Abbiamo capito, la festa è finita. Quella del consumismo e quella dell'industrializzazione selvaggia, che uccide il paesaggio, travolge le usanze, i rapporti, gli amori per far posto alla fabbrica, solo alla fabbrica. E invece della fabbrica oggi non rimane quasi più niente, soprattutto al nord est, dove i capannoni industriali sono come le mandibole di enormi dinosauri affondate nella sabbia. E l'uomo, l'uomo della grande industria - homo faber, solo braccia, pura "forza lavoro" per dirla con Marx - ...come sta? "Co'e man monche", spiega Fabio Franzin nella sua ultima raccolta ( Co' e man monche , ediz. Le Voci della Luna ): "con le mani mozzate", e se esce presto la mattina, quando i bambini sono ancora avvolti nel sonno, non è per andare al lavoro ma per riguardare bene i posti dove ha lavorato, sofferto e a volte imprecato contro un sistema produttivo ingiusto ( e di quella protesta porta l'eco profondo un'altra grande opera di Franzin, Fabrica , che più d'un critico considera l'opera migliore di poesia pubblicata negli ultimi anni), il quale però possedeva un suo ordine. Un ordine in cui l'uomo aveva ancora le mani.
"Co'e man monche"...un'immagine potente! Chissà se Fabio ha pensato a quella fiaba dei fratelli Grimm, tanto inquietante da aver attracted the attention of depth psychology that sought to interpret it by reading the hidden symbolism: "The girl without hands." Grimm was the girl of his hands cut off at the instigation of the devil, the workers (not only more workers now unemployed) also of Franzin .... How can you define for if the evil power that seduces at first, then tasted his own pleasure, and flies, and not leave after the children more or less monstrous generated in the meantime?
will not speak of poetry by Fabio, that others are already better than me wonderful commentary. But I want to post some pages from the "Prose of tricoeór" placed at the bottom of the collection. I have found them beautiful and touching, even linguistically brilliant.
A touch of magic comes from the photographic illustrations of the young and talented Anna Visini. If you do not have the text, I quote the old image of a cross covered with a dusty spider web: speaks for itself. I want to interpret it in more layman can read and sign the painful but the full humanity of yesterday, to which this is taking away everything. Even his hands. Dignity.
by Co 'and maimed man , Fabio Franzini, Preface. Manuel Cohen, ed. The Voices of the Moon, 2011
Numara green
Fonda, 'a crisis here tel northeast. Capanon that if svòdha e machine svendùdhe a l’asta, altri che, ‘pena fati su, i sa sol da siénzhio: scatoeóni de cimento rebaltàdhi tii canpi, erbàzhe alte fin tii finestroni, fra dispèt e desgrazhia. Desperazhión no’a ’é pì ‘na paròea vècia ‘scoltàdha controvòjia daa dentiera de un nòno pèrs via tii só ricordi de guèra e presonìa, ‘a ‘é ‘na agonia che, dì par dì, lèva ‘l fià, ‘na caivèra fissa come zhénare. El pal dea cucàgna el se ‘à scavazhà, l’é cascà tee case e tee fabriche a spacàr cópi e viéri, a studhàr speranzhe. Tii ultimi dó mesi trédese paronzhini i se ‘à ciot ‘a vita da soi; l’é par questo che i ‘à vèrt un numero verde, co’ pissicòeoghi pronti a iutàr gli imprenditori in difficoltà a causa della crisi. E i fa ben, l’é da cristiani iutàr ‘e persone che sofre, che no’e ghe ‘a fa pì, che ‘e vede croeàr ‘a só creatura e ‘e se sinte sprofondàr te un burón de paura, i fa ben, davéro; però anca ‘stavolta nissùn se ‘à pensà de vèrder un numero verde anca pa’ tuti ‘i operai che ghe lavoréa drento a chee fabriche in crisi, aa crose che sbrèga and the walls 'in mind, the red rose from Numara sfesa Chea, de shot, and if you poured out like fine linen, as a ruse magnar suits' and the fòjie Sorisi. No 'if you know' sti last Tenpa if èpie ciot 'to life or paronzhini pì workers, but I know that' the dark is the principal of the partnership par tuti, and oniùn palpéta co'e man goes to the A, 'and sie full and de cai de sgrafi or 'bituàdhe to sign orders and checks. I know that Co 'more' na fabrica, a more FIA, So the Master desires as the worker, that 'l is the pan de pì dear yesterday, and fae fadhìga to make that kind tee stee Sluse océti de tii me fiol; cuss but, man that none co'ste vol pi, vae to palpéta hip MI, and if dark synthetic tel de 'ver toca a grop of rope, the carézhe as co'l fae me that gat, and how that co fae' Lii, after 'verlo' carezhà, green 'on the door, and vae forums. .
