The Antichrist, by Joseph Roth
L'Anticristo è ovunque, l'Anticristo is in us, the Antichrist will guide the story. He sits on the throne of kings, longer claws on the papal curia, he wants the destruction of the Jew and the Jew lives if they desire the salvation exclusively for his people. The Antichrist has laid the foundations of Hollywood, the capital of the lost souls who have sold the shadow to the devil in exchange for money and illusions. And now the shadow rules the world.
Contemporary history with its most important events comes from the pages of The Antichrist of Joseph Roth (Editori Riuniti) as a history of Shadows, crossed by the bug shattering the illusion that each ancestral knowledge, the roots of smangiucchiando historical consciousness, leave foot building unreal, ie shadows, like those of the cinema, and then Lies, ideologies, projections of what Nietzsche called the "will to power". For Roth, steeped in spirituality and suffering from inflamed poetic fury, are misleading forms of all nationalism, which disregards the communion of brotherhood camaraderie in resolving it patriotic or worse in the bond of blood the breed. Misleading forms of communism that kills God and raises the machine to machine by reducing the man himself, because a servant does not know that even being a servant, but it is believed in the name of a master deception that acts as a witchcraft, is not the natural son of the Golem?
L 'Antichrist di J. Roth è un libro che scrive sulla pelle. Il linguaggio è ispirato, la filosofia è profonda. La verità si fa strada tra infuocati arabeschi di immagini scaturite da una mente febbrilmente attiva, difficile da seguire. Il discorso è infarcito di geniali neologismi che avvolgono in una rete di segrete analogie realtà apparentemente lontane (ne è un esempio la scomposizione Holly-wood, letteralmente "bosco di agrifogli", accostata per assonanza al tedesco Holle-Wut, "furia d'inferno": e "furia d'inferno" sarà in tutto il testo la città dove l'umanità delle persone che vendono l'ombra svapora nella vacuità del personaggio). Perfino il mito entra in campo, laddove lo sguardo si fa abissale e rifiuta any mediation, the point at which the dialectic becomes empty chatter: the Monster is there before us, with its mild eyes of a beast and we recognize it. Roth himself warns, "I wrote this book as a reminder and a warning, that the Antichrist will be recognized in all the forms in which it shows."
Recognize the Antichrist, even if is cloaked in false humility, even wearing the clothes of the victim, can lead to the worst of solitudes. To fight against all those who feel and would not want to, but "must". The Antichrist seems to read "against all" and, as noted in the introduction beautiful Flavia Arzeni , is "an anarchist text, nichilista, intriso di profondo pessimismo". Impressione confermata dalla brava traduttrice Cristina Guarnieri che nella nota introduttiva aggiunge: "Il Roth che si manifesta in queste pagine, moderno Geremia, ha un timbro troppo acceso, troppo profetico, perché possa essere ricevuto con facilità. Con la sua irruenza oratoria e la sua verve teatrale non risparmia nessuno: né l'antisemita né l'ebreo, né la dittaura nazista né quella comunista, né il cinema né i giornali".
Ma siamo nei primi anni '30, come non essere pessimisti? come non cogliere nell'atmosfera stessa che si respira i segni della distruzione e la presenza del Male? I poeti hanno inoltre delle antenne particolari, like those of insects: translating the vibrations of the air and obtained images of what is happening in the depths, where destinies are forged. I would add that Roth feels very ahead of its time in the demonic and destructive technology hatching itself, enveloping in its web countries, cultures and political systems very different and distant, even opposing. The myth of the Russian Bolshevik machine imposes itself as a business man from New York. The machine steals the shadow of the actor or the mere appearance of Hollywood and the machine forces the poor miners working underground as a mole for extracting coal and coal as the coal trade and under the earth there should never be.
course, the only way out (If ever there is one) that might suggest the pages of Roth is impossible to go to more of holiness. The way of those who waives qualsasi seduction, does not seek power, and adheres to their fragility recognizing "son" of the Creator, in need of grace, the brother of all men. But not exactly. This pamphlet
explosive can certainly understand putting it in the context of the whole work of Roth. Job , The legend of the Holy Drinker , we speak of a humanity that is great in recognition of its natural imperfections. The Antichrist act where the man is considered immune dal peccato ed elabora una specie di forsennato idealismo che lo spinge a pensare di realizzare sulla terra la Perfezione celeste. L'Anticristo abita l'uomo che crede e nel momento in cui crede di essere Angelo. Gli isterici utopismi a base religiosa, nazionalista e ideologica (come quelli che sorreggono tutte le rivoluzioni, da quella francese a quella russa a quella tecnologica) portano con sé una lunga catena di crimini, commessa sempre in nome della Giustizia e del Progresso.
Il santo di Roth, colui che combatte l'Anticristo, non è quello "impossibile" delle agiografie. Non è San Giorgio vittorioso sul drago. Ma il santo peccatore che nella fragilità viva e vera della sua carne trova il miglior antidoto contro la gelida astrazione di an idealism which acts in the world as an anti-personnel mine. Disintegrating the unity of the unique shape and reducing each order all'amorfa substance of the matter. How does the money, as the war. Bells created to praise and then merged and re-shape to manufacture bullets (the most beautiful chapters that approach significantly bells, or better rendering of bells, and artillery). Because there is no land to conquer and earn money. And they discarded plasma ridisfa is the hand of the Antichrist.
The Antichrist of Joseph Roth , Editori Riuniti, 2010
read about it the nice review of Claudio Magris the Corriere della Sera 17 December 2010. You can find it here
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Rechargeable Batteries Gas
Reservoir Dogs the new (and false) teaching. The mini stories of Prof. Balzanelli, 8
Professor Balzanelli he's been quiet in recent months. He worked on the classes have focused on some guys who already seem doomed to failure. Boys apparently devoid of all that school is important. He is not pedagogy but we want to try the same.
Its headmaster, however, has recently ranked among the teachers "laziness." Not so explicitly, but the senso era questo. Balzanelli si è rifiutato di sottostare ai vuoti imperativi della presunta nuova didattica prevista dal riordino, in cui ha intravisto le ragioni di un nuovo business. Di una speculazione bella e buona, dove ad arricchirsi saranno le solite iene già use ad aggirarsi intorno alla carogna del pubbblico spolpandola via via.
Ma in primo luogo il prof. Balzanelli è esasperato dall'insulso nominalismo che ha sconvolto la scuola negli ultimi quindici anni. La Gelmini è solo l'ultima, la meno consapevole, povera stella (che in Parlamento, premendo il pulsante sbagliato, ha pure votato contro la sua riforma!).
Ora, ha detto il preside in collegio, va la didattica delle competenze: basta con la didattica dei contenuti, stuff for old man. And he also added that to understand the teaching of skills (something difficult to explain since no one knows) will need to contact some training agency operating throughout the country. Prof. Balzanelli is not a smart but he is not an idiot and got on the fly. Once again in state schools, which are removed continuously funding, there is a smell of business. Paid training agencies will send updates and educational professionals who know nothing but were trained to give some explanation, good to entertain an audience of teachers just a few hours. The course will last thirty, maybe fifty, and a meeting will all be meeting in a dash in the rigmarole mentioned above.
That the public school yet, and indeed almost only for our ruling class, a cash cow (but now at large, in a systematic and professional) has been understood from the board last year that the media have arrived in the rain schools of the kingdom. She does not know how to use anyone and no one has ever felt the need, but there is no problem because there will be a refresher course. And who pays the state? Who gains? It is not known. Teachers and students should only have to enjoy a multimedia blackboard at school and trotting happily toward progress. What a whiteboard media costs three to four months' salary of a tutor is a thought that touches the mind of the minister.
But this is still nothing. What really has taken away the sleep from our professor is that behind the teaching of skills, learning to nominalism, the preponderance given to technology in the education, there is the destruction of public schools but most of mankind. The educational relationship is in fact a complex and personal relationship where you two play their game and wins it grows. This ratio makes sense only if he maintains his integrity, his "momentum", and a Gestalt t afford that no one should break into tiny segments. How do you talk about skills against your content? without skills or content? The professor seems absurd.
