King's speech
GENRE: historical
DURATION: 111 min
a physical impediment (stuttering) affects the life of a man that will one day be king, in one of Europe's most horrific moments in history. The Winey World War II under the Nazi seizure of power and his doctrine masked by the imperial policy of Lebensraum: living space.
Stuttering bring this man to the contempt of self and fear to become king because of his inability public speaking in front of the microphones of the BBC, in an era where radio communication is the tool par excellence.
This man is George VI, father of the present Queen of England, who suffers from stuttering since the age of 5 years. The disease has brought as a result and the lack of esteem also the lack of 'love of his father, King George V and his brother, David, for the succession to the throne but who then for the love of a woman give up abdicating.
It is said that behind every great man there is always a great woman and, despite my personal doubts, the film seems to confirm this. In fact it is only for the stubborn (and diplomatic) insistenza della moglie che “Bertie”, il principe Albert (il nomignolo con cui viene familiarmente chiamato George VI prima di diventare re), viene in contatto con un logopedista poco ortodosso di origine australiana: Logue.
Dopo incomprensioni iniziali e prevaricazione delle proprie posizioni sociali da ambo i lati (ma soprattutto da parte di Logue) i due, il principe ed il logopedista, divengono amici. Il processo di amicizia si sviluppa di pari passo all’ascesa al trono di Albert e ad una presa di distanza (più adeguata) dei rispettivi ruoli sociali. Nella restituzione dei personaggi alla propria condizione sociale, dapprima scavalcata dal disregard di Logue, anticonformista e logopeda nemmeno laureato ma efficace nei suoi metodi di rieducazione sebbene inconvenzionali, di pari passo si sviluppa una forma di amicizia discreta, ma sincera e profonda, fondata sul riconoscimento della propria condizione di nascita e del proprio ruolo sociale. Nella presa di distanza si crea la vicinanza.
Questa è senz’altro la parte migliore del film, quella più avvincente ed emotivamente più sentita di un film bello dall’inizio alla fine, che scorre bene come se fosse un thriller.
Solo vedendo il film ci si rende conto perché abbia fatto incetta di oscar.
Ho visto anche “The Social Network”, altro film candidato a molti oscar ma strabattutto da “Il discorso del re”. “The Social Network, is a beautiful film. It 's more modern in design, how to shoot, music and innovations, but compared to the film Tom Hooper is a step below. And that chance probably "The speech of the King" is a film intended to less affected by the passage of time. Maybe in ten years will look more aged, "The Social Network" and "The speech of the king. "The Social Network" is definitely a film more fashionable in style and concept compared to the starring Colin Firth. Very huge
Colin Firth. But in my opinion deserved an Oscar if he would also Geoffrey Rush who plays the speech therapist.
I've waited long to see the film in the original but it was worth it. The film double loss to 50%. It 's a pity that in Italy because of corporate associations (that of the voice actors) you can not pass the chance to watch movies in their original language (with subtitles of course because you can not know all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world).
This would certainly be another obstacle to be killed for corporate modernize this country run for at least 20 years.
Five stars.
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