Deep, the crisis here in the northeast. That empty warehouses and machinery sold off by auction, others who just raised, only know of silence: boxes of concrete spilled on the campaign, high weeds up to the windows, between anger and disgrace. Despair is not only a word heard old reluctantly the dentures of a grandfather lost among his memories of war and imprisonment, an agony that is, day after day, takes your breath away, a thick mist like ashes. The greasy pole is broken, has fallen on houses and businesses to split roofs, breaking windows, turn off hopes. Over the past two months have killed thirteen entrepreneurs, is to deal with these events which was established a toll-free, with psychologists ready to support entrepreneurs in difficulty because of the crisis. And it's a nice gesture, is a Christian to help people who suffer, who can not make more, they see their creation crumble and feel like sinking into an abyss of fear, is a nice gesture, really; But even at this juncture no one has thought to set up a hotline for all those workers who have lost their jobs in those companies wrapped in crisis, a cross that breaks through the walls and minds, in the red that infiltrate from the loophole, by stealth, and swarm like insects, like caterpillars to devour all the leaves of smiles. I do not know if you recently took their own lives as workers or entrepreneurs, but I know that darkness is tight for everyone, and everyone is groping with the hands that are full of calluses and scratches accustomed to sign orders or checks . I know that when a company dies, it dies with the holder so that the worker, that the bread is more expensive than yesterday, and I can hardly me to mirror the stars that shine in the eyes of my son, but so, with these hands that no one wants, I'm going to fumble, and if I feel the darkness to touch a noose, the caress, how do I with my cat and as I do with it, after the stroke, I open the door and go out.
camioneta red
(The author warns in a statement that the prose is written in a sort of pastiche or patois language between the Italian and Venetian dialect sui generis, "knowingly taking the language but also ungrammatical vivo of the letters sent home by immigrants in the early decades '900 Venetian as well as by the soldiers of the Great War)
Mentre che mi sono deciso di scrivere queste robe che mi rosega drento, à scuminziato a nevicare. Dal tavolino dela camareta, vardo voltra i vieri i fiochi balare tel zielo griso e tacarsi tei copi dele case. Scolto la mia femina e mio nevodeto Gionatan, dilà dala sala, zigare alegri par questa improvisa nevicata. Anchio me la godo, dal caldeto dela casa, questa mia prima neve da pensionato. Continuo, come un bocia davanti ale sue lezioni, a scrivere meza frase e quelaltra meza finirla dopo una nova ochiata a quei fiochi, come par sicurarmi che continui ancora così, fissi e beli. Mi perdo in tuto questo bianco che viene giù, e mi piase pensare che sono dentro a una favola, e che la neve che si muchia sule robe à davero il potere di netare il oni world that Porcaria else. So I'm just weird fantasies of a dreamer and Vechio a Pochet, I am ashamed. I finely decided to Butare sula paper down my memories pushed these dala idea, so the company of that or thought that this bela snowfall: which thou art leaving Lizier fall over Foli, word after word, I iutino of ingiutire tuti Magoni that the continuous as a grop of thorns, to torment me even ow that no more Dovara spunciare, pa el hip and council chamber of a dear friend who I à detonation: no ringworm is acquired influence in ste thorns Tolfo, Butel fora, scrivele, which to me write me à iutato much. But he is a poet who is little ale meetings of the club dela Livenza amiss, but I'm not the fate ò high schools, and to ow more than write a bola coli at delivery, a woman my bilieto pai Cards wing or wing fiola Francesca my fate no or never, but I decided to Butare fora that thorns, but it's so hard to write , or understood, much more than Sgobio for those who are not Bituitus. The word is one of those acquired influence torcoli before becoming the head ink, ink and become co Voria scancelarle now, which I think brutes scaraboci of an alphabet. My wing woman who went there or detonation Camaret to deal dele costs this month that Rome is over, and scouts always co na go if you are ready to Butare and close the notebook acquired influence the tray, for so I am ashamed of these poarete my words. But only this or, the other launches the