Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fondue Without Pot Cheese

The monument of the fallen women

Un film che in tempi ormai lontani ebbe su di me un effetto sconvolgente è La fontana della vergine di Ingmar Bergman. Un'opera cinematrografica fortemente medievale, anche a prescindere dalla collocazione storica, per l'allegorismo delle immagini, il sentimento della realtà penetrato di meraviglioso (e anche di mostruoso) e l'ingenua apertura alla dimensione del sovrannaturale. La vicenda è nota ai frequntatori dei cinema d'essai: protagonista è una bionda fanciulla dalla bellezza radiosa, stuprata e massacrata a bastonate da alcuni balordi incontrati per caso sul sentiero che doveva portarla ad una cerimonia religiosa. Gli assassini sono individui dagli appetiti bestiali, del tutto insensibili alla luce della bellezza. La ragazza, cresciuta tra le cure affettuose dei genitori benestanti e della servitù, non poteva neppure sospettare, mentre si avventurava allegramente nel bosco, che al mondo esistesse gente del genere. La sua ingenuità non è immune da una certa infantile superbia, che la rende ad esempio poco partecipe alle sofferenze di una serva di casa, almost the same age, put brutally pregnant do not know by whom. None suspected, and unwise in his blessed innocence, a tragedy even worse is waiting.
The father will avenge his death, which is immediately aware of the imprudence of the robbers who knocked on his door and try to sell personal property of his daughter, killing them one after another and macchiandoi blood. Shortly after the discovery of the corpse of the girl in a clearing in the wood is accompanied by a supernatural one which attends the man full of religious awe, the sudden gush of a miraculous source of water from the earth. Treating it as a divine sign, she decided to consecrate the place erecting a shrine to his daughter. A sort of "in memory me "in stone, capable of restoring the shattered order by returning to earth the splendor of the offended that he was removed. In the Middle Ages, it must be said, the pain generated by the unjust order of the innocent is not redeemed nor is justified sublimated but viewed in the context of a sort of mystical participation in the death of the crucified God. In this metessi the absurdity of evil suffered from the innocent, absolutely scandalous in itself and therefore unjustifiable, it is accepted as an episode of the personal history of the child himself of God (and God).
The fountain of pure water flowing from the place where lies the body of the virgin implies the idea of \u200b\u200ba vitality and a prolific force in the Sexual generation is only one manifestation. The virgin is no longer a virgin in body and killed when it is still in bloom (just as a flower), the fecundity of the free spirit and somehow restores the divine justice that even God with his distance in front of the most horrific manifestations of evil, seems to break. (In this sense we can say "mother of God" occurs when God does not seem himself and gets back. Spoke "e-ducandolo, pulling it out by itself, and pushing it to the wonderful life).
the miracle of today we certainly would prefer the intervention of a miracle from above that stop the murderous hand, rescuing the victim. But if ever a miracle is possible, just what the source is a pain that transforms the texture mineral (insolvent) in water. A miracle that, wherever we come, we are shocked and provokes us. Do not accept the challenge means to stop the obsessive repetition of life in the terrible moment in which violence has been worn out looking in vain for an answer as to why pain and evil, a response that can not be satisfactory. Because evil is often absurd and unfair. And woe to those who want to justify all the costs (so do the "friends" of Job, when Job's blameless seeking behavior in a spot that can explain the burden of disasters from which it is overwhelmed, interpreting them as punishment. But it is wrong, and will condannati).

Mi ha fatto pensare al film di Bergman la vicenda tragica della bambina di Brembate. Una vicenda purtroppo non nuova. Ahimè, troppe ce ne sono di simili. Da quella terribile e caduta in oblio di Olga Julia Calzoni , uccisa nell'autunno del 1976 da ragazzi "amici", a quella di Donatella Colasanti e Rosaria Lopez, a quelle di Simonetta Cesaroni, Sarah Scazzi e Chiara Poggi, a quella di Deborah Rizzato, uccisa nel 2005 dallo stesso aguzzino che l'aveva violentata nel '94. E questo solo per dirne alcune. Non dobbiamo dimenticare che nel nostro Paese, secondo i dati Istat del 2006, una donna su quattro subisce violenza nel corso della sua vita, e che nell'ultimo decennio, come recita il rapporto Eurispes, the phenomenon and 'increased by 300%. Remain nameless female bodies of many poor immigrant prostitutes, inexperienced girls abducted in the country of origin, perhaps with the complicity of uncles, boyfriends or brothers, beaten on the street and then killed because recalcitrant, or because they are ill, maybe not very 'productive' .

also why I now turn to the field where it was found the small Yara in a kind of sanctuary. The shrine of the murdered women. A special area where a recall for women victims of violence. The monument of the fallen women.


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