Alessandra Placucci, The dream of ballerinas.
Piumadoro and Piombofino
of Guido Gozzano
Piumadoro I was an orphan and lived with his grandfather's cabin in the woods. My grandfather was in the coal and it helped him to pick up twigs and coal. The child was growing well, loved by her friends and the old women of the other houses, and beautiful, beautiful like a queen.
One spring day he saw his window of carnations on a white butterfly and closed it between his fingers.
- Let me go, please! ...
Piumadoro let her go.
- Thank you, pretty baby, what's your name?
- Piumadoro.
- My name Pieridis Hawthorn. I'm going to have my caterpillars in a distant land. Perhaps one day will reward you.
And the butterfly flew away. Another day
Piumadoro seize, through the trail, a beautiful snow-white head carried by the wind, and was already tearing the lightweight silk.
- Let me go, please! ...
Piumadoro let him go.
- Thank you, beautiful child. What's your name?
- Piumadoro.
- Thank you, Piumadoro. My name achene of the Thistle. I'm going to lay my seeds in a distant land. Perhaps one day will reward you.
And the head flew off. Another day
Piumadoro snatched in the heart of a rose an emerald beetle.
- Let me go, please!
Piumadoro let him go.
- Thank you, beautiful girl. What's your name?
- Piumadoro.
- Thank you, Piumadoro. My name Cetonia Golden. Seeking roses distant land. Perhaps one day will reward you. And
Cetonia flew away.
about fourteen to Piumadoro was a strange thing. Weight loss.
is still the beautiful little blond girl and flourishing, but s'alleggeriva every day.
At first he gave no thought. The fun, indeed, lying from the branches of tall trees and coming down, slowly, slowly, slowly, like a sheet of paper. And sang
No other love - that Piumadoro ...
Oh! Piumadoro,
beautiful girl - you will be Queen. But over time it became
così leggera che il nonno dovette appenderle alla gonna quattro grosse pietre perché il vento non se la portasse via. Poi nemmeno le pietre bastarono più e il nonno dovette rinchiuderla in casa.
- Piumadoro, povera bimba mia, qui si tratta di un malefizio!
E il vecchio sospirava. E Piumadoro s'annoiava, così rinchiusa.
- Soffiami, nonno!
E il vecchio, per divertirla, la soffiava in alto per la stanza. Piumadoro saliva e scendeva, lenta come una piuma.
Non altre adoro - che Piumadoro...
Oh! Piumadoro,
bella bambina - sarai Regina.
- Soffiami, nonno!
E il vecchio soffiava forte e Piumadoro saliva leggera fino alle travi del soffitto.
Oh! Piumadoro,
bella bambina - sarai Regina.
- Piumadoro, che cosa canti?
- Non son io. È una voce che canta in me.
Piumadoro sentiva, infatti, ripetere le parole da una voce dolce e lontanissima.
E il vecchio soffiava e sospirava:
- Piumadoro, povera bimba mia, qui si tratta di un malefizio!...
Un mattino Piumadoro si svegliò più leggera e più annoiata del consueto.
Ma il vecchietto non rispondeva.
- Soffiami, nonno!
Piumadoro s'avvicinò al letto del nonno. Il nonno era morto.
Piumadoro pianse.
Pianse tre giorni e tre notti. All'alba del quarto giorno volle chiamar gente. Ma socchiuse appena l'uscio di house if the wind snatched, carried it up, up, like a bubble ...
Piumadoro screamed and closed his eyes.
dared open them gradually, and look down, through his great hair dissolved. It was flying at dizzying heights. Below her
passed the green countryside, rivers, silver, dark forests, cities, towers, abbeys tiny as toys ...
Piumadoro closed his eyes for fear, it is wrapped, it settled in his hair as the immense curtain of her bed and carried away.
- Piumadoro, courage!
He opened his eyes. They were the Butterfly, Cetona and the shower head.
- The wind carries you, Piumadoro. We will follow and we will help you in your destiny.
Piumadoro felt reborn.
- Thank you, my friends.
No other love - that Piumadoro ...
Oh! Piumadoro,
beautiful girl - you will be Queen.
- Who sings to me ear, for so long?
- You'll know in the evening, Piumadoro, when we come from Fata Adolescence.
Piumadoro, the butterfly, Cetona and rode on the head, carried by the wind.
Towards evening they came from the Child Fairy. They entered through the open window.
The good fairy received them kindly. Piumadoro taken by the hand, went through endless corridors and vast rooms, then the Fata took from a chest of gold a round mirror.
- Look in here.
Piumadoro looked. He saw a beautiful garden, palm trees and tropical trees and flowers ever seen.
And in the garden was a young man on a chariot of gold five hundred yoke of oxen trudge. And sang
Oh! Piumadoro,
beautiful girl - you will be Queen.
- Those you see is Piombofino, the prince of the Fortunate Isles, and it is he who calls you for a long time with his song. It is the victim of a spell away from you. Five hundred pairs of oxen drag him with difficulty. It is becoming increasingly heavy. The witchcraft will be broken at the instant that will give the first kiss. The vision disappeared
and gave a good Fairy Piumadoro three grains of wheat.