others, and Lora scuminzio my story that perhaps, as I hope, this will be boring moan of thorns that ingropato à acquired influence the heart. Ò cinquattaoto ani, and thirty squasi them or spend longo meza the streets of Europe. He or view stuff, you know, those tuti Viagi: landscape, people, stories, and lots of it or try it too, my sula pele, many acquired influence it or think my head in the mezo caligo, soto snow or ice in the sun or miliaia of miles from home. That solitude insembrata cola freedom that we feel that as a calcosa calling you a love when stuff like you Brinca, pa understood, and that the others do not understand and think of life as sold wing street. Eco, that freedom was still in calibration, which had no parks Paroni paron was just the asphalt and just, is that in Ortigia Magone me so much over the past twelve years in prison. In prison, yes, I can not call it a co propio another name, the factory. I aviato the world of work more than forty years ago. It was another era: the work was davero bela satisfaction for a man, was more quiet, we had more time hip pa ciorsi some pause, some pa given back when you were nele tavernas, was more than the Institute, a little space pa the human hip stuff, I think, speaking pa, work, discuss pa, too, of being amiss. Get on the truck was starting davero venture wing, while the wheels turned and ate the miles, though it was hip to those sacrifices to stay away many days dala family, and sleep in cuceta. I do not ever lavrei ground if the truck maledeto Venus eleven years ago I FOSE no accident happened to that brute of Apenini DISES sula, if hip Bruna, my woman, the last animal, always kept telling me about stuff and she was tired, " Tolfo enough, there's plenty Rome, abiamo our house and bela Francesca abiamo could get a little study and calcossa aside, catati work near here and let's enjoy life as a Pochet tuti. No lavrei never ground the truck if it was more hip Trafico pa roads, and increasingly respected by gannets strenti time deliveries and was no longer so pa jest Tenpo nele amiss with tavernas. But that DISES me to scrub and has been a miracle if it gave davero am here to recount. Alora or fate that no one vote Madona wing failure never picked up a truck pa thank you for saving my life. So I went in the factory, pa the first time, I now quarantasete animals. And that day I became even more of that maledeto sula DISES of Apenini. Pena rivato have acquired influence the factory seemed more hip strenta dela my cab if it's a factory most of Zentiva great co workers. The factory is where I entered the doors dele cusine. Now I put in an anus to sever taliare tocheti; work leger, Diso no no, but boring, so boring that first day seemed to become format, using the time and never went no tuti was indafarati nesun and to make his breath and seemed tuti rabiati and frightened co spent the Paroni. The first day was a younger me with a white cross and to explain how I ochialeti taliare the tocheti, I have just presented Slongo his hand and telling him how my name was, and if he does not expect them or not was Bituitus Slongo because his hand was full of cards and Lora to near its comio to me and I gave that to tighten à, à alora ground cards sora mucho a waste of Tochi and MI or often to be explained to me as I try to Metere auctions of sora's plan sever; à showed me two or three shots and then I à detonation, "ow test you." I had been tempted, but the same, the toco first came I had no Sbal parks ringworm frac well against the detention measure dela toco But already the second it came out right and that MI or often that not until he returned to change the measure and is well continuasi NDATA on. So the Institute taliare tocheti day in the evening when no NDATA house and I saw nothing but tocheti nele go ncora zum dela saw the round when the bank down. Ò knew straight away which would otherwise have been so hard at that bituminous work, but it was wing night and belo mesodì to visit me in my family like cola tola domenega and lora or thought, by Tolfo, hold on, there many who acquired influence ale works factories. But that was nothing ncora. After a few days wat with ochialeti à detonation that would give me I had to row alone also bridged by the measure and I taliare à taliare often just that I had a bit more at Parc de acquired influence there was no paid time and a cotimo. He told me these things to me and I felt ashamed sink dala parks in many years of active work vuto no man ever had anything