Let's programming in Italian. In pursuit of skills essential to reading and correct interpretation of a text, many teachers have reduced the choice of the text to refer to students as well as its interpretation on purely formal, grammatical or stylistic. And here is the teaching units devoted exclusively to the issue of cohesion and the pursuit of the connectives, or the free indirect discourse, etc. ... You know that pain in the ass for an hour on a text connective perhaps not very interesting (since it has been selected for the connectives and not the contents!). At this point, to motivate students scazzatissimi there is only one thing to do: deliver high ratings. Ten to one who recognizes temporal connectives correctly (after, now, tomorrow ...) and logical (because, consequently, etc.). Ten not to be sent to that country.
colleagues have left the professor Balzanelli alone with his battle, the rest probably do not understand. Outside it was snowing, it's almost Christmas, there are gifts to buy. Perhaps no coincidence that the president has chosen that school for its proposal. It seems that in the end he said, ahead of only 11 opponents, "Here we see people who want to work and who is not" giving them implicitly of beggars. Now, Professor Balzanelli a fortnight only works for the school, including Saturday afternoon. Could do full names of many who voted in favor and are known to keep the checks a month before returning correct. Colleagues use to camp out on the same page for so long, not to prepare new material, not to address issues that require study and commitment. But the rascal he is.
will not break down, that's for sure, to what we have said is stubborn. "You will make the corner that sticks out, the Lolli Claudio?" he asks laughing his wife Domitilla. Of course you do, do sign him. And no matter if the machine will not stop. He will be small Ludd a perverse system. Because in the end it all started from there. By the fragmentation of work and its reduction to a commodity, then passed through the assembly line, the depersonalization employment and vocational training to reduce training. What is claimed by the school, in fact, is that many workers form soldier, flexible and indifferent to the great ethical questions that the work places. The Parliament of the rest in these days has given us a beautiful picture of flexibility. A flexible all-Italian, riddled with corruption, cunning, accommodating and cowardice. Cowardice before the power, like that of the principals must now be saying to teachers that there is no way out or eat the soup or skip the window. That Europe is losing its way. Fifteen years ago, D'Alema and Confindustria convinced us of the same thing: either flexibility or death. We had all the flexibility Italian: not "I lose my job and find another" but "I lose my job to know." Who knows what's going on in other countries. Judging by the protests seem to me that they are not good there, either. And someone told me that in countries where education has triumphed nominalism boys are more ignorant.
Who knows what will happen to the "educational purpose" (the only term that in the last twenty years has felt the professor friend, perhaps the accent on the "a", which gives the feeling of extending opening, a bridge to the other: the 'elan the life of the teacher) asks the professor, turning over in bed beside his wife who snorts in disgust. Maybe the powers to other experts. People who have never taught, but has a master's degree at the Bocconi University on behaviorism and the pragmatics of communication. People in well-organized training agencies, close to one or another political current. At this or that minister. And who knows, maybe one day the service could provide the same Cepu. Domitilla dear, how do you sleep?
Professor Balzanelli he's been quiet in recent months. He worked on the classes have focused on some guys who already seem doomed to failure. Boys apparently devoid of all that school is important. He is not pedagogy but we want to try the same.
Its headmaster, however, has recently ranked among the teachers "laziness." Not so explicitly, but the senso era questo. Balzanelli si è rifiutato di sottostare ai vuoti imperativi della presunta nuova didattica prevista dal riordino, in cui ha intravisto le ragioni di un nuovo business. Di una speculazione bella e buona, dove ad arricchirsi saranno le solite iene già use ad aggirarsi intorno alla carogna del pubbblico spolpandola via via.
Ma in primo luogo il prof. Balzanelli è esasperato dall'insulso nominalismo che ha sconvolto la scuola negli ultimi quindici anni. La Gelmini è solo l'ultima, la meno consapevole, povera stella (che in Parlamento, premendo il pulsante sbagliato, ha pure votato contro la sua riforma!).
Ora, ha detto il preside in collegio, va la didattica delle competenze: basta con la didattica dei contenuti, stuff for old man. And he also added that to understand the teaching of skills (something difficult to explain since no one knows) will need to contact some training agency operating throughout the country. Prof. Balzanelli is not a smart but he is not an idiot and got on the fly. Once again in state schools, which are removed continuously funding, there is a smell of business. Paid training agencies will send updates and educational professionals who know nothing but were trained to give some explanation, good to entertain an audience of teachers just a few hours. The course will last thirty, maybe fifty, and a meeting will all be meeting in a dash in the rigmarole mentioned above.
That the public school yet, and indeed almost only for our ruling class, a cash cow (but now at large, in a systematic and professional) has been understood from the board last year that the media have arrived in the rain schools of the kingdom. She does not know how to use anyone and no one has ever felt the need, but there is no problem because there will be a refresher course. And who pays the state? Who gains? It is not known. Teachers and students should only have to enjoy a multimedia blackboard at school and trotting happily toward progress. What a whiteboard media costs three to four months' salary of a tutor is a thought that touches the mind of the minister.
But this is still nothing. What really has taken away the sleep from our professor is that behind the teaching of skills, learning to nominalism, the preponderance given to technology in the education, there is the destruction of public schools but most of mankind. The educational relationship is in fact a complex and personal relationship where you two play their game and wins it grows. This ratio makes sense only if he maintains his integrity, his "momentum", and a Gestalt t afford that no one should break into tiny segments. How do you talk about skills against your content? without skills or content? The professor seems absurd.
Let's programming in Italian. In pursuit of skills essential to reading and correct interpretation of a text, many teachers have reduced the choice of the text to refer to students as well as its interpretation on purely formal, grammatical or stylistic. And here is the teaching units devoted exclusively to the issue of cohesion and the pursuit of the connectives, or the free indirect discourse, etc. ... You know that pain in the ass for an hour on a text connective perhaps not very interesting (since it has been selected for the connectives and not the contents!). At this point, to motivate students scazzatissimi there is only one thing to do: deliver high ratings. Ten to one who recognizes temporal connectives correctly (after, now, tomorrow ...) and logical (because, consequently, etc.). Ten not to be sent to that country.
colleagues have left the professor Balzanelli alone with his battle, the rest probably do not understand. Outside it was snowing, it's almost Christmas, there are gifts to buy. Perhaps no coincidence that the president has chosen that school for its proposal. It seems that in the end he said, ahead of only 11 opponents, "Here we see people who want to work and who is not" giving them implicitly of beggars. Now, Professor Balzanelli a fortnight only works for the school, including Saturday afternoon. Could do full names of many who voted in favor and are known to keep the checks a month before returning correct. Colleagues use to camp out on the same page for so long, not to prepare new material, not to address issues that require study and commitment. But the rascal he is.
will not break down, that's for sure, to what we have said is stubborn. "You will make the corner that sticks out, the Lolli Claudio?" he asks laughing his wife Domitilla. Of course you do, do sign him. And no matter if the machine will not stop. He will be small Ludd a perverse system. Because in the end it all started from there. By the fragmentation of work and its reduction to a commodity, then passed through the assembly line, the depersonalization employment and vocational training to reduce training. What is claimed by the school, in fact, is that many workers form soldier, flexible and indifferent to the great ethical questions that the work places. The Parliament of the rest in these days has given us a beautiful picture of flexibility. A flexible all-Italian, riddled with corruption, cunning, accommodating and cowardice. Cowardice before the power, like that of the principals must now be saying to teachers that there is no way out or eat the soup or skip the window. That Europe is losing its way. Fifteen years ago, D'Alema and Confindustria convinced us of the same thing: either flexibility or death. We had all the flexibility Italian: not "I lose my job and find another" but "I lose my job to know." Who knows what's going on in other countries. Judging by the protests seem to me that they are not good there, either. And someone told me that in countries where education has triumphed nominalism boys are more ignorant.