- Before you reach the Fortunate Islands, the wind will pass over three castles. In every castle you see a wicked fairy who will try to lure you with threats or flattery. You'll get dropped every time one of these grains.
Piumadoro thanked the fairy out of the window with his companions, and resumed his journey, carried by the wind.
arrived in the evening in preparation for the first castle. Colorful Fairy appeared on the towers and made a gesture with his hands. Piumadoro felt attracted by a mysterious force and began to descend slowly. The gardens seemed to distinguish faces of people you know and smiling: the companions and the old women of the native forest, the old man who greeted her. But
Cetonia reminded of the warning and Adolescent Fairy Piumadoro dropped a grain of wheat. The smiling people are changed into demons and witches suddenly crowned with hissing snakes.
Piumadoro is lifted up with his companions, and realized that this was the Castle of Lies and the grain was thrown into the grain of Prudence.
traveled two more days. They arrived in the evening in anticipation of the second castle.
castle was a color of bile, blood-streaked. Towers on the Green Fairy waved furiously. A crowd of livid people mentioned the battlements and courtyards, menacingly.
Piumadoro began to descend, attracted by the mysterious force. Terrified dropped the second grain. As soon as he touched ground the wheat, the castle was made of gold, the Fairy and the hosts appeared benign and smiling, waving Piumadoro with outstretched hands. This will pop up and resumed his journey carried by the wind, and knew that it was the grain of goodness.
travel, travel, came two days after the third castle. It was a wonderful castle, made of gold and precious stones. The Blue Fairy
appeared on the towers, nodding graciously to Piumadoro.
Piumadoro felt attracted by the invisible force. Approaching on the ground heard a confused uproar of laughter, song, music, distinguished ladies in the gardens and huge groups of shining knights, designed for banquets, dancing, rides, theaters.
Piumadoro, dazzled, was about to go down, but remembered the warning of the Cetonia Adolescent Fairy, and she dropped it, reluctantly, the third grain of wheat. As soon as it touched ground, the castle was changed into a cave, the Blue Fairy in a terrible shrew, and the ladies and knights in poor ragged and desperate that they ran crying from rocks and bushes. Piumadoro, raised by a leap in the air, he realized that this was the Castle of desire and that the grain was thrown into the grain of wisdom.
went on the street, carried by the wind. The
PIERIDE, Cetona and the head followed her faithful calling together all the friends they met along the road. So Piumadoro was soon a parade of colorful butterflies, a cloud of white heads and a phalanx of dazzling emerald-green beetles.
travel, travel, traveling, the land ended, and Piumadoro, looking down, saw a blue and endless expanse. It was the sea.
The wind calmed down and Piumadoro sometimes up to touch her hair with the white foam. It cries out. But the ten thousand ten thousand butterflies and beetles in the lifted up, with the thrill of their small wings.
traveled as seven days.
eighth day dawn appeared on the horizon the golden minarets and tall palm trees of the Fortunate Isles.
The Palace was desperate.
Piombofino The prince had broken with his weight room of the Grand Council and was surrounded by waist deep in the mosaic floor. Blond, blue eyes, dressed all in red velvet, Piombofino was as beautiful as a god, but the spell was done every day more perverse.
Now the weight of the boy was such that all the cattle were not enough to budge the Kingdom of a finger.
Doctors, sort, fortune tellers, necromancers, alchemists were called around to no avail heir enchanted.
No other love - that Piumadoro ...
Oh! Piumadoro,
beautiful girl - you will be Queen. And
Piombofino sank deeper and deeper, like a bronze mortar nella sabbia del mare.
Un mago aveva predetto che tutto era inutile, se l'aiuto non veniva dall'incrociarsi di certe stelle benigne.
La Regina correva ogni momento alla finestra e consultava a voce alta gli astrologhi delle torri.
- Mastro Simone! Che vedi, che vedi all'orizzonte?
- Nulla, Maestà... La Flotta Cristianissima che torna di Terra Santa.
E Piombofino affondava sempre.
- Mastro Simone, che vedi?...
- Nulla, Maestà... Uno stormo d'aironi migratori...
- Mastro Simone, che vedi?...
- Nulla, Maestà... Una galea veneziana carica d'avorio.
Il Re, la Regina, i ministri, le dame erano disperati.
Piombofino emergeva ormai con la testa soltanto; e sank singing
Oh! Piumadoro,
beautiful girl - you will be Queen.
was heard, suddenly, the voice of Master Simon
- Majesty! ... A comet on the horizon! A star that shines in the middle of noon! All
rushed to the window, but even before the large glass window opens for charm and bottom Piumadoro appeared with his followers shocked the Court, the heads
I had a robe of woven veil, the butterflies had colored gems. The ten thousand beetles, change in ten thousand pageboy dressed in emerald-wing did to the girl who came in smiling, beautiful and majestic as a goddess.
Piombofino, received her first kiss, as he recovered from a dream, and jumped up and busted open, amid the cries of exultant joy of the Court.
laden feasts were never seen again. And eight days after the coal Piumadoro married the prince of the Fortunate Isles.
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