The never-ending story
From K. Brigg English folk tales - Einaudi
There was once a king who had a beautiful daughter. Many of the principles demanded in marriage, but the king said he would given to those who knew tell a story without end, while the suitors that they had tried unsuccessfully to have been decapitated. Were many principles, tried to tell a story, but the story always ended, and they ended up beheaded. One day he came to court a poor boy who had heard of it and wanted groped luck. The king agreed, and the boy began this story: - There once was a man who built a large barn and put together as many areas almost up to the heavens. He left at the top just a tiny bucolino from which he could only pass a grasshopper, and no more than one at a time, then filled with grain from top to bottom. When he had finished in the top bucolino came a grasshopper took a grain of wheat, and then went to another grasshopper took another grain of wheat ... - And the boy went on to say: - Then came another grasshopper took another grain of wheat - for hours, until the king he could not get more, he said that this was a story without end, and gave his daughter in marriage to the poor guy.
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