Who knows what will happen to the "educational purpose" (the only term that in the last twenty years has felt the professor friend, perhaps the accent on the "a", which gives the feeling of extending opening, a bridge to the other: the 'elan the life of the teacher) asks the professor, turning over in bed beside his wife who snorts in disgust. Maybe the powers to other experts. People who have never taught, but has a master's degree at the Bocconi University on behaviorism and the pragmatics of communication. People in well-organized training agencies, close to one or another political current. At this or that minister. And who knows, maybe one day the service could provide the same Cepu. Domitilla dear, how do you sleep?
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Vibration Dampers For Washing Machine
Hate is by men or da dei?
The days of Advent seem more suitable for a meditation on love. Were it not for the religious significance of Christmas, would be enough to enjoy the warm front of the fire that illuminates the darkness languidly.
But today I want to meditate on hatred, considering it right in its worst aspect, ie starting from its more radical and extreme. From where do you hate persecution.
The evil that most often encounter in life is not hate, but simply the fruit, bitter and unpleasant, fear. E 'out of fear and hatred that sometimes he pretends to despise someone, perhaps merely to ignore the merits: his fear that the light appears near the merits overshadow the less obvious, or, worse reveals its dazzling, pitiless defects. We only need a gesture of friendship by the "bright" and the resentment against him vanish like frost in the sun. If they ban all forms of hatred, and hatred so, then perhaps human life would already be extinct.
L'odio vero io grazie a dio credo di non averlo mai provato, purtroppo mi sono resa conto non da molto tempo che esiste. Per poterlo riconoscere bisogna infatti perdere l'innocenza. I bambini e gli adolescenti, ma anche le persone che riescono a mantenere a lungo una certa ingenuità di vedute, non possono riconoscerlo. Se anche viene loro indicato e spiegato da qualcuno più grande ed esperto, non lo capiscono: si fermano a guardarlo un attimo, incuriositi, poi danno un'alzata di spalle e volano via, leggeri come farfalle. Devono vivere e il mondo è troppo bello e vario perché si perda il tempo in simili brutture. E l'odio è talmente brutto, per queste anime, da essere impossibile. Pochi attimi e se ne sono già dimenticati.
The truth is hate to those who just can not bear to see the happiness of others. But this "does not want to see (in-videre)" is not enough: it could be simply a feeling of envy, from which a lucky few can truly say immune. Because there is hatred must envy you face action, driven by a conscious and explicit desire to destroy the happiness of the other: that is to hurt her, enjoying the spectacle of seeing him suffer. Even the hatred in his way is ultimately contemplative, like love, but where love praise, hatred degrades. Removes light crumble, bringing confusion to the multiplicity of matter. Hatred is designed not to exist anymore. For this is the nature of hatred and persecution can not satisfy any of that goal achieved is not the absolute annihilation of the other. Sometimes it can be understood only by attributing it to a kind of supra-will, even inscrutable. Examples are the persecutions of Christians imepriale age, how many officials of the Roman state, forced to examine and judge young people of Christian faith, not having wanted to condemn martyrdom. How much consternation at the terrible sentence that knew they had to say. Someone begged Christians to recant, suggesting perhaps with more discretion to cultivate their faith. The elite of Rome, young, beautiful and strong, was delivered to morte da ministri del tribunale in lacrime. La condanna al martirio non sembrava affatto opera di un odio personale. L'iniziativa partiva dall'alto: per motivi di opportunità politica, paura, superficialità. Che tuttavia per una strana mescolanza si traducevano in annientamento. Chi era il supremo alchimista di quest'opera nera, sempre in corso nella storia, non è dato sapere.
Oggi io osservo qualcosa di simile nei confronti dei bambini, come se una silenziosa strage degli innocenti (non dei loro corpi ma delle loro menti) fosse in atto : la loro innocenza è quotidianamente offesa, ridicolizzata, strumentalizzata, mercificata, e infine annientata. Tutta la civiltà mediatica è mobilitata e persegue attentamente lo scopo. But again, that in this way may seem incorrect, misleading, exaggerated. Because no one (or almost) voluntarily pursues a similar aim. Yet the result is exactly that undermine the innocence of working through the scandal. I was struck by the words of David Grossman gave an interview a few days ago: Children, he said, must be protected as much as possible from the knowledge of evil. Even in those countries and in those situations where it is very difficult, such as in Palestine. The awareness of evil, I would add, can in fact be tolerated only by a soul no longer innocent. The loss of innocence for all of us is not so much the consequence of evil, but this that makes bearable the pain of evil (committed or suffered). How to turn off the light. Taming the beauty, lose the wonder, not to be bitten by the disappointment.
The persecutor, it must be said, do not necessarily know the object of his hatred, "as it is one of 'benefits of this world, to be able to hate and be hated, without knowing" (A. Manzoni). In fact, I happened quite recently to be the subject of persecution by a group of people (those comrades, even alas companions of snacks: where instead of bread and Nutella, however, there is a poison), which not even know me. Never seen and some never even heard of. Disturbing. That on the one hand we can commit to damage someone who does not even know. And the other should be a hate faceless and seemingly without cause. Stuff that they need a great patron saint (or perhaps a great analyst). I can understand the mystery at times more open and less rationalistic worship of the guardian angel and the saints. It takes a really extraordinary and inscrutable forces to protect themselves from hatred.
Hatred in short is not a usual feeling. There are so many simulations (from simple dislike to the rivalry envy) that are not hate because they are all human. And the man is never pure meanness of mixing the branding everywhere, hatred as in love. And 'his figure. The purely human love and hate sono incostanti e mutevoli. Ma l'uomo che ama fino al sacrificio di sé, o quello che odia fino a godere della sofferenza dell'altro, è un uomo caduto nelle reti di una volontà superiore. Quella dello spirito rischiarato dall'ideale della comunione, nel caso dell'amore, o, nel caso dell'odio, quella del potere (come talvolta nel caso dei persecutori dei cristiani, dei funzionari delle varie dittature ecc.), quella della specie o della razza (quanti tedeschi si sono abbandonati agli appetiti distruttivi della persecuzione senza intimanente crederci, vittime a loro volte di un che di grande e indecifrabile che li possedeva: il carisma del fuhrer, l'invasamento collettivo...) o quella terribile dello spirito diabolico che istiga alla divisione and fragmentation of the other radically threatening the integrity, pure hatred for the man? It 'difficult to answer.
Hatred is a terrible feeling. With something inhuman, but not beastly. Or at least, can definirisi hate the destructive instinct of the animal carnivore that asslta its prey? No. Because the destruction in this case is still in the service of life. It ceases when the appetite is sated. The hatred instead is insatiable. Craving the humiliation and the destruction of the other. And he who hates is even ready to give up a little 'one's own good just to see the other in hell.
Hate is not only a feeling but also a terrible living conditions, for those who suffer, but even more so for those who feel it and live it. To all my readers do so as a gift in the hope of not having to ever encounter. If so, you will always have someone around who knows how to protect and defend. And no one sleeps.
The days of Advent seem more suitable for a meditation on love. Were it not for the religious significance of Christmas, would be enough to enjoy the warm front of the fire that illuminates the darkness languidly.
But today I want to meditate on hatred, considering it right in its worst aspect, ie starting from its more radical and extreme. From where do you hate persecution.
The evil that most often encounter in life is not hate, but simply the fruit, bitter and unpleasant, fear. E 'out of fear and hatred that sometimes he pretends to despise someone, perhaps merely to ignore the merits: his fear that the light appears near the merits overshadow the less obvious, or, worse reveals its dazzling, pitiless defects. We only need a gesture of friendship by the "bright" and the resentment against him vanish like frost in the sun. If they ban all forms of hatred, and hatred so, then perhaps human life would already be extinct.
