Ninetta e le altre
Il 25 novembre è un giorno che il 17 dicembre del 1999 l'Onu ha voluto dedicare alla lotta contro la violenza sulle donne.
In questa particolare occasione io voglio perciò ricordare una vicenda storica particolarmente drammatica, che ha per protagoniste non solo ma soprattutto le donne. Una vicenda ormai lontana nel tempo, pressoché ignorata dai manuali di storia e sottovalutata dalla storiografia, per quanto copiosa, del secondo conflitto mondiale. Una vicenda who has never filled the pages of newspapers, has never shaken the conscience. I am referring here to "Moroccan " , rapes group 43-44 years who underwent mostly women but also men (and even children) in some areas of central and southern Italy, during the advance of colonial French Maghreb. The violence has left behind a trail of pain, loneliness, anxiety, no one tried to alleviate and cure. On the contrary, to be disposed of in silence, in a context of shame, humiliation and condemnation. To keep the shame of the violence hidden, even to those husbands returning home from the war wanted to resume life as before. In 1943 the army
alleato sbarcato in Sicilia, avendo subito perdite che potevano comprometterne l'avanzata, chiese aiuto alle forze francesi che inviarono il Corpo di Spedizione Francese, al comando del generale Alphonse Juin: 130 mila uomini, tra cui 12 mila soldati marocchini e algerini (i goumiers). Per entusiasmarli al compimento dell'impresa sembra che il generale Juin inviasse ai suoi goumiers questo proclama (della cui autenticità però, che scaricherebbe la responsabilità dei fatti quasi interamente sulle sue spalle alcunii storici dubitano): "«Soldati!...Alle spalle del nemico vi sono donne, case, c'è un vino tra i migliori del mondo, c'è dell'oro. Tutto ciò sarà vostro se vincerete. Dovrete uccidere i tedeschi fino all'ultimo man and go at any cost. What I have said and promised to keep. For 50 hours you will be the absolute masters of what they find beyond the enemy. No one will punish you for what you do, nobody will ask you what you take into account "(see" The French Expeditionary Corps in Italy 1943-1944 ", by Fabrizio Carloni, ed. Mursia). For
goumiers was entrusted with the conquest of the ridge of the mountains Aurunci. The villages that fell into the nightmare they met: humiliation and unspeakable violence, "some 2,000 women outraged," the complaint a report of the '50s (with a lower number of victims, many of which are a kind of modesty chose not to report) "affected syphilis, 90 percent from gonorrhea, and many children born of unions Islam by force - 40% of men infected by their wives. 81% of buildings destroyed, removed 90 percent of livestock, jewelry, clothes and money. "
The Vatican had to ask the allies to come to Rome only Christian forces, hoping thereby to avoid the violence peggori and believing in those behaviors that perhaps there was a component of 'cultural' fighting spirit typical of the Maghreb, still tied to an idea tribal of war, pillage, plunder, rape, ways to weaken the enemy "corrupting" the blood. An idea that would not sit well with the allied army as a liberating force. These
mass rapes, preceded by behavior primitive path already on the Gela-Licata, exploded in the province of Frosinone, affecting particularly the small village of Esperia, and continued in some areas of Lazio and Tuscany. Where there were sufficient women, goumiers is vented, and even on older children. A priest (Don Alberto Terilli: appointed him because he is a hero. I wonder if they named a school, a square ...) tried to defend the three women: the torture to which he was subjected to revenge during a 'the whole night killed. Many men who rushed to protect their women, were impaled. Mothers who try to defend her daughters were shot and possibly raped: Elisabetta Rossi, Margherita Molinari ... let's not forget! But the names sono tanti, la Liberazione in posti comeEsperia è stata la liberazione degli istinti, l'orgiastica esaltazione del diritto dei vincitori. Ci pensino bene quelli che sottovalutano il contributo della resistenza partigiana attribuendo al solo esercito il merito della caduta del fascismo. L'esercito alleato è stato anche questo: le marocchinate .
Negli atti parlamentari relativi alla seduta del 7 aprile 1952, scrissero che "questo è uno dei casi più dolorosi della guerra; uno di quei casi che è meglio dimenticare". Infatti è stato dimenticato, perché non se n'è parlato per molti anni. Moravia vi ha fatto esplicito riferimento nel romanzo La ciociara , che ha poi ispirato un celebre film, but even this has been able to translate into historical consciousness. I believe instead that it would be for the writer's history also compensate those who history has caused subire.Chi it was sucked and mangled. It is in a compensation fund "Manzoni": that is the same that inspired the writer Milan the "History of the infamous column.
Unfortunately we can not charge those responsible for this massacre of the weight of the sins committed, neither the bloody French General Juin (but is certain that even people far more influential, as De Gaulle himself, were aware of the violence of the Maghreb, so that will send dozens of African prostitutes, but did not arrive in time to calm their boiling spirits). Indeed, France still maintains marked confidential all information relating to each other. We can only remember the women (many died from violence and infections, many lives were ruined), men, children ... all innocent before the turn of armed killers by the indifference of power. We remember them all because it never happens again.
One question: why it continues to talk about so little? The reworking of the trauma of the affected population (not by individuals who do not ever free from pain more) will have some considerable time and this, in addition to the moralism and a little reticent 'sexual phobia prevalent in the fifties and sixties, può bastare a spiegare l'iniziale silenzio sui fatti (una vera e propria rimozione collettiva). Ma adesso?
F. Carloni - Il corpo di spedizione francese in Italia, 1943-1944 - Milano, Mursia, 2006
Atti parlamentari - 37011 - Camera dei Deputati, "Seduta notturna di lunedì 7 aprile 1952"
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