to say about how I worked, I was also soto Parone by truck and he just stayed to pray cole park nela hands when his fingers there or detonation of the vote Madona wing fate, had always been happy with me and he knew that he lost no time in ciacole. Lora ò ò sbassato his head and tried to de taliare more press, but it is danger, a more de taliare press, the co nervous that I did what I had with ochialeti tacato behind, and saw is still there in ambush, running with his fierce teeth. Pa luck after that and went a little further down the capanon or could breathe a little and the FIA. But the next day I à tacato of a shameless that I acquired influence Brusa ncora he. That time was my fault a little hip, but no fault of an honest man who deserves to be treated well, and tuti Sbal happen to work, not only fanuloni Sbal ever. He told me Veva written the measure by a folieto taliare you. 33.5 cm. had written the, but I ò leto evil or bridge measurement to 35.5 cm. and I taliare 1750 Tochi, so they ò fates tuti oldest di due centimetri; e quando sono rivati ala scorniciatrice si sono acorti che era tropo longhi. È rivato come una belva e mi à zigato dietro che ero imbranà, che già ero lento come una lumaca, ma che bisogna essare anca dei impediti, mi à deto propio così, davanti a tuti che scoltava, pa no essare nianca boni de legere una misura scrita su un folieto e dopo mi à sburtato via dal tronchino e là pontata lui la misura giusta. Ò sentito una rabia orba drento; mio pupà mi veva sempre insegnato di vere rispeto dei più vechi e così io ò sempre fato, e desso mi tocava di essare svergognato co parole così cative davanti a tuti da quel bocia coi ochialeti che poteva essare squasi mio filio. Lora li ò deto che le ore che serviva a scurtare quei tochi no voleva che mi fose messe in busta, e che avaria pagato di tasca mia anca quei due centimetri di asta par tuti i tochi che vevo sbaliato, ma che se lui mi diceva n’altra volta quele parole li davo una passata da insegnarli leducazione e il rispeto; lora lui è diventato tuto rosso e è ndato via bestemando. No era venuto rosso dala vergogna però, lò capito da come mi vardava, ma era venuto rosso dala rabia, e no era più posibile ndare dacordo. Lora mi ano spostato di reparto e sono ndato in magazino a guidare il muleto. Mi à piaciuto che mi vessero messo sul muleto, anca parché dovevo caricare e scaricare i camion che vevo ncora drento al cuore, e nel magazino ò passato tuti i ultimi ani the factory until the past month when NDATA retired. Col mulet or learned bastanza sguelto get along and I'm sure that Paroni, at least par wat, no never vuto possesses nothing to say. However, after a six-thirsty animals who had success in magazine is the stuff that I acquired influence Roseg ncora he. In co familia me, Lora, Vevo ncora Pora my mama, but in recent times to lose tacava cola head away and said stramboti like that our house was that we would be in the other sent away sooner or later, and that she wanted to go where that was his real home and that there was na jungle and you fear that the cruci Veva vignesse Ciorlano taliarli tuti in the quarries. Lora Brown Swiss, my woman, the scope to make a hospital visit and calls us to tell us dotor Veva the mama that Brutus illness that ghe magna of the Rodel zhervelo to Veche. CI a detonation that was Rome, and that no further Saria lived many animals, but it would have been so dificult to suit par ndarli behind the family. After little tacato penalty was home at the expense dala na port relates, or if the Bruna Stravato behind his mistieri. The first is the expense wing Bruna them fucked heart dala fear and Peca, who knew no saints lora call and to call the factory lasiasse I come home. Veva hip called the police and has been to see her pa lori Sentado sula first bank of a ditch which was co hands away like grass dala pa get away with it and no cross talk. But other times as zigava na mata and no conosseva me and continued to the detriment pena che poteva e no era più vita pa nissuno. A casa era solo la Bruna, poareta, e co tuto quelo che cè da fare nela casa e intanto ndarci drio anca ala mama ridota così che si faceva anca le sue robe dosso qualche volta si dimenticava di stare tenta a lei e di serare su tute le porte. Così oni tanto doveva chiamare la fabrica che mi lasiassero tornare a casa pa ndare in cerca dela mama. Una sera il capo del magazino mi dice, Tolfo guarda che quando stachi devi ndare su in uficio che il diretore ti vuole parlare; il diretore la