L'odio vero io grazie a dio credo di non averlo mai provato, purtroppo mi sono resa conto non da molto tempo che esiste. Per poterlo riconoscere bisogna infatti perdere l'innocenza. I bambini e gli adolescenti, ma anche le persone che riescono a mantenere a lungo una certa ingenuità di vedute, non possono riconoscerlo. Se anche viene loro indicato e spiegato da qualcuno più grande ed esperto, non lo capiscono: si fermano a guardarlo un attimo, incuriositi, poi danno un'alzata di spalle e volano via, leggeri come farfalle. Devono vivere e il mondo è troppo bello e vario perché si perda il tempo in simili brutture. E l'odio è talmente brutto, per queste anime, da essere impossibile. Pochi attimi e se ne sono già dimenticati.
The truth is hate to those who just can not bear to see the happiness of others. But this "does not want to see (in-videre)" is not enough: it could be simply a feeling of envy, from which a lucky few can truly say immune. Because there is hatred must envy you face action, driven by a conscious and explicit desire to destroy the happiness of the other: that is to hurt her, enjoying the spectacle of seeing him suffer. Even the hatred in his way is ultimately contemplative, like love, but where love praise, hatred degrades. Removes light crumble, bringing confusion to the multiplicity of matter. Hatred is designed not to exist anymore. For this is the nature of hatred and persecution can not satisfy any of that goal achieved is not the absolute annihilation of the other. Sometimes it can be understood only by attributing it to a kind of supra-will, even inscrutable. Examples are the persecutions of Christians imepriale age, how many officials of the Roman state, forced to examine and judge young people of Christian faith, not having wanted to condemn martyrdom. How much consternation at the terrible sentence that knew they had to say. Someone begged Christians to recant, suggesting perhaps with more discretion to cultivate their faith. The elite of Rome, young, beautiful and strong, was delivered to morte da ministri del tribunale in lacrime. La condanna al martirio non sembrava affatto opera di un odio personale. L'iniziativa partiva dall'alto: per motivi di opportunità politica, paura, superficialità. Che tuttavia per una strana mescolanza si traducevano in annientamento. Chi era il supremo alchimista di quest'opera nera, sempre in corso nella storia, non è dato sapere.
Oggi io osservo qualcosa di simile nei confronti dei bambini, come se una silenziosa strage degli innocenti (non dei loro corpi ma delle loro menti) fosse in atto : la loro innocenza è quotidianamente offesa, ridicolizzata, strumentalizzata, mercificata, e infine annientata. Tutta la civiltà mediatica è mobilitata e persegue attentamente lo scopo. But again, that in this way may seem incorrect, misleading, exaggerated. Because no one (or almost) voluntarily pursues a similar aim. Yet the result is exactly that undermine the innocence of working through the scandal. I was struck by the words of David Grossman gave an interview a few days ago: Children, he said, must be protected as much as possible from the knowledge of evil. Even in those countries and in those situations where it is very difficult, such as in Palestine. The awareness of evil, I would add, can in fact be tolerated only by a soul no longer innocent. The loss of innocence for all of us is not so much the consequence of evil, but this that makes bearable the pain of evil (committed or suffered). How to turn off the light. Taming the beauty, lose the wonder, not to be bitten by the disappointment.
The persecutor, it must be said, do not necessarily know the object of his hatred, "as it is one of 'benefits of this world, to be able to hate and be hated, without knowing" (A. Manzoni). In fact, I happened quite recently to be the subject of persecution by a group of people (those comrades, even alas companions of snacks: where instead of bread and Nutella, however, there is a poison), which not even know me. Never seen and some never even heard of. Disturbing. That on the one hand we can commit to damage someone who does not even know. And the other should be a hate faceless and seemingly without cause. Stuff that they need a great patron saint (or perhaps a great analyst). I can understand the mystery at times more open and less rationalistic worship of the guardian angel and the saints. It takes a really extraordinary and inscrutable forces to protect themselves from hatred.
Hatred in short is not a usual feeling. There are so many simulations (from simple dislike to the rivalry envy) that are not hate because they are all human. And the man is never pure meanness of mixing the branding everywhere, hatred as in love. And 'his figure. The purely human love and hate sono incostanti e mutevoli. Ma l'uomo che ama fino al sacrificio di sé, o quello che odia fino a godere della sofferenza dell'altro, è un uomo caduto nelle reti di una volontà superiore. Quella dello spirito rischiarato dall'ideale della comunione, nel caso dell'amore, o, nel caso dell'odio, quella del potere (come talvolta nel caso dei persecutori dei cristiani, dei funzionari delle varie dittature ecc.), quella della specie o della razza (quanti tedeschi si sono abbandonati agli appetiti distruttivi della persecuzione senza intimanente crederci, vittime a loro volte di un che di grande e indecifrabile che li possedeva: il carisma del fuhrer, l'invasamento collettivo...) o quella terribile dello spirito diabolico che istiga alla divisione and fragmentation of the other radically threatening the integrity, pure hatred for the man? It 'difficult to answer.
Hatred is a terrible feeling. With something inhuman, but not beastly. Or at least, can definirisi hate the destructive instinct of the animal carnivore that asslta its prey? No. Because the destruction in this case is still in the service of life. It ceases when the appetite is sated. The hatred instead is insatiable. Craving the humiliation and the destruction of the other. And he who hates is even ready to give up a little 'one's own good just to see the other in hell.
Hate is not only a feeling but also a terrible living conditions, for those who suffer, but even more so for those who feel it and live it. To all my readers do so as a gift in the hope of not having to ever encounter. If so, you will always have someone around who knows how to protect and defend. And no one sleeps.
How To Biulld A Concrete Whirlpool Tub
Author: Dr Susanna Murray
growth and personal development
Development Staff are also known as self-development or personal growth. Involves the growth and promotion of all aspects of the person, the feelings and experiences that the person has of herself and their effectiveness in life. It also includes skills development and proposal of a realistic and healthy self-esteem.
Definition of personal growth Personal growth is realized within the mental, physical, social, emotional and spiritual that can lead a productive and satisfying life within the confines and regulations of society. This is achieved mainly through the development of life skills.
These personal skills necessary for a productive life and satisfactory, typically fall into one of the areas of life: self-consciousness, intimacy, family, friends, community, work, leisure and spirituality. In these skills include the ability to recognize and describe their feelings, giving and receiving feedback, the code of realistic objectives and achievable strategies and the use of problem-solving. The
enhance personal growth and development of self is the goal of many people: those who suffer from difficulties in relationships with others, or are uncomfortable with low self-esteem, anxiety or depression, but also people who are optimistic biased or have had great success in life, ma che vogliono migliorare la loro efficienza, la loro capacità di empatia e di relazionarsi con gli altri o il loro generale livello di soddisfazione e di realizzazione nella propria esistenza.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Paintball Siphon Tank
Salvare Yara, salvare il mondo
Lucia Merli, Annunciation
I swear I did not follow any of the broadcasts aired in recent weeks about the disappearance of Yara, the thirteen of Brembate kidnapped on the evening of Nov. 26 outside the indoor stadium of the country. I tried one night, but the broadcast was indecent and I changed the channel. C'era il solito conduttore dall'aspetto sorcigno, uso a sorvolare vicende simili a questa e in cerca del suo macabro pasto.
Eppure il fatto mi ha colpito profondamente e non c'è giorno che non mi svegli pensando: "Speriamo che...". Speriamo che Yara sia stata ritrovata sana e salva, magari rilasciata dallo stesso rapitore come a volte in passato è accaduto ai sequestrati. Accendo subito il computer, cerco tra "Ultime notizie", ma non trovo niente di bello. Speriamo domani.
Non so perché questa vicenda mi ha tanto impressionata. Ben più di altre, perfino più sanguinarie e dall'esito tragico, come quella di Avetrana. Forse perché Brembate non è lontana dal mio paese e mi è più facile immaginare le atmosfere, gli umori, l'ambiente. Forse perché non nè passato molto tempo da quando Alice, mia figlia, era come Yara. Una ragazzina tutta sportiva che chiedeva di andare e tornare sola dalla palestra, con la sua grossa borsa. Perché il paese è di quelli in cui non succede mai niente. Perché si sentiva forte, quasi indipendente. E per la sua esperienza del male in effetti lo era.
