autore Susanna Murray
I Disturbi Alimentari - Anoressia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa e Binge Eating - stanno interessando un numero sempre maggiore di persone. Spesso coloro che soffrono di disturbi alimentari sono donne, ma vi è un aumento notevole di disagio anche tra gli uomini. Molti sono adolescenti. A volte sono bambini.

In generale, si può anche dire che i disturbi alimentari possono be read as responses to negative attitudes, with which our society is placed against the body.
Individuals who develop symptoms of distress in food, such as the restrictions of 'anorexia, the gorging of food and elimination of bulimia or binge eating compulsive eating, they're actually trying to deal with unmanageable feelings.
You fall into the illusion that if it were possible to be beautiful and thin, we could achieve happiness. But in reality for those who are overwhelmed by a deep personal distress, it is easier to focus on control of their bodies, which look at their suffering.
As an eating disorder is almost always a psychological distress that speaks through the symptoms of the body, it is important to directly use the body in treatment. The
Danzamovimentoterapia allows you to use creativity and experiential approach that passes through the body. The negative body image is central to these diseases.
Body image is how we see our bodies and our minds, how we feel inside and how we communicate with ourselves through our bodies. People suffering from anorexia is seen fat, although it is extremely thin. Who is suffering from bulimia or binge eating hates his appearance.
Eating disorders are a way to communicate feelings of abandonment, anger, fear, pain and shame. People with eating disorders often speak of an "empty inside", but actually fear that within them there is something monstrous. The symptoms can be seen as a kind of fortress that protects against the most painful emotions. Actually come into play mode behavior, related to food, very difficult to leave. In some cases the mechanisms of denial are so powerful that they get to refuse treatment. Unfortunately they are very serious diseases, dangerous to the psyche and physical health. There are many suicides as deaths from physical complications.
. In the treatment danzamovimentoterapeutico is essential to use the body and movement to bring growth and healing. You learn to listen to your body and to follow with confidence what our body tells us about ourselves. Since it is "non-verbal, movement therapy bypasses the wall of defenses that use the words. Patients are helped to remain in the present moment, bringing awareness to their experience, thus gaining knowledge of unconscious feelings and emotions hidden. In
sessions danzamovimentoterapia you can start doing simple, small gestures or movements, combinations of the design of the story. This mode allows a safe initial approach of the body e allevia la tensione. La danzamovimentoterapia aiuta nella gestione dei rapporti con gli altri, attraverso la modulazione della distanza e della vicinanza.Sentirsi sicuri nel proprio corpo aiuta le relazioni, aumentando i legami con gli altri. Il dolore bloccato, causa di molti disturbi alimentari, deve essere liberato molto lentamente e quindi richiede molto tempo. Ma purtroppo non esiste una cura magica.
La danzamovimentoterapia permette di “sentirsi” accogliendo le parti corporee, così da iniziare ad accogliere tutti gli aspetti di sé meno considerati.
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