trying to do to get rid of this kind of experience is groped to erase from their memory, but in an attempt to jump behind a painful past experiences is the paradox from being nailed. Sometimes you try to distract themselves, they close themselves off in their pain or share it continuously. The variety of
reactions you may experience depend on both the personal characteristics of those who lived through the trauma, whether the particular type of experience.
psychotherapy, specifically in the model of brief strategic therapy, aims to reposition the past in the past, so that no spill-over of this in person, instead allowing them to unlock their own resources, those resources we are all naturally gifted to be able to overcome those events which, unfortunately, may be part of the human condition.
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