Però c'è un male che le bambine di tredici anni non possono conoscere. E per quanto gli adulti tengano ben spalancate le ali per proteggere i loro cuccioli, c'è sempre una fessura sottile, quasi invisibile, in cui quel male riesce ad infilare le sue dita e a farsi un varco. Un po' come It, il mostro di Stephen King, che viaggia underground, multiforme and widespread. And 'is significant that the police in cases like these, addressing the so-called psychics: no trace, even trivial or bizarre, to be neglected. But resort to the mediumistic abilities of individuals who are likely to have ultimately means recognizing the existence of an evil so dark and mysterious deep in front of which the rationality of deductive or inductive investigation falters. He gropes in the dark and anguished call for a spark that will light up dimly perhaps, but hearts. Yara
not only reminds me of Alice, but Gretel, the character of my novel. She, too, disappeared while coming home from a sports facility. To find it is seeking help from a medium, and when the police do not sa più dove sbattere la testa cerca tra i familiari, e quello ad essere messo sotto accusa è il padre. Il padre di Yara non è sotto accusa per fortuna. Però in qualche modo ha dovuto difendersi dichiarando l'assoluta trasparenza della sua condotta professionale e la correttezza delle sue relazioni di lavoro. Una nuova pista investigativa infatti sta ipotizzando il rapimento per vendetta o ricatto. Il male che ha colpito la figlia ha contagiato anche lui, insomma. Perché il male dilaga, è nella sua natura. Il dolore che sta scrosciando un po' su tutti a Brembate. Aprendo piaghe laddove c'erano ferite. Tirando fuori il peggio, per esempio l'ostracismo nei confronti del "diverso". Che sia l'extracomuniario o altro.
Ora le indagini puntano the environment is not always clear of companies. There's one that has been the subject of attention from the anti-Mafia Directorate in the past. To be damaged in case the employee may just be honest and faithful to the rules. A kidnapping for revenge or blackmail would hit those who did not accept to work a little bit cleaner. The moral virtues, personal and professional can fail if the context is neither healthy nor virtuous (at least not entirely) and expose themselves or their families to harassment, retaliation, threats. But Yara
about anything you can say for sure. That of kidnapping for the purpose of blackmail or other is just one of many hypotheses caught and fishable from the cylinder of the investigators, perhaps not to be overwhelmed by despair. But the fact that you have made should make it clear to the citizens of Brembate that the danger from which their world is threatened constantly comes from within, not from outside the EU. That world so safe, wealthy, proudly voted to work and profit, has a flaw. Work and profit, so we measure the quality of life in the industrious province of Bergamo. Please note that such haste has not become an end in itself, so forget the human values \u200b\u200band purpose, to proceed as a machine, grinding labor and money. Where does all that money to invest in procurement procurement contracts? I wonder if this question never crosses the minds of Bergamo, as well as that of Milan or Varese: the rich provinces where they make a "Dane." Labor from outside the Community always so much suspicion, but on the money ... But just in money, not controlled in its origin, can easily hide the snake. If we want to live in peace, to protect themselves as far as we can (never completely) from moral evil, we become less greedy and lifestyle change.
Brembate now suffers. And her pain is deep and genuine. We see caring and protective attitude that people have expressed to the family of the small Yara, indignation with which one looks for some trash journalism. And all We, along with Brembate, we continue to hope that Yara lathes. Tomorrow, early. And may the next Christmas, now soften the hearts of those who kidnapped her. We keep hoping. Nobody is totally immune to compassion. And there is no man who is called to be, at least for one day, maybe only for an hour, a man of good will.
One hour of good can save the world, save Yara is already saving the world. The first step. Because even good, as evil spreads.
Lucia Merli, Annunciation
I swear I did not follow any of the broadcasts aired in recent weeks about the disappearance of Yara, the thirteen of Brembate kidnapped on the evening of Nov. 26 outside the indoor stadium of the country. I tried one night, but the broadcast was indecent and I changed the channel. C'era il solito conduttore dall'aspetto sorcigno, uso a sorvolare vicende simili a questa e in cerca del suo macabro pasto.
Eppure il fatto mi ha colpito profondamente e non c'è giorno che non mi svegli pensando: "Speriamo che...". Speriamo che Yara sia stata ritrovata sana e salva, magari rilasciata dallo stesso rapitore come a volte in passato è accaduto ai sequestrati. Accendo subito il computer, cerco tra "Ultime notizie", ma non trovo niente di bello. Speriamo domani.
Non so perché questa vicenda mi ha tanto impressionata. Ben più di altre, perfino più sanguinarie e dall'esito tragico, come quella di Avetrana. Forse perché Brembate non è lontana dal mio paese e mi è più facile immaginare le atmosfere, gli umori, l'ambiente. Forse perché non nè passato molto tempo da quando Alice, mia figlia, era come Yara. Una ragazzina tutta sportiva che chiedeva di andare e tornare sola dalla palestra, con la sua grossa borsa. Perché il paese è di quelli in cui non succede mai niente. Perché si sentiva forte, quasi indipendente. E per la sua esperienza del male in effetti lo era.
Però c'è un male che le bambine di tredici anni non possono conoscere. E per quanto gli adulti tengano ben spalancate le ali per proteggere i loro cuccioli, c'è sempre una fessura sottile, quasi invisibile, in cui quel male riesce ad infilare le sue dita e a farsi un varco. Un po' come It, il mostro di Stephen King, che viaggia underground, multiforme and widespread. And 'is significant that the police in cases like these, addressing the so-called psychics: no trace, even trivial or bizarre, to be neglected. But resort to the mediumistic abilities of individuals who are likely to have ultimately means recognizing the existence of an evil so dark and mysterious deep in front of which the rationality of deductive or inductive investigation falters. He gropes in the dark and anguished call for a spark that will light up dimly perhaps, but hearts. Yara
not only reminds me of Alice, but Gretel, the character of my novel. She, too, disappeared while coming home from a sports facility. To find it is seeking help from a medium, and when the police do not sa più dove sbattere la testa cerca tra i familiari, e quello ad essere messo sotto accusa è il padre. Il padre di Yara non è sotto accusa per fortuna. Però in qualche modo ha dovuto difendersi dichiarando l'assoluta trasparenza della sua condotta professionale e la correttezza delle sue relazioni di lavoro. Una nuova pista investigativa infatti sta ipotizzando il rapimento per vendetta o ricatto. Il male che ha colpito la figlia ha contagiato anche lui, insomma. Perché il male dilaga, è nella sua natura. Il dolore che sta scrosciando un po' su tutti a Brembate. Aprendo piaghe laddove c'erano ferite. Tirando fuori il peggio, per esempio l'ostracismo nei confronti del "diverso". Che sia l'extracomuniario o altro.
Ora le indagini puntano the environment is not always clear of companies. There's one that has been the subject of attention from the anti-Mafia Directorate in the past. To be damaged in case the employee may just be honest and faithful to the rules. A kidnapping for revenge or blackmail would hit those who did not accept to work a little bit cleaner. The moral virtues, personal and professional can fail if the context is neither healthy nor virtuous (at least not entirely) and expose themselves or their families to harassment, retaliation, threats. But Yara
about anything you can say for sure. That of kidnapping for the purpose of blackmail or other is just one of many hypotheses caught and fishable from the cylinder of the investigators, perhaps not to be overwhelmed by despair. But the fact that you have made should make it clear to the citizens of Brembate that the danger from which their world is threatened constantly comes from within, not from outside the EU. That world so safe, wealthy, proudly voted to work and profit, has a flaw. Work and profit, so we measure the quality of life in the industrious province of Bergamo. Please note that such haste has not become an end in itself, so forget the human values \u200b\u200band purpose, to proceed as a machine, grinding labor and money. Where does all that money to invest in procurement procurement contracts? I wonder if this question never crosses the minds of Bergamo, as well as that of Milan or Varese: the rich provinces where they make a "Dane." Labor from outside the Community always so much suspicion, but on the money ... But just in money, not controlled in its origin, can easily hide the snake. If we want to live in peace, to protect themselves as far as we can (never completely) from moral evil, we become less greedy and lifestyle change.
