desire to become capable
often prevents to become one.
F. De La Rochefoucauld
Author Dr. Robert Cieri
Years of research and work of the Centre of Strategic Therapy in sexual function problems have allowed the development of effective therapeutic techniques, more often than not simply oriented to the release of the mind when it becomes a trap for the free expression of the body.
Sexuality in psychology Men play a key role in the formation of personal identity, from early adolescence to maturity.
social models proposed to require men, as women, to be perfect in their performance and physical appearance. Defaiance errors or are not allowed, ever. We forget this myth of the male figure impeccable, always strong and successful, sexuality and the masculine unstoppable force, that which is his human nature (and not super-hero).
The difficulty in achieving this male model may cause anxiety, excessive worry and can affect the relationship with yourself and con l'altro sesso.
Un'esperienza legata alla propria sessualità, percepita come negativa o fallimentare, può innescare delle paure e dei dubbi. A volte può condurre la persona a evitare di avere altri rapporti intimi per non vivere nuovamente una situazione troppo imbarazzante, altre volte si innesca un eccesso di controllo sul proprio corpo, quasi a volerlo far funzionare “a comando” potremmo dire.
Ma la nostra parte istintuale purtroppo non funziona in modo così logico e controllato, anzi potremmo dire che ciò che più inibisce la libera espressione della nostra sessualità è proprio il desiderio di controllarla.
But what are the problems that afflict more men's underwear?
The most common complaints are premature ejaculation, male erectile disorder and male orgasmic disorder.
ejaculation In the first case follows a minimal sexual stimulation before, during or shortly after penetration, and it takes place before the subject you wish.
male erectile disorder is characterized by the inability to achieve or maintain an erection during intercourse underwear until the completion of the sexual act, while the noise orgasm is the delay or absence of orgasm after sufficient stimulation and arousal.
Things can get worse because of what we call performance anxiety, fear of being judged, to make a fool of and / or the feeling of being inadequate compared with the expectations partners.
All these factors make the sphere of sexuality far from pleasant and attractive, would cause great inconvenience and problems in couple relationships.
Ask for help, after excluding organic causes, to undertake psychotherapy can be a great help to overcome these problems, going beyond the embarrassment that initially may cause the topic of sexuality, as the 'fundamental goal of psychotherapy is the well being of people in mind as in body.
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