With the "usual" day delay, here is the "same" league record with commentary from Orlando. Reduce my introduction to this simple phrase and circumstance of very little importance.
add, however, the thanks of a PURPOSE Kurtigghiu for its graphics.
rankings of January in the 60's were generally no meat or fish is still selling records of the previous year and there was no particular news because the record companies expected to launch Sanremo "pieces ninety ". In January 1968, however, sales are handled through the event presented in the unedited combined with the Lottery's New Year's Day that year was called "Partitissima" and was conducted by Albert Wolff. For the first time in the transmission mechanism is provided for the presentation of new songs in the last phase of team play that characterized the singing competition.
absolute star Dalida was that, back from defeat at San Remo and the tragedy that flows from it, was somewhat compensated by the victory in "Partitissima" : in the absence of Morandi, engaged in military service, and in the presence of Pavone now an inexorable decline in popularity, greeting the public (and those driven by the record companies) were able to converge on a character less nazionalpopolare, which in any case was backed by a team of writers / producers / arrangers (before Dossena at all) who knew how to handle its Italian image. Picture that, among other things, after this great opportunity began to decline for a number of reasons (artistic and otherwise) that you all know.
Thus, the first and only time in Italy, Dalida was found with three laps 45 Rating: Mama, exit again last summer and therefore not included in this collection, The Last Waltz , cover Engelbert Humperdinck a success that, strangely enough, in France had been cornered by another great character who had left Dalida dry mouth, and finally Dan dan dan , the novel by former duo "Sunflowers" with he won "Partitissima" .
Dalla stessa manifestazione, la raccolta di oggi ci presenta anche Lo vuole lui, lo vuole lei di Sandie Shaw e Meraviglioso di Domenico Modugno, bocciato dalla commissione del Festival di Sanremo alle porte, ma destinato ad essere di nuovo un successo quarant'anni dopo grazie ai Negramaro.
Canzone regina di quell'inizio 1968 fu comunque un brano non italiano: firmato da Gary Brooker e Keith Reid, fu adattato per il mercato italiano da Daniele Pace così tempestivamente da far arrivare nei negozi la versione dei Camaleonti praticamente assieme alla versione originale. Quando Luttazzi annunciava L'ora dell'amore , citava anche il contributo di Homburg dei Procol Harum al totale delle vendite, ma mi sa che quella volta la versione originale la comprai solo io e qualche altro fanatico a cui stava sulle scatole la vocina melensa e zuccherosa di Cripezzi.
Altro 45 giri importante del periodo, ma mai numero uno, fu Hello Goodbye che i Beatles fecero uscire parallelamente al doppio EP Magical Mistery Tour e che non a caso ripeteva nella facciata B I an the Walrus , il brano più significativo tra quelli che avevano fatto da colonna sonora al telefilm che, mandato in onda dalla BBC proprio il 26 dicembre 1967, si era rivelato una delle operazioni più fallimentari mai promosse dai fab four. Da notare che i fan italiani dei Beatles, grazie alla RAI che non volle comprare il filmato, furono forse gli unici al mondo a non poter verificare se veramente di fiasco si fosse trattato.
Come strascichi ormai fuori stagione della "Summer of love", la classifica italiana presentava ben due pezzi dedicati alla città californiana che aveva fatto da sfondo al movimento del flower power . Entrambi interpretati da "meteore", già da lontano un miglio si sentiva che erano pezzi "confezionati" appositamente per andare incontro alle aspettative di un particolare settore di pubblico. Il primo era San Francisco , una bella ballad nello stile dei Mamas & Papas: solo molti anni dopo si saprà che la composizione, accreditata all'esecutore Scott McKenzie, in realtà era was written by John Phillips and that he is also the guitar that stands out perfectly in the background music. San Francisco was taken into Italian by Bobby Solo, but in this case to get the better was the original version. Similarly, among Hymn of Dik Dik and Let's Go to San Francisco latter was more successful, despite the release of comrades Pietruccio and was particularly well. Mysteries of the recording industry.
Speaking of mysteries, not even appearing in the hit parade of this period the new 45s Equipe 84 despite the enormous success of the previous September 29. The ingredients were all there: Battisti and Mogol as authors, Vandelli Colombini and in the control room and un'ambiziosissimo arrangement carried out by a string section composed of professors from the Teatro alla Scala. But something In the heart, soul did not work from a commercial standpoint, although all still remember the song as a classic.
It says instead, also in Italy with Massachusetts the Australian group the Bee Gees, intended to last more than a season, as are confirmed by Tom Jones, Patty Pravo (this time facing a challenging piece from the point of view voice) and Don Backy that, using the long wave of success of 'immensity , place in the standings even Poetry , One of his best compositions ever.
curiously appear in a ranking Stevie Wonder struggling with an unlikely Italian (but the same version was also entrusted to our Dino), and The Letter Box Tops with . Sylvie Vartan has already spoken at length on this blog, preferring to draw a merciful veil over mediocre Sun off, without any merit in this collection that would contain "the best" of the period.
thank the vampire as always for your hospitality and I apologize for the prolonged absence (not planned but is necessary for a number of commitments that I had taken and I had to finish before the holidays), I hope to be on time this anche nelle prossime settimane. Un saluto particolare a Macval, che si rimetta presto.
A tutti, con affetto
01 I Camaleonti - L'Ora Dell'Amore (D.Pace-Brooker-Reid)
02 The Beatles - Hello Goodbye (Lennon-McCartney)
03 Don Backy - Poesia (Don Backy)
04 Scott McKenzie - San Francisco (Scott McKenzie)
05 Stevie Wonder - Il Sole E' Di Tutti (Cassia-Wells-Miller)
06 Sandie Shaw - Lo Vuole Lui Lo Vuole Lei (Bardotti-Reverberi)
07 Dalida - L'Ultimo Valzer (Misselvia-Mason-Les Reed)
08 The Flower Pot Men - Let's Go To San Francisco (Carter-Lewis)
09 Bee Gees - Massachusetts (B.M.& R. Gibb)
10 Patty Pravo - If I Lose You (Bardotti-Korda) 11
Caterina Caselli - I Dont Care (Pace-Panzeri-Pilat)
12 Gianni Morandi - Tenderness (Beretta-Renis-Olivares) 13
Sylvie Vartan - Two minutes of happiness (Renard-Thomas-Rivat)
14 Dalida - Dan Dan Dan (Dossena-Lucas-Righini)
15 Domenico Modugno - Wonderful (Pazzaglia-Modugno)
16 Tom Jones - I'm Coming Home (B. Mason -Les Reed)
17 The Box Tops - The Letter (Thompson)
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