back the specter of poverty, but the poor can not come back. Perhaps because, strictly speaking, is not poverty that back but his sister, misery: a nightmare of days that seemed to always exceeded.
Poverty is the condition of those who may have little but the little bit satisfied. To this one can be happy and keep its special beauty that some like and makes it, thinks a bit, '"lovable." But content just does not mean lack of need. The ascetic and the mystic can live in joy without having the need, the common man really needs resources to ensure a dignified and free from the anxiety of the future. A life where you can grow old, fall sick, even sometimes make mistakes, without being destroyed for this. The beauty of poverty is that collection and a small vegetable garden, where plants will not flower rare, exotic, and fragrances are rustic vegetables and wild plants. Not that the rich gardens should not exist: each one has according to his taste, his aspirations and capacity (which can not be infinite, however, even the most brilliant day of or manager of the 'entrepreneur is made of 24 hours!) where everyone has a vegetable garden. Provided that the orchid is not taken away the simple consolation of chicory and the morning glory.
Today is just the condition that we have identified with poverty (to be satisfied just) to be outmoded and out of time, for the simple reason that the "little" no longer exists. And this is perhaps the main characteristic feature of the "famine" that is affecting the West, part of the world until a few years ago called it the rich and developed. And indeed it still is: indecorous manifestations of wealth is accompanied by the disturbing signs of uncertainty and crisis.
The powerful (the corporations, banks and loro "servitori") che hanno guidato il processo della globalizzazione ci hanno privato della possibilità di vivere da poveri. E questo significa per noi, con buona pace del liberalismo e del liberismo sposati da Destra e Sinistra, aver perduto la nostra libertà, molto più di quanto avrebbe potuto succederci sotto una dittatura. Siamo totalmente schiavi del sistema: dipendiamo dal mercato, dal rifornimento di materie prime e da ogni tipo di servizio. C'è stato un tempo in cui ci venivano forniti a prezzi ragionevoli, poi, dopo l'assuefazione un po' tossica e la conseguente dipendenza, la musica è cambiata e vivere ci è diventato "economicamente insostenibile".
Ci hanno spogliato delle capacità e delle conoscenze che allow us to maintain a family's economic autonomy, however minimal. No one knows more cards, get a dress, fix a broken pipe, repair a bike, attach a button, without raising a chicken to the vet. We are Italian and we still cook, a task that in other countries has been reduced to the brutality of a stuffed baked in the microwave. Our lands have been abandoned to the winds, and every owner has been reduced in his heart, hoping to sell them taking advantage of a favorable regulatory plan. We do not know to plant and cultivate fruit trees, to recognize those among the edible wild plants, distemper kitchen, looking after a sick, can not do anything nothing. Meanwhile, the cost of services and raw materials rises and we're not in a position to do without: transportation, heating, natural gas, oil, water, health care bleed our finances. They told us that work outside the home, men and women, it is better and now our mothers spend a very sad old age in some nursing home. There arrabattiamo for them because even the right hospice yeast. Rises as the cost of the plumber and the carpenter, because everyone needs to make money and the right price is always set too high compared to our possibilities.
Life is stressful, the work is missing, the wages are not growing but prices are, there's nothing cheap and there is no way to circumvent or bypass the market. And if we restrict the consumption of a sense of home economics (what we have left after the dramatic loss of skills than those required by the profession) is the general economy to suffer. If we save the economy gets worse, unemployment is rising and so on. The supermarkets are no longer the shelves of a long, overflowing with goods such as breasts swollen with milk. The smile benevolent welfare state has been replaced by a dull grin Marchionne. The Great Mother of Social Democracy - the attack on shopping malls, welfarism, perishing drunk with pleasure in pleasure, the celebration of taste - is over. And this might not be bad, but for almost a sense of Dante's hell is passing over any provident and also measured the distribution of goods, social status, mercy. We face the struggle for survival: Europe and China, north and south, employees and workers, rich and poor ... and what else? Aumentandoi suicides are motivated by financial problems, and not just among the poor but also among small business entrepreneurs who see eaten by unfair competition from debt. Living is no longer tenable, this is the era of non-sustainability. The beautiful
Pomona bellied reward of fruit and red cheeks of pleasure is dead. A Saturn incattivito from years of solitude to which he condemned the nostra trascorsa indifferenza si frega le mani ossute. Ce la vuole far pagare.
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