The idea was to make a post not before tomorrow, because tonight I have not had enough time to prepare one. And in fact that I'm inventing right now.
Since I decided to try to publish at least three weeks (and who knows if I will succeed!), I consider this an appetizer to Friday night.
two discs that apparently have nothing to do with each other.
I wrote "apparently" but this should eliminate the adverb.
not really have nothing in common except that they play both at 45 revolutions per minute.
Anita Sol is a family name that makes Tarantino Spagnoletti. Radio debuts in Bari in the far ....( not write the date, because with women it seems ugly) after winning just one of the competitions that infect the peninsula from Trieste down.
He moved to Rome and is followed by the master in the door Segurini RCA and makes an impact in some records. The voice is very pleasant even if the other looks like a little of the time singing Neapolitan songs: Gloria Christian example and Mary Paris. These two songs in particular are well in line with the times: two cha cha cha Neapolitans as well as they used at that time
(Tupputi Tupputi Marisch 'docet).

MOGLIAMANTE is a film that I have not seen but which I intend to review. Set in Bologna in 1912 (read story on the book ALL THE DICTIONARY OF FILM by Pino Farinotti) a synopsis seems perfectly suited to the great Mauro Bolognini I have just reviewed FACTS of good people and the Heir 'Ferramonti.
Two splendid film, especially the second.
Despite the cast (two names on everyone, Marcello Mastroianni and Laura Antonelli) I do not think the film has had success crabs.
Maybe because in the fashion of the '77 film in costume melodrama had already passed though the two just mentioned were passed only two or three years. Or maybe it was because Marco Vicario Mauro Bolognini.
One thing struck me: I made the account dell'età dell'Antonelli e mi sembra impossibile! Sembra ieri che era una delle donne più famose e desiderate d'Italia ed invece....ieri non è.
Passando ai due brani di Trovajoli, sono molto belli e coinvolgenti. Se il film fosse bello la metà, varrebbe la pena di essere visto. Sul secondo titolo, sebbene non m'intenda affatto di musica classica, mi sembra si sia ispirato un pò troppo al "Chiaro Di Luna" Di Beethoven. Ma forse è voluto.
01 I' Voglio A Tte (Clessidra-Quagliero) (1958)
02 Napule Dint' 'A Luna (Conte-Betti-Mazzanti) (1958)
01 Tema Di Laura (Trovajoli) (1977)
02 Tema Di Marcello (Trovajoli) (1977)
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