The days of Advent seem more suitable for a meditation on love. Were it not for the religious significance of Christmas, would be enough to enjoy the warm front of the fire that illuminates the darkness languidly.
But today I want to meditate on hatred, considering it right in its worst aspect, ie starting from its more radical and extreme. From where do you hate persecution.
The evil that most often encounter in life is not hate, but simply the fruit, bitter and unpleasant, fear. E 'out of fear and hatred that sometimes he pretends to despise someone, perhaps merely to ignore the merits: his fear that the light appears near the merits overshadow the less obvious, or, worse reveals its dazzling, pitiless defects. We only need a gesture of friendship by the "bright" and the resentment against him vanish like frost in the sun. If they ban all forms of hatred, and hatred so, then perhaps human life would already be extinct.
L'odio vero io grazie a dio credo di non averlo mai provato, purtroppo mi sono resa conto non da molto tempo che esiste. Per poterlo riconoscere bisogna infatti perdere l'innocenza. I bambini e gli adolescenti, ma anche le persone che riescono a mantenere a lungo una certa ingenuità di vedute, non possono riconoscerlo. Se anche viene loro indicato e spiegato da qualcuno più grande ed esperto, non lo capiscono: si fermano a guardarlo un attimo, incuriositi, poi danno un'alzata di spalle e volano via, leggeri come farfalle. Devono vivere e il mondo è troppo bello e vario perché si perda il tempo in simili brutture. E l'odio è talmente brutto, per queste anime, da essere impossibile. Pochi attimi e se ne sono già dimenticati.
The truth is hate to those who just can not bear to see the happiness of others. But this "does not want to see (in-videre)" is not enough: it could be simply a feeling of envy, from which a lucky few can truly say immune. Because there is hatred must envy you face action, driven by a conscious and explicit desire to destroy the happiness of the other: that is to hurt her, enjoying the spectacle of seeing him suffer. Even the hatred in his way is ultimately contemplative, like love, but where love praise, hatred degrades. Removes light crumble, bringing confusion to the multiplicity of matter. Hatred is designed not to exist anymore. For this is the nature of hatred and persecution can not satisfy any of that goal achieved is not the absolute annihilation of the other. Sometimes it can be understood only by attributing it to a kind of supra-will, even inscrutable. Examples are the persecutions of Christians imepriale age, how many officials of the Roman state, forced to examine and judge young people of Christian faith, not having wanted to condemn martyrdom. How much consternation at the terrible sentence that knew they had to say. Someone begged Christians to recant, suggesting perhaps with more discretion to cultivate their faith. The elite of Rome, young, beautiful and strong, was delivered to morte da ministri del tribunale in lacrime. La condanna al martirio non sembrava affatto opera di un odio personale. L'iniziativa partiva dall'alto: per motivi di opportunità politica, paura, superficialità. Che tuttavia per una strana mescolanza si traducevano in annientamento. Chi era il supremo alchimista di quest'opera nera, sempre in corso nella storia, non è dato sapere.
Oggi io osservo qualcosa di simile nei confronti dei bambini, come se una silenziosa strage degli innocenti (non dei loro corpi ma delle loro menti) fosse in atto : la loro innocenza è quotidianamente offesa, ridicolizzata, strumentalizzata, mercificata, e infine annientata. Tutta la civiltà mediatica è mobilitata e persegue attentamente lo scopo. But again, that in this way may seem incorrect, misleading, exaggerated. Because no one (or almost) voluntarily pursues a similar aim. Yet the result is exactly that undermine the innocence of working through the scandal. I was struck by the words of David Grossman gave an interview a few days ago: Children, he said, must be protected as much as possible from the knowledge of evil. Even in those countries and in those situations where it is very difficult, such as in Palestine. The awareness of evil, I would add, can in fact be tolerated only by a soul no longer innocent. The loss of innocence for all of us is not so much the consequence of evil, but this that makes bearable the pain of evil (committed or suffered). How to turn off the light. Taming the beauty, lose the wonder, not to be bitten by the disappointment.
The persecutor, it must be said, do not necessarily know the object of his hatred, "as it is one of 'benefits of this world, to be able to hate and be hated, without knowing" (A. Manzoni). In fact, I happened quite recently to be the subject of persecution by a group of people (those comrades, even alas companions of snacks: where instead of bread and Nutella, however, there is a poison), which not even know me. Never seen and some never even heard of. Disturbing. That on the one hand we can commit to damage someone who does not even know. And the other should be a hate faceless and seemingly without cause. Stuff that they need a great patron saint (or perhaps a great analyst). I can understand the mystery at times more open and less rationalistic worship of the guardian angel and the saints. It takes a really extraordinary and inscrutable forces to protect themselves from hatred.
Hatred in short is not a usual feeling. There are so many simulations (from simple dislike to the rivalry envy) that are not hate because they are all human. And the man is never pure meanness of mixing the branding everywhere, hatred as in love. And 'his figure. The purely human love and hate sono incostanti e mutevoli. Ma l'uomo che ama fino al sacrificio di sé, o quello che odia fino a godere della sofferenza dell'altro, è un uomo caduto nelle reti di una volontà superiore. Quella dello spirito rischiarato dall'ideale della comunione, nel caso dell'amore, o, nel caso dell'odio, quella del potere (come talvolta nel caso dei persecutori dei cristiani, dei funzionari delle varie dittature ecc.), quella della specie o della razza (quanti tedeschi si sono abbandonati agli appetiti distruttivi della persecuzione senza intimanente crederci, vittime a loro volte di un che di grande e indecifrabile che li possedeva: il carisma del fuhrer, l'invasamento collettivo...) o quella terribile dello spirito diabolico che istiga alla divisione and fragmentation of the other radically threatening the integrity, pure hatred for the man? It 'difficult to answer.
Hatred is a terrible feeling. With something inhuman, but not beastly. Or at least, can definirisi hate the destructive instinct of the animal carnivore that asslta its prey? No. Because the destruction in this case is still in the service of life. It ceases when the appetite is sated. The hatred instead is insatiable. Craving the humiliation and the destruction of the other. And he who hates is even ready to give up a little 'one's own good just to see the other in hell.
Hate is not only a feeling but also a terrible living conditions, for those who suffer, but even more so for those who feel it and live it. To all my readers do so as a gift in the hope of not having to ever encounter. If so, you will always have someone around who knows how to protect and defend. And no one sleeps.
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