sera mi dice che era trope le ore che vevo perso nei ultimi mesi e che così no poteva continuare, che loro veva bisogno di un muletista che fusse presente sul lavoro e che vevano serato un ochio fino desso ma che desso basta. Io li ò detonation that I understood and I'm so sorry but what could I do I loose my mama that was lost around pai fields and countries? Lora à detonation na him I stuff them gouged out the eyes when failure cole my hands, I à detonation of incadenarla or bring a Spiz. And I will ò detonation that nianca incadena the dogs and my mom, who was to co kept me alive, however, varies and finger my wing woman tries to stay longer. But after a month I nianca propane tocato to bring my mama in that park was Spiz pegiorata and Bruna was strace and now risked malarsi of her hip. And in that my mom Spiz à fate the devil ncora pa zinque months than to have propio ligarla sometimes, and then to end his torment and died, poareta. Dala fabrica è vignuto al funerale dela mama solo Giani il camionista che li caricavo sempre il camion e basta; e i paroni no mi à mandato nianca un bilieto e co sono tornato a lavorare no mi à fato le condolianze, lori, e nissuno. Io no era bituato a queste robe e mi à fato tanta amareza, parché davanti al male e ala morte si dovaria essare tuti più boni. Così si à roto calcosa, drento, e no volevo più stare là, dove oniuno pensava solo pa se stesso e era tuti, paroni e operai, come se li vesse cavato via il cuore. Ma romai vevo cinquantatre ani e lora, controvolia, ò continuato a caricare e scaricare i camion come che no fose sucesso niente. Dopo, un sabo di note di quatro ani fa, mia filia à comprato il suo Baby Jonathan and I and we have become Bruna na noni and has been so great joy to me heart and I escort in city Prague à à parried away the pain of those last tuto ANI sofrito or seen my mom in that way and then die and suck of that factory that seemed squasi na ravening beast away the good stuff dala soul. So it pasato the last years of active work that I cared little dela factory co vinivo home parks and I always talked to Jonathan Brown, of Cressa as well and that was the last time there was Frank and my son-he had a destiny to Soriso her, to tell us these things bele, me and Brown, he forgot the evil tuto else in the world, however, that the words Diretor I continue to go and no sisare nele I can make them niancora scape forums. I squasi rivato Romai wing retired MI tocato Nantra real pain. Francesca and her husband was no longer able to OVING dacordo and so she returned home that Jonathan co Veva little more than three years old. But it was also fortunate to enjoy this nice and simple tuto Whole rogue that buta pararia the house but also gives us a lot of alegria, and Ochi dela Bruna impinisse the stele, there she goes behind bib le matin wasteland that is our filia find him working at LIDL partaim wing. So is hip pasato lultimo month and the day is rivato OVING retired. And that day, or hip vuto Nantra umiliziazione. Ala evening, finished work, are up in NDATA uficio Paroni to greet and say to you that I would no longer come from luni wing factory. But he was away Paroni tuti pa Afar, MI or often the accountant, and the hip Diretor no wax, in the factory. À detonation when I was ready sarebe my clearance then the anus called the phone and I've been there a while before he spoke acquired influence the phone and looked at me no more. So I came away without me no man possesses welcomed. But when drilling from uficio-used or seen any of the machines and hip Paroni him of Diretor suits Parking was there before, and lora or understood that the reason I counted Veva bala, or who had been to tell her to Prop Paroni COUNT That bala no parks Veva Volia to greet me. I came home a co Magone of that. I'm ashamed to say, but I fell down the tears from PARFIN ochi. Eco, or finished to count this stuff that suits me Roseg Drent, and it seems that the buzz continues to spread. But no matter. I feel the scent of apples that coti fate à la Bruna and feel you corere behind Jonathan and say that you ocio CIAP and he laughs like a format. This is the stuff that matters and that is true. I am on Sero Desso notebook, the co tuti else written the scrawls that, it conceals it under the drawer of card and cable from the forums armeron the red camioneta Institute and co wrap a nice dim cileste ò cioto Stamatina that marked them to a facial bela nevodeto dear to my surprise.
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