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Raoul Follerau died December 6, 1977, at the end of a life dedicated the care of lepers. Care also made of deep friendship and spiritual closeness. The aim pursued until his death, fighting against the 'general indifference, is to liberate these "buried alive" by a life that is a sentence "without appeal and without amnesty." In 1954 he wrote to the powerful governments of the United States and the Soviet Union to the care of lepers begging them to allocate the cash equivalent of a bomber plane: you can heal all the lepers of the world, he says. Is not heard. In 1963, calls for his sixtieth birthday sixty ambulances for lepers: I get 105! Even in the XXI century
about 700 people get sick every day of leprosy. Many others do not know anything because living in places so remote and poor health to spiral out of control. But they are numerous and well-established associations, the example of Follerau, working to bring relief and aid to these poor sick, the last of the last. These are signs of what Raoul has called "an epidemic of goodness."
young people around the world, or war or peace are for you. I wrote twenty-five years ago: "O men learn to love each other or, finally, the man will live for man, or men will die. All and all together. Our world has no alternative to this: love each other or disappear. You must choose. Now. And forever. Yesterday, the alarm. Tomorrow hell. The Great - these giants who have ceased to be men - have in their collections of ugly death, 20,000 hydrogen bombs, one of which alone is enough to turn an entire metropolis in a huge cemetery. And they continue their monstrous industry producing three bombs per 24 hours. The Apocalypse is around the corner.
Boys, Girls from all over the world, be you to say "NO" to the suicide of humanity.
"Lord, I'd love to help others live." This was my prayer as a teenager. I think I was being, for all my life, true ... And here I am in the twilight of a life that I led il meglio possibile, ma che rimane incompiuta. Il Tesoro che vi lascio, è il bene che io non ho fatto, che avrei voluto fare e che voi farete dopo di me. Possa solo questa testimonianza aiutarvi ad amare. Questa è l’ultima ambizione della mia vita, e l’oggetto di questo “testamento”.
Proclamo erede universale tutta la gioventù del mondo. Tutta la gioventù del mondo: di destra, di sinistra, di centro, estremista: che mi importa! Tutta la gioventù: quella che ha ricevuto il dono della fede, quella che si comporta come se credesse, quella che pensa di non credere. C’è un solo cielo per tutto il mondo.
Più sento avvicinarsi la fine della mia vita, più sento la necessità to say again: it is love that we save humanity. And to say again: the greatest misfortune that can happen is that it not be useful to anyone, and that your life is good for nothing.
Loving each other or disappear. But it is not enough to praise: "Peace, peace, peace processes because of the desert land. We need to act. A force of love. A stroke of love. The peace with his club fighters are false. Trying to conquer desert. Christ has renounced violence, accepting the Cross.
Get away from rogue intelligence, as sellers of smoke will lead you on the road, flowers and ending in nothing. Beware of these "technical deified" che già San Paolo denunciava.
Sappiate distinguere ciò che serve da ciò che sottomette. Rinunciate alle parole che sono tanto più vuote quanto sonore. Non guarirete il mondo con dei punti esclamativi. Ciò che occorre è liberarlo da certi “progressi” e dalle loro malattie, dal denaro e dalla sua maledizione.
Allontanatevi da coloro per i quali tutto si risolve, si spiega e si apprezza in rapporto ai biglietti di banca.
Anche se sono intelligenti essi sono i più stupidi di tutti gli uomini. Non si fa un trampolino con una cassaforte. Bisognerà che dominiate il potere del denaro, altrimenti quasi nulla di umano è possibile, ma con il quale tutto marcisce. Esso, Corruttore, diventi Servitore. Siate full of happiness of others.
Remain yourself. And another. No matter who. Escape the easy cowardice of anonymity.
Every human being has a destiny. Make your own, with your eyes open, demanding and fair. Nothing
decreases as the dimension of man. If you are missing something in life is because you have not looked high enough. All tags? No. But all the same and all together! Then you will
men. Of free men. But beware! Freedom is not a maid handyman that can be exploited with impunity. Neither a stunning screen behind which swell fetid ambitions.
Freedom is the common heritage of all mankind. Who is unable to transmit it to others is unworthy to possess it. Do not turn your heart in a closet, would soon become a dustbin.
Work. One of the misfortunes of our time is that we consider the work as a curse. While it is redemption. You deserve happiness to love your duty. And then, believe in goodness, in the humble and sublime goodness. In the heart of every human being there are treasures of love. It is up to you to discover them. The only truth is love.
Loving each other with each other, love everyone. Not at fixed times, but for life. Loving the poor, unhappy love people, love the stranger, to love our neighbor who is on the fringes of society, love the stranger who lives near you. Love. You bring peace to men only enriching their hearts.
Startled by this giant race to the death of those who seize our destiny, asphyxiated by a "progress" dazzling, but crippling eater, her heart broken by the cry "I'm hungry!" Incessant rising by two-thirds of the world , this is only the supreme and sublime remedy: To be truly brothers. So ... tomorrow? Tomorrow, you are.
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