's always a good living, is always a bad thing to die? How do you respond to these questions in general? The life and death for themselves do not exist. There are living beings. I as born, live, die. By individuals. Always open to individuals. In the past I have often wondered "If you bring a child in her lap for some affection
frightening malformation that expose you to a life of great suffering and no way out, put it in the world?". That is to ask: "always worth living?" Any answer I was hurting, but the prevailing "no". No, do not put it in the world. No, life is not always better than death. Voice of my selfishness of the heart that decides on the basis of abstract universal principles? Even here, how do you respond ...
The most beautiful things on the issue of euthanasia for me so far were written by Eugenio Borgna, remembering how death is something so unique, special, unique that it can not be simply set by law. Da non poter produrre opposti schieramenti, perché la "bella morte" mette comunque sempre fine non "alla" vita, ma "ad una" vita. E poi il filo tra la morte procurata volontariamente e il rifiuto dell'accanimento terapeutico è così sottile, che è quasi impossibile distinguere. Io non so se l'altra sera, alla trasmissione di Fazio e Saviano, si sia riusciti a trattare il tema con il rispetto che gli è dovuto. Qualcosa però mi ha disturbato. Sono stata assalita dallo stesso sgomento che ho provato davanti al cartellone di Oliviero Toscani che un paio di anni fa mostrava il corpo nudo di un'anoressica. Lo scopo si disse era assolutamente educativo ma, continuo a domandarmi, non c'era un altro modo più discreto, umano, prudente to remind everyone of the consequences of malnutrition?
What prompted Welby's wife to read those final messages of her husband, things of daily life is absolutely harmless and not particularly meaningful, very personal, who had no way to communicate to millions of people. For what, to evoke emotional involvement? yet? That death had already given too much show, but apparently was not enough. More, more, more ... The man died as he wanted, but the show will not end, the show must go on.
Any spoken words on a screen (also "give my Pannella"), and exhibited spectacularized acquires a meaning, a weight, which in itself does not have. It 's a weight fittizio dato dal mezzo (l'unico ad esserne veramente esaltato). E tale peso ha a che fare con la retorica e l'ideologia più che con la verità. Ha che fare con l' arte e con il piacere estetico della rappresentazione, della catarsi, ma poco o nulla con la verità. La retorica e l'ideologia qui si aggirano come fanno gli avvoltoi intorno al Golgota.
Comprendo la moglie di Welby. La morte del marito è stata una grande morte. Una di quelle che danno l'impressione di bastare da sole a riempire una vita. Un po' come il sole d'inverno che occupa tutto l'orizzonte nell'ora del tramonto. Non è facile staccare lo sguardo e immaginare un'alba.
A proposito di eutanasia, io credo che si dovrebbe riflettere sul fatto che ogni epoca ha pensato alla morte, e soprattutto al modo di morire, in maniera diversa. La tecnologia oggi prolunga la vita di persone colpite da patologie che un tempo uccidevano velocemente. E ancora,oggi, una vita gradevole si misura con degli standard di autonomia, gradevolezza estetica, attività ed efficienza che in altre epoche forse avevano un peso meno determinante. Altrimenti ogni lebbroso si sarebbe ucciso, il che non accadeva, per quanto tragica fosse la vita e senza prospettiva il futuro. E tuttavia, a differenza di noi, in quelle epoche lontane c'era più tolleranza nei confronti di altri modi di troncare la vita. Dell'infanticidio ad esempio. Capitava che i neonati venissero soffocati dopo essere stati battezzati con maggiore frequenza di quanto si pensi. It was sin, I agree, and as such was treated in confession. A serious fault, however, be forgiven in the name of misery and struggle for existence. Because the environments and times were those in which the tender was a luxury. That is to say: every time you compare with these major issues in a necessarily different and this should not shock anyone. If anything should make us more aware and more careful when judging.
should also make us think that not everyone who calls for euthanasia can not give it to him himself. Welby and Luana were delivered to the gesture of pity, extreme, on the other. But there are cases in which the patient is free to kill, why not? Perhaps you expect from the legitimacy of community gesture. Maybe he wants to share responsibility for an act too big for one individual. Life should be closed with a positive feeling in which all adds up. A suicide too much like a disorderly flight. Everyone wants to get out of life through the back door and the window like a thief.
who refuses a priori the idea of \u200b\u200bputting an end to a degenerate life in hell, perhaps imprisoned by the machine should stop and think. Thinking with the mind and heart. And 'this moral philosophy. An hour of grief absurd, outrageous, procured through the application of technologies invented in the name of life, is an hour cursed. Idolize this life I do not like. Love is worth more than life. We always ask what are the reasons of life. But do not ever ask "love - mercy, compassion-what does it say?"
should reflect who is also a priori from the euthanasia or the living will (which does not solve the problem). The words spoken today by a man healthy, young, in the heyday of the forces ("if I had to be developed as such, is crippled, etc. attached to a respirator., Definitely let me die") are still valid today, when lie sick in bed, sick, hungry for light, and perhaps of care and caresses? Of many in agony is told not request to the comrade who was watching: "Let me see the light ...". The light is a decision take it seriously. I want to even imagine this story: a hapless man who did not know or care or any form of care than those that exempt doctors and nurses. Who can claim the right to judge his last days as unnecessary and undignified or think, in the absence of a clear determination of the expression, that is worth putting an end?
In conclusion, the "good death" is still evil and not nice at all. If anything can be compassionate. Why not call it "merciful death." Bella gives me the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath compatible with the prevailing aesthetic. Buttocks and high cheekbones. A death hypocritical, bourgeois. Devised not to offend the politically correct optimism middle class. La classe che piace a Pannella.
Io, se mi è permesso esprimere un desiderio, chiederei a tutti coloro che verranno coinvolti nella mia morte solo questo: "Non dimenticatevi di avere pietà".
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