Brembate now suffers. And her pain is deep and genuine. We see caring and protective attitude that people have expressed to the family of the small Yara, indignation with which one looks for some trash journalism. And all We, along with Brembate, we continue to hope that Yara lathes. Tomorrow, early. And may the next Christmas, now soften the hearts of those who kidnapped her. We keep hoping. Nobody is totally immune to compassion. And there is no man who is called to be, at least for one day, maybe only for an hour, a man of good will.
One hour of good can save the world, save Yara is already saving the world. The first step. Because even good, as evil spreads.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I Went Skating With A Friend Was It A Date
Il testamento di Raoul Follerau
image here
Raoul Follerau died December 6, 1977, at the end of a life dedicated the care of lepers. Care also made of deep friendship and spiritual closeness. The aim pursued until his death, fighting against the 'general indifference, is to liberate these "buried alive" by a life that is a sentence "without appeal and without amnesty." In 1954 he wrote to the powerful governments of the United States and the Soviet Union to the care of lepers begging them to allocate the cash equivalent of a bomber plane: you can heal all the lepers of the world, he says. Is not heard. In 1963, calls for his sixtieth birthday sixty ambulances for lepers: I get 105! Even in the XXI century
about 700 people get sick every day of leprosy. Many others do not know anything because living in places so remote and poor health to spiral out of control. But they are numerous and well-established associations, the example of Follerau, working to bring relief and aid to these poor sick, the last of the last. These are signs of what Raoul has called "an epidemic of goodness."
young people around the world, or war or peace are for you. I wrote twenty-five years ago: "O men learn to love each other or, finally, the man will live for man, or men will die. All and all together. Our world has no alternative to this: love each other or disappear. You must choose. Now. And forever. Yesterday, the alarm. Tomorrow hell. The Great - these giants who have ceased to be men - have in their collections of ugly death, 20,000 hydrogen bombs, one of which alone is enough to turn an entire metropolis in a huge cemetery. And they continue their monstrous industry producing three bombs per 24 hours. The Apocalypse is around the corner.
Boys, Girls from all over the world, be you to say "NO" to the suicide of humanity.
"Lord, I'd love to help others live." This was my prayer as a teenager. I think I was being, for all my life, true ... And here I am in the twilight of a life that I led il meglio possibile, ma che rimane incompiuta. Il Tesoro che vi lascio, è il bene che io non ho fatto, che avrei voluto fare e che voi farete dopo di me. Possa solo questa testimonianza aiutarvi ad amare. Questa è l’ultima ambizione della mia vita, e l’oggetto di questo “testamento”.
Proclamo erede universale tutta la gioventù del mondo. Tutta la gioventù del mondo: di destra, di sinistra, di centro, estremista: che mi importa! Tutta la gioventù: quella che ha ricevuto il dono della fede, quella che si comporta come se credesse, quella che pensa di non credere. C’è un solo cielo per tutto il mondo.
Più sento avvicinarsi la fine della mia vita, più sento la necessità to say again: it is love that we save humanity. And to say again: the greatest misfortune that can happen is that it not be useful to anyone, and that your life is good for nothing.
Loving each other or disappear. But it is not enough to praise: "Peace, peace, peace processes because of the desert land. We need to act. A force of love. A stroke of love. The peace with his club fighters are false. Trying to conquer desert. Christ has renounced violence, accepting the Cross.
Get away from rogue intelligence, as sellers of smoke will lead you on the road, flowers and ending in nothing. Beware of these "technical deified" che già San Paolo denunciava.
Sappiate distinguere ciò che serve da ciò che sottomette. Rinunciate alle parole che sono tanto più vuote quanto sonore. Non guarirete il mondo con dei punti esclamativi. Ciò che occorre è liberarlo da certi “progressi” e dalle loro malattie, dal denaro e dalla sua maledizione.
Allontanatevi da coloro per i quali tutto si risolve, si spiega e si apprezza in rapporto ai biglietti di banca.
Anche se sono intelligenti essi sono i più stupidi di tutti gli uomini. Non si fa un trampolino con una cassaforte. Bisognerà che dominiate il potere del denaro, altrimenti quasi nulla di umano è possibile, ma con il quale tutto marcisce. Esso, Corruttore, diventi Servitore. Siate full of happiness of others.
Remain yourself. And another. No matter who. Escape the easy cowardice of anonymity.
Every human being has a destiny. Make your own, with your eyes open, demanding and fair. Nothing
decreases as the dimension of man. If you are missing something in life is because you have not looked high enough. All tags? No. But all the same and all together! Then you will
men. Of free men. But beware! Freedom is not a maid handyman that can be exploited with impunity. Neither a stunning screen behind which swell fetid ambitions.
Freedom is the common heritage of all mankind. Who is unable to transmit it to others is unworthy to possess it. Do not turn your heart in a closet, would soon become a dustbin.
Work. One of the misfortunes of our time is that we consider the work as a curse. While it is redemption. You deserve happiness to love your duty. And then, believe in goodness, in the humble and sublime goodness. In the heart of every human being there are treasures of love. It is up to you to discover them. The only truth is love.
Loving each other with each other, love everyone. Not at fixed times, but for life. Loving the poor, unhappy love people, love the stranger, to love our neighbor who is on the fringes of society, love the stranger who lives near you. Love. You bring peace to men only enriching their hearts.
Startled by this giant race to the death of those who seize our destiny, asphyxiated by a "progress" dazzling, but crippling eater, her heart broken by the cry "I'm hungry!" Incessant rising by two-thirds of the world , this is only the supreme and sublime remedy: To be truly brothers. So ... tomorrow? Tomorrow, you are.
image here
Raoul Follerau died December 6, 1977, at the end of a life dedicated the care of lepers. Care also made of deep friendship and spiritual closeness. The aim pursued until his death, fighting against the 'general indifference, is to liberate these "buried alive" by a life that is a sentence "without appeal and without amnesty." In 1954 he wrote to the powerful governments of the United States and the Soviet Union to the care of lepers begging them to allocate the cash equivalent of a bomber plane: you can heal all the lepers of the world, he says. Is not heard. In 1963, calls for his sixtieth birthday sixty ambulances for lepers: I get 105! Even in the XXI century
about 700 people get sick every day of leprosy. Many others do not know anything because living in places so remote and poor health to spiral out of control. But they are numerous and well-established associations, the example of Follerau, working to bring relief and aid to these poor sick, the last of the last. These are signs of what Raoul has called "an epidemic of goodness."
young people around the world, or war or peace are for you. I wrote twenty-five years ago: "O men learn to love each other or, finally, the man will live for man, or men will die. All and all together. Our world has no alternative to this: love each other or disappear. You must choose. Now. And forever. Yesterday, the alarm. Tomorrow hell. The Great - these giants who have ceased to be men - have in their collections of ugly death, 20,000 hydrogen bombs, one of which alone is enough to turn an entire metropolis in a huge cemetery. And they continue their monstrous industry producing three bombs per 24 hours. The Apocalypse is around the corner.
Boys, Girls from all over the world, be you to say "NO" to the suicide of humanity.
"Lord, I'd love to help others live." This was my prayer as a teenager. I think I was being, for all my life, true ... And here I am in the twilight of a life that I led il meglio possibile, ma che rimane incompiuta. Il Tesoro che vi lascio, è il bene che io non ho fatto, che avrei voluto fare e che voi farete dopo di me. Possa solo questa testimonianza aiutarvi ad amare. Questa è l’ultima ambizione della mia vita, e l’oggetto di questo “testamento”.
Proclamo erede universale tutta la gioventù del mondo. Tutta la gioventù del mondo: di destra, di sinistra, di centro, estremista: che mi importa! Tutta la gioventù: quella che ha ricevuto il dono della fede, quella che si comporta come se credesse, quella che pensa di non credere. C’è un solo cielo per tutto il mondo.
