The truffacuori
DIRECTOR: Pascal Chaumeil
DIRECTOR: Pascal Chaumeil
Actors: Romain Duris
Vanessa Paradis
Julie Ferrier
François Damiens
Helena Noguerra
TIROL ORIGINAL. The arnacoeur
KIND. Comedy
DURATION. 105 min.
History: a diabolical French, Alex (Romain Duris), who commissioned blows couples in which women are likely to be unhappy by stealing their hearts. Him work with his sister and brother. Perfect organization ..
They also have a code of ethics, which can be summed up in the poignant motto: "we open their hearts not their legs."
After a series of missions completed successfully, it reaches a practically impossible to pop a couple in ten days, before they get married. The two are madly in love and most importantly he is very rich and beautiful. The organization puts
subito all’opera cercando di individuare un punto debole nel fidanzato. Ma tutto è perfetto ed Alex decide di mollare. E’ una missione impossibile!
Però subito è costretto a rivedere la sua decisione, perché uno strozzino a cui deve un sacco di soldi lo minaccia: o gli restituisce i soldi o lo ammazza.
Con la forza della disperazione Alex ricomincia. E’ vero che la missione è impossibile, è vero che la ragazza, Juliette (Vanessa Paradis) è tosta…ma Alex è un genio. Alex è furbo. Alex è il politropo Odisseo dei cuori!
E così affonda i suoi colpi in uno scenario da favola: Montecarlo. La città, il mare, la costa, hotel lussuosi…in fondo questo film which in many ways is a patchwork probably with a lot of "To Catch a Thief" (To Catch a Thief) by Alfred Hitchcock in 1955 as a source of inspiration even closely resembles "The Tourist" by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck.
We are not in Venice but we are in Monte Carlo. It 'made with the technique of the thriller and in fact you ride along excitement. There the couple. There is the bad guy, and there is a mission to accomplish. But compared to "The Tourist" here's a more Romain Duris, with more verve of unsalted Johnny Depp, more rhythm and more technology (comic, in this case).
And then there is that after seeing Romain Duris in "Paris" by Cédric Klapisch (2008) condemned by the silent suffering and disease find it in "The Truffacuori" diabolical and perky, and even satirical comedy is a positive surprise in the ability of this actor, who plays a significant role for a film class full of humor and to find. A final
on which stands a dance from Dirty Dancing authentic French tamarro (Alex), which falls after the fatal rain. And the rain in the movies always means change. Victoria
therefore on tough girl? Mission accomplished?
Well the ticket you if you want to know ... pagarvelo
Three stars means.
Vanessa Paradis
Julie Ferrier
François Damiens
Helena Noguerra
TIROL ORIGINAL. The arnacoeur
KIND. Comedy
DURATION. 105 min.
History: a diabolical French, Alex (Romain Duris), who commissioned blows couples in which women are likely to be unhappy by stealing their hearts. Him work with his sister and brother. Perfect organization ..
They also have a code of ethics, which can be summed up in the poignant motto: "we open their hearts not their legs."
After a series of missions completed successfully, it reaches a practically impossible to pop a couple in ten days, before they get married. The two are madly in love and most importantly he is very rich and beautiful. The organization puts
subito all’opera cercando di individuare un punto debole nel fidanzato. Ma tutto è perfetto ed Alex decide di mollare. E’ una missione impossibile!
Però subito è costretto a rivedere la sua decisione, perché uno strozzino a cui deve un sacco di soldi lo minaccia: o gli restituisce i soldi o lo ammazza.
Con la forza della disperazione Alex ricomincia. E’ vero che la missione è impossibile, è vero che la ragazza, Juliette (Vanessa Paradis) è tosta…ma Alex è un genio. Alex è furbo. Alex è il politropo Odisseo dei cuori!
E così affonda i suoi colpi in uno scenario da favola: Montecarlo. La città, il mare, la costa, hotel lussuosi…in fondo questo film which in many ways is a patchwork probably with a lot of "To Catch a Thief" (To Catch a Thief) by Alfred Hitchcock in 1955 as a source of inspiration even closely resembles "The Tourist" by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck.
We are not in Venice but we are in Monte Carlo. It 'made with the technique of the thriller and in fact you ride along excitement. There the couple. There is the bad guy, and there is a mission to accomplish. But compared to "The Tourist" here's a more Romain Duris, with more verve of unsalted Johnny Depp, more rhythm and more technology (comic, in this case).
And then there is that after seeing Romain Duris in "Paris" by Cédric Klapisch (2008) condemned by the silent suffering and disease find it in "The Truffacuori" diabolical and perky, and even satirical comedy is a positive surprise in the ability of this actor, who plays a significant role for a film class full of humor and to find. A final
on which stands a dance from Dirty Dancing authentic French tamarro (Alex), which falls after the fatal rain. And the rain in the movies always means change. Victoria
therefore on tough girl? Mission accomplished?
Well the ticket you if you want to know ... pagarvelo
Three stars means.
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