die at age eleven under the blows of a brute
Gerolamo Bolli, The gardener of the night
A girl is kidnapped by a brute, perhaps unexpected ones who hide among friends, neighbors, relatives. She is attacked and defends himself with his nails and teeth. The brute, perhaps exasperated by her resistance is overcome by a fit and kills her. An hour terrible, evil, injustice, insanity, remains indelible.
Now someone (a priest) says that she has defended her virginity, compared to a saint: Maria Goretti, a young brute who tried to rape at the age of 11 years. The girl objected strenuously ending killed under the blows of a punch. Sanctified the church, has undergone the sarcasm of many detractors. At age 11 I do not think it is so free to choose and what is advantageous to calculate the outrage made between the person and his life. We just defended. His sanctification culturally incomprehensible if it is not set in the context in which they were each other. Incomprehensible even to the adverse position of derision, if not ideologically it in context.
Have you heard who's the girl I'm talking about and that has been equated to the small Goretti. I do not name, have made too many in recent days. We forget that parents, friends, relatives are alive and suffering for her. Each in its indelicacy confonti burns come una frustata.
Il parroco del paese da cui la fanciulla proviene ha detto che è morta per salvaguardare la sua verginità. E questo ha provocato un coro di proteste. La solita strumentalizzazione del clero per propagandare un'immagine della femminilità e della sessualità antiquata, si è detto.
Calma. Cosa intendeva il parroco per verginità? Solo l'imene? Sarebbe una immagine davvero angusta e offensiva nei confronti della persona della bambina. E anche poco perspicace. Quando ci si difende da un bruto non si difende l'imene, quella cosa sottile, quasi inesistente, che c'è da chiedersi come l'uomo storicamente sia arrivato a considerarla così importante. Quando ci si difende da un bruto si difende l'integrità of person. The whole person. That is one with its own existence. And people naive, innocent, why not? virgins - people are still very much intact, so unaware of malice and duplicity that placed in a situation as bad as that of a rape, possno not get to do calculations, distinguishing between what should the violation of the body and the value of life. A few years later, and perhaps she would have been able to "mediate" between what was happening to him and his love for life. He would, as I know? pretended to submit, accept, promised not to reveal anything to anyone ... and everything to save his life, referring to his latest claim. An attitude essay, designed, realistic, yes. But the attitude of an adult, already aware of the sacrifices that life is to endure.
Let us immerse ourselves in the experiences of a girl of 12-13 years and let's help the poet: "What sweet thoughts, what hopes, what hearts, O Silvia mia! What appeared to us to human life and fate." Yeah, how many dreams, how wonderful imaginary adventures and those ideals ... the girl who defends everything defends his brute that. Defends the integrity of his world, whose existence and be identical, and this integrity, though in some ways makes it less suitable for survival (which requires a lot of mediation skills), it is her virginity. Virginity etymologically refers to the green, not in terms of intact (which insists on non-broken, and therefore retains a negative gradient), but in that of thriving, vital and exuberant. The thirteen year old girl has defended his lush life, perhaps because his soul thirteen (proud and sentimental as it should) not allowed to consider as a viable alternative to simple survival.
then I have to say that the pastor of the town of Bergamo was not speaking urbi et orbi when proposing the identification between the child and Maria Goretti. He spoke instead to the little world of his parishioners and relatives of the girl, and probably knows some of which share values, faith, horizons. As I've already been spiegare per un cristiano il male non può essere giustificato. Ai suoi occhi rimane sempre assurdo, misterioso e immeritato. Il dolore si può attraversare e accettare semmai nella logica della ignaziana Imitatio Christi. "Solo" (si fa per dire) in quella.
Chi sta usando la faccenda della bambina per perseguire scopi ideologici o di propaganda, qualunque sia il suo pensiero, sta facendo ora opera di sciacallaggio. Io però voglio credere che ciò non possa venire da chi ha condiviso istante dopo istante l'angoscia della famiglia, perciò non dal parroco. Le due vicende così lontane nel tempo hanno qualcosa che le accomuna: l'assassino in entrambi i casi potrebbe essere molto giovane (diciannovenne quello di Maria), giovanissime e combattive le vittime. Ricordiamoci che il responsabile dell'aggressione a Maria Goretti poi si pentì e confessò il suo delitto. Forse il paragone tra le due sfortunate bambine ha anche questo fine. La promozione non di una posizione ideologica o dottrinale ma il pentimento. E con il pentimento, la confessione.
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