Più sento avvicinarsi la fine della mia vita, più sento la necessità to say again: it is love that we save humanity. And to say again: the greatest misfortune that can happen is that it not be useful to anyone, and that your life is good for nothing.
Loving each other or disappear. But it is not enough to praise: "Peace, peace, peace processes because of the desert land. We need to act. A force of love. A stroke of love. The peace with his club fighters are false. Trying to conquer desert. Christ has renounced violence, accepting the Cross.
Get away from rogue intelligence, as sellers of smoke will lead you on the road, flowers and ending in nothing. Beware of these "technical deified" che già San Paolo denunciava.
Sappiate distinguere ciò che serve da ciò che sottomette. Rinunciate alle parole che sono tanto più vuote quanto sonore. Non guarirete il mondo con dei punti esclamativi. Ciò che occorre è liberarlo da certi “progressi” e dalle loro malattie, dal denaro e dalla sua maledizione.
Allontanatevi da coloro per i quali tutto si risolve, si spiega e si apprezza in rapporto ai biglietti di banca.
Anche se sono intelligenti essi sono i più stupidi di tutti gli uomini. Non si fa un trampolino con una cassaforte. Bisognerà che dominiate il potere del denaro, altrimenti quasi nulla di umano è possibile, ma con il quale tutto marcisce. Esso, Corruttore, diventi Servitore. Siate full of happiness of others.
Remain yourself. And another. No matter who. Escape the easy cowardice of anonymity.
Every human being has a destiny. Make your own, with your eyes open, demanding and fair. Nothing
decreases as the dimension of man. If you are missing something in life is because you have not looked high enough. All tags? No. But all the same and all together! Then you will
men. Of free men. But beware! Freedom is not a maid handyman that can be exploited with impunity. Neither a stunning screen behind which swell fetid ambitions.
Freedom is the common heritage of all mankind. Who is unable to transmit it to others is unworthy to possess it. Do not turn your heart in a closet, would soon become a dustbin.
Work. One of the misfortunes of our time is that we consider the work as a curse. While it is redemption. You deserve happiness to love your duty. And then, believe in goodness, in the humble and sublime goodness. In the heart of every human being there are treasures of love. It is up to you to discover them. The only truth is love.
Loving each other with each other, love everyone. Not at fixed times, but for life. Loving the poor, unhappy love people, love the stranger, to love our neighbor who is on the fringes of society, love the stranger who lives near you. Love. You bring peace to men only enriching their hearts.
Startled by this giant race to the death of those who seize our destiny, asphyxiated by a "progress" dazzling, but crippling eater, her heart broken by the cry "I'm hungry!" Incessant rising by two-thirds of the world , this is only the supreme and sublime remedy: To be truly brothers. So ... tomorrow? Tomorrow, you are.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Ho Scale Container Ships
Lo Smascheratore mascherato
I like to think that the word "truth" has the same root as "to" and may implicitly indicate a movement "from ... to" a turn. Non è un'etimologia così astrusa perché la verità ha in effetti una natura dinamica, quella della manifestazione. Non è solo Idea da contemplare, ma anche Idea che si lascia vedere offrendosi. Verità ed epifania sono sempre insieme, non c'è prima l'una e poi l'altra. E noi da ogni epifania ci attendiamo un grande cambiamento: la rigenerazione.
La struttura archetipica di questo atteggiamento nei confronti della verità ha fornito in questi giorni la cornice davanti alle annunciate (perché l'epifania è sempre preceduta dall'anunciazione) rivelazioni di Wikileaks: lo "Smascheratore mascherato". Da lui abbiamo atteso rivelazioni inconfessabili sull'operato dei governi che in questo ultimo decennio si sono succeduti nel nostro paese. Le rivelazioni sono state finora deludenti: niente che non si sapesse già o non si potesse intuire. L'erotomania della classe dirigente attuale infatti ci è già nota, cosa si potrebbe aggiungere ancora? Magari qualcosa di poco chiaro sul gas che ci dovrebbe venire dalla Russia? Anche qui: chi se ne stupisce? Con quello americano che passa attraverso l'Afghanistan non sarebbe diverso. Noi italiani siamo abituati a tutto, comprese le debolezze degli alti funzionari dello stato che stipulando un affare d'importanza nazionale difficilmente resistono alla tentazione del pizzo. Noi "teniamo famiglia". E per amore del quieto vivere tolleriamo ogni forma di ipocrisia. Plaudiamo alla promulgazione di leggi contro l'amore mercenario, and then we go to visit trade fairs like the one of the bikes, a couple of my students I have recently described as follows: "More women than motorcycle. seminude and stretched on the means to mimic an orgasm."
Anyone who hates the Berlusconi government and is not particularly linked to the parish of the left, in a bit Wikileaks' we had hoped. He hoped in the power of truth where the opposition does not come. What nonsense, what a mistake, and above all desperation. Because of this class of government already knows enough to be able to send home for some time. If reason does not happen is also a lack of truth, but the indifference that surrounds it. We were once a nation of passionate blood, we are now tutti accidiosi e linfatici.
E poi, diciamolo, Wikileaks non ha il potere oscuro e fascinoso dell'Oracolo che parla ispirato dal Dio rivelando una verità celeste, eterna, inoppugnabile. La sua è verità "effettuale", sconsolata e sconsolante, suffragata dai documenti secretati e piratescamente resi noti. Una verità meschina perché lontana dall'ideale e scaturita da una sorta di smascheramento dell'ideologia. E' la verità su cui Machiavelli fonda la necessità del potere: "se gli uomini fussero..." buoni, fedeli, onesti...le cose andrebbero diversamente, ma purtroppo non lo sono e perciò ci vuole il Principe. La verità dei fatti è quella contro cui "non valet argomentum" ed è l'unica a mantenere a bit of authority in time of the sophists, when the topic is so rampant and sophisticated, abstract, instrumental, to be ineffective. The Logos has failed and is back to seek the truth in things. As the modern age has contributed to the specious astratteza of bad philosophy and bad theology to the birth of experimental science that relies on hands and feet to the facts, it would be interesting to study.
The problem is that we Italians are so bad, so morally harmful by our ruling elite, including politicians and industrialists, not the nudity that has made the most violent of the power to disrupt. For Americans, a little 'a bit naive' gigione can perhaps be traumatic discover that their government has lied about weapons in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan and so on ... I say maybe because I do not know the profound changes occurring in the consciousness of the average over the last ten to fifteen years. But I know that Clinton risked impeachment for a sexual relationship that we can also lead to the award of a ministry.
My concern is that the effect of exposing operated by Wikileaks end up causing very dangerous reactions. Information control policies even more stringent and authoritarian, for example. Spread throughout the whole planet. But even a greater lack of trust of individuals with regard to their own country so poorly governed. Dissection of the citizen dallo stato, disillusione, qualunquismo di stampo nichilista. Come ce ne fosse bisogno.
