It 'been a bad night. Fear that the animals of the sea! Strong winds blew the water raising very high waves foaming with rage.
Today everything is different. The calm seas and blue breathe gently, like a sleeping child. White sails spin inside the horizon, toward the sun.
on the beach but there is still much confusion: algae, rocks, colored glass and shells that the sea has thrown haphazardly in the sand.
Among the shells there is one, small and white, all twisted around itself. A little girl picks it up and close the ear to hear the voice of the sea. He does not feel anything, though: "Why, Grandpa?.
Grandpa takes her knees and said: "There's a creature inside, is not empty. Looks good ... there is no room for the voice of the sea ".
's true. Looking into the shell glimpsed a young creature, with two jet black eyes and fearful.
" It' a hermit crab, "says Grandpa.
"And why is it so scary?".
"She stood alone on the sea floor, over the rocks, the storm tonight and threw it on the beach ..." The
pagurino while listening to the tone of the conversation and understand many things. Would you say: "My name Galdino, I have a few days and one great friend, a starfish red, as beautiful as a flower." But he can not do it because they do not know the language of men. His voice, then, is so slight that only a butterfly or a hummingbird, or a kite, the could hear.
The child is to watch the pagurino for some time, then, sweetness says: "Grandfather, ributtiamolo into the sea. It will have a friend. Maybe a sea horse or a star that it expects "
Grandpa takes the child by the hand and together they go over the cliff, being very careful not to get on his feet. Then drop the crab in the water, gently, because the house of mother of pearl does not break by hitting the bottom.
Galdino soon finds her friend, the beautiful red star that lives behind a curtain of green algae and soft. Now that's a happy hermit crab