Professor Balzanelli he's been quiet in recent months. He worked on the classes have focused on some guys who already seem doomed to failure. Boys apparently devoid of all that school is important. He is not pedagogy but we want to try the same.
Its headmaster, however, has recently ranked among the teachers "laziness." Not so explicitly, but the senso era questo. Balzanelli si è rifiutato di sottostare ai vuoti imperativi della presunta nuova didattica prevista dal riordino, in cui ha intravisto le ragioni di un nuovo business. Di una speculazione bella e buona, dove ad arricchirsi saranno le solite iene già use ad aggirarsi intorno alla carogna del pubbblico spolpandola via via.
Ma in primo luogo il prof. Balzanelli è esasperato dall'insulso nominalismo che ha sconvolto la scuola negli ultimi quindici anni. La Gelmini è solo l'ultima, la meno consapevole, povera stella (che in Parlamento, premendo il pulsante sbagliato, ha pure votato contro la sua riforma!).
Ora, ha detto il preside in collegio, va la didattica delle competenze: basta con la didattica dei contenuti, stuff for old man. And he also added that to understand the teaching of skills (something difficult to explain since no one knows) will need to contact some training agency operating throughout the country. Prof. Balzanelli is not a smart but he is not an idiot and got on the fly. Once again in state schools, which are removed continuously funding, there is a smell of business. Paid training agencies will send updates and educational professionals who know nothing but were trained to give some explanation, good to entertain an audience of teachers just a few hours. The course will last thirty, maybe fifty, and a meeting will all be meeting in a dash in the rigmarole mentioned above.
That the public school yet, and indeed almost only for our ruling class, a cash cow (but now at large, in a systematic and professional) has been understood from the board last year that the media have arrived in the rain schools of the kingdom. She does not know how to use anyone and no one has ever felt the need, but there is no problem because there will be a refresher course. And who pays the state? Who gains? It is not known. Teachers and students should only have to enjoy a multimedia blackboard at school and trotting happily toward progress. What a whiteboard media costs three to four months' salary of a tutor is a thought that touches the mind of the minister.
But this is still nothing. What really has taken away the sleep from our professor is that behind the teaching of skills, learning to nominalism, the preponderance given to technology in the education, there is the destruction of public schools but most of mankind. The educational relationship is in fact a complex and personal relationship where you two play their game and wins it grows. This ratio makes sense only if he maintains his integrity, his "momentum", and a Gestalt t afford that no one should break into tiny segments. How do you talk about skills against your content? without skills or content? The professor seems absurd.
Let's programming in Italian. In pursuit of skills essential to reading and correct interpretation of a text, many teachers have reduced the choice of the text to refer to students as well as its interpretation on purely formal, grammatical or stylistic. And here is the teaching units devoted exclusively to the issue of cohesion and the pursuit of the connectives, or the free indirect discourse, etc. ... You know that pain in the ass for an hour on a text connective perhaps not very interesting (since it has been selected for the connectives and not the contents!). At this point, to motivate students scazzatissimi there is only one thing to do: deliver high ratings. Ten to one who recognizes temporal connectives correctly (after, now, tomorrow ...) and logical (because, consequently, etc.). Ten not to be sent to that country.
colleagues have left the professor Balzanelli alone with his battle, the rest probably do not understand. Outside it was snowing, it's almost Christmas, there are gifts to buy. Perhaps no coincidence that the president has chosen that school for its proposal. It seems that in the end he said, ahead of only 11 opponents, "Here we see people who want to work and who is not" giving them implicitly of beggars. Now, Professor Balzanelli a fortnight only works for the school, including Saturday afternoon. Could do full names of many who voted in favor and are known to keep the checks a month before returning correct. Colleagues use to camp out on the same page for so long, not to prepare new material, not to address issues that require study and commitment. But the rascal he is.
will not break down, that's for sure, to what we have said is stubborn. "You will make the corner that sticks out, the Lolli Claudio?" he asks laughing his wife Domitilla. Of course you do, do sign him. And no matter if the machine will not stop. He will be small Ludd a perverse system. Because in the end it all started from there. By the fragmentation of work and its reduction to a commodity, then passed through the assembly line, the depersonalization employment and vocational training to reduce training. What is claimed by the school, in fact, is that many workers form soldier, flexible and indifferent to the great ethical questions that the work places. The Parliament of the rest in these days has given us a beautiful picture of flexibility. A flexible all-Italian, riddled with corruption, cunning, accommodating and cowardice. Cowardice before the power, like that of the principals must now be saying to teachers that there is no way out or eat the soup or skip the window. That Europe is losing its way. Fifteen years ago, D'Alema and Confindustria convinced us of the same thing: either flexibility or death. We had all the flexibility Italian: not "I lose my job and find another" but "I lose my job to know." Who knows what's going on in other countries. Judging by the protests seem to me that they are not good there, either. And someone told me that in countries where education has triumphed nominalism boys are more ignorant.
Who knows what will happen to the "educational purpose" (the only term that in the last twenty years has felt the professor friend, perhaps the accent on the "a", which gives the feeling of extending opening, a bridge to the other: the 'elan the life of the teacher) asks the professor, turning over in bed beside his wife who snorts in disgust. Maybe the powers to other experts. People who have never taught, but has a master's degree at the Bocconi University on behaviorism and the pragmatics of communication. People in well-organized training agencies, close to one or another political current. At this or that minister. And who knows, maybe one day the service could provide the same Cepu. Domitilla dear, how do you sleep?
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