La verità è sempre luce e la menzogna tenebra. Ma la verità, abbiamo già detto, è fatta di manifestazione. Se la manifestazione è strumentalmente legata a finalità che con la verità c'entrano poco, la verità può perdere la sua luce e rivelare un potere distruttivo e spaventoso. E poiché lo smascheratore Julien Assange rimane per molti versi mascherato (per quanto riguarda finalità e intenzioni ad esempio) io, pur continuando a seguire con interesse la vicenda di Wikileaks, a cui vanno riconosciuti dei meriti certi e indiscutibili (ad esempio di aver denunciato quanto accadeva al campo di Guantanamo) non sciolgo reserves and keep, at least for now and waiting to see more clearly, my perplexity.
final issue: the context in which the truth is revealed is so indifferent? This is an underground world full of expectations, but confused and not at all aware of the sense and purpose of dell'attendere. E 'come back in recent decades' inevitable. The future promises that are made of disasters and the end of the world, without any soul from the visionary power to prophesy the coming of a Savior in the clouds and riding in the company of Angels. We can dimly and unconsciously perceive allegations of forgery on which we base our civilization as "the voice of one crying in the wilderness, "but then we can not respond to" Repent. "We still have too much to lose. to give up our lifestyles do not feel. The poor man
past eras had the great privilege of being able to feel really innocent. We do not. We consume too much (raw materials, consumer discretionary, energy, relationships, travel, pleasure ...) to be. That scam: the system we still dirty and even if we condemn it in words, we end up being his accomplices. indeterminable guilty of some crime, as K., the protagonist of Kafka's The Process. The falsehood of the complaint, the duplicity of morality, the contradiction between ideology and behavior we take away the oxygen. And with oxygen, hope. But in fact, can the truth be "revelation" in a world without hope? No. It can not. Because there is nothing to reveal. Of revelation we only parodies, such as the desecration: that of Nietzsche's Zarathustra who claims to sleep only to wake up consciences announce a death, "God is dead." The Superman is still to come, and so confused, exaggerated, unreal that it seems like a hallucination. And then, of the desecration, the younger brother: the humiliation, when the desecration affects political power and a child cries "the emperor has no clothes." And 'here that Wikileaks is acting as the child of the fairy tale. But it is the result of the fairy tale nessuno riesce a scrivere. Da più di quarant'anni siamo tutti congelati in quel grido: "Il re è nudo". Il re è nudo, abbiamo capito, e adesso?
I like to think that the word "truth" has the same root as "to" and may implicitly indicate a movement "from ... to" a turn. Non è un'etimologia così astrusa perché la verità ha in effetti una natura dinamica, quella della manifestazione. Non è solo Idea da contemplare, ma anche Idea che si lascia vedere offrendosi. Verità ed epifania sono sempre insieme, non c'è prima l'una e poi l'altra. E noi da ogni epifania ci attendiamo un grande cambiamento: la rigenerazione.
La struttura archetipica di questo atteggiamento nei confronti della verità ha fornito in questi giorni la cornice davanti alle annunciate (perché l'epifania è sempre preceduta dall'anunciazione) rivelazioni di Wikileaks: lo "Smascheratore mascherato". Da lui abbiamo atteso rivelazioni inconfessabili sull'operato dei governi che in questo ultimo decennio si sono succeduti nel nostro paese. Le rivelazioni sono state finora deludenti: niente che non si sapesse già o non si potesse intuire. L'erotomania della classe dirigente attuale infatti ci è già nota, cosa si potrebbe aggiungere ancora? Magari qualcosa di poco chiaro sul gas che ci dovrebbe venire dalla Russia? Anche qui: chi se ne stupisce? Con quello americano che passa attraverso l'Afghanistan non sarebbe diverso. Noi italiani siamo abituati a tutto, comprese le debolezze degli alti funzionari dello stato che stipulando un affare d'importanza nazionale difficilmente resistono alla tentazione del pizzo. Noi "teniamo famiglia". E per amore del quieto vivere tolleriamo ogni forma di ipocrisia. Plaudiamo alla promulgazione di leggi contro l'amore mercenario, and then we go to visit trade fairs like the one of the bikes, a couple of my students I have recently described as follows: "More women than motorcycle. seminude and stretched on the means to mimic an orgasm."
Anyone who hates the Berlusconi government and is not particularly linked to the parish of the left, in a bit Wikileaks' we had hoped. He hoped in the power of truth where the opposition does not come. What nonsense, what a mistake, and above all desperation. Because of this class of government already knows enough to be able to send home for some time. If reason does not happen is also a lack of truth, but the indifference that surrounds it. We were once a nation of passionate blood, we are now tutti accidiosi e linfatici.
E poi, diciamolo, Wikileaks non ha il potere oscuro e fascinoso dell'Oracolo che parla ispirato dal Dio rivelando una verità celeste, eterna, inoppugnabile. La sua è verità "effettuale", sconsolata e sconsolante, suffragata dai documenti secretati e piratescamente resi noti. Una verità meschina perché lontana dall'ideale e scaturita da una sorta di smascheramento dell'ideologia. E' la verità su cui Machiavelli fonda la necessità del potere: "se gli uomini fussero..." buoni, fedeli, onesti...le cose andrebbero diversamente, ma purtroppo non lo sono e perciò ci vuole il Principe. La verità dei fatti è quella contro cui "non valet argomentum" ed è l'unica a mantenere a bit of authority in time of the sophists, when the topic is so rampant and sophisticated, abstract, instrumental, to be ineffective. The Logos has failed and is back to seek the truth in things. As the modern age has contributed to the specious astratteza of bad philosophy and bad theology to the birth of experimental science that relies on hands and feet to the facts, it would be interesting to study.
The problem is that we Italians are so bad, so morally harmful by our ruling elite, including politicians and industrialists, not the nudity that has made the most violent of the power to disrupt. For Americans, a little 'a bit naive' gigione can perhaps be traumatic discover that their government has lied about weapons in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan and so on ... I say maybe because I do not know the profound changes occurring in the consciousness of the average over the last ten to fifteen years. But I know that Clinton risked impeachment for a sexual relationship that we can also lead to the award of a ministry.
My concern is that the effect of exposing operated by Wikileaks end up causing very dangerous reactions. Information control policies even more stringent and authoritarian, for example. Spread throughout the whole planet. But even a greater lack of trust of individuals with regard to their own country so poorly governed. Dissection of the citizen dallo stato, disillusione, qualunquismo di stampo nichilista. Come ce ne fosse bisogno.
La verità è sempre luce e la menzogna tenebra. Ma la verità, abbiamo già detto, è fatta di manifestazione. Se la manifestazione è strumentalmente legata a finalità che con la verità c'entrano poco, la verità può perdere la sua luce e rivelare un potere distruttivo e spaventoso. E poiché lo smascheratore Julien Assange rimane per molti versi mascherato (per quanto riguarda finalità e intenzioni ad esempio) io, pur continuando a seguire con interesse la vicenda di Wikileaks, a cui vanno riconosciuti dei meriti certi e indiscutibili (ad esempio di aver denunciato quanto accadeva al campo di Guantanamo) non sciolgo reserves and keep, at least for now and waiting to see more clearly, my perplexity.
final issue: the context in which the truth is revealed is so indifferent? This is an underground world full of expectations, but confused and not at all aware of the sense and purpose of dell'attendere. E 'come back in recent decades' inevitable. The future promises that are made of disasters and the end of the world, without any soul from the visionary power to prophesy the coming of a Savior in the clouds and riding in the company of Angels. We can dimly and unconsciously perceive allegations of forgery on which we base our civilization as "the voice of one crying in the wilderness, "but then we can not respond to" Repent. "We still have too much to lose. to give up our lifestyles do not feel. The poor man
past eras had the great privilege of being able to feel really innocent. We do not. We consume too much (raw materials, consumer discretionary, energy, relationships, travel, pleasure ...) to be. That scam: the system we still dirty and even if we condemn it in words, we end up being his accomplices. indeterminable guilty of some crime, as K., the protagonist of Kafka's The Process. The falsehood of the complaint, the duplicity of morality, the contradiction between ideology and behavior we take away the oxygen. And with oxygen, hope. But in fact, can the truth be "revelation" in a world without hope? No. It can not. Because there is nothing to reveal. Of revelation we only parodies, such as the desecration: that of Nietzsche's Zarathustra who claims to sleep only to wake up consciences announce a death, "God is dead." The Superman is still to come, and so confused, exaggerated, unreal that it seems like a hallucination. And then, of the desecration, the younger brother: the humiliation, when the desecration affects political power and a child cries "the emperor has no clothes." And 'here that Wikileaks is acting as the child of the fairy tale. But it is the result of the fairy tale nessuno riesce a scrivere. Da più di quarant'anni siamo tutti congelati in quel grido: "Il re è nudo". Il re è nudo, abbiamo capito, e adesso?
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