the new year on my blog will be a place for children: I decided to call it flying The teapot, a term that recalls the title of an album by Gong , legendary group of the seventies. But remember even the teapot as postulated by the philosopher Russel (a china teapot between Earth and Mars in revolution around the sun). I took a picture of Russell (as far intento dal suo), l'ho mescolata alla teiera magica che dà il titolo alla celebre fiaba giapponese (che perciò racconto per prima) e a quella surreale perfino un po' naïve dei Gong, ottenendo infine una teiera molto speciale, che viaggia nello spazio e nel tempo ed è piena di cose meravigliose e di magie. L'illustrazione è tratta dalla cover del disco Flying Teapot dei Gong. Mio marito Valter ci ha lavorato sopra, per fare la nuvoletta bianca. Spero vi piaccia.
La teiera magica
Era una magnifica giornata di primavera, e un giovane tasso passeggiava felice nella brughiera, godendosi i bei raggi di sole. Saltellava molto graziosamente accompagnandosi canzonicina with a funny, and a chorus like "poko-pon-pon," when-how-could not have said he found himself trapped in a trap. He tried in every way to free himself, but most pulled the strings to pull the strings the more gripping. Ai-Ai, cried the poor rate.
Luckily at that moment passed by a poor tinker, who saw the rate and had compassion. He could kill him and make a fur coat for sale to the market, but chose to let him go on the grass in joyous frolicking like nothing had happened. Then went back on his shoulders that had placed the basket on the ground and resumed his journey, but the rate, which was not a lot of magic but he knew any rate, once thought to how to reward the good man's favor. In an instant it became so in a beautiful teapot and jumped into his basket without the man noticing.
Returning home, the tinker laid the basket on the floor and hugged his wife. It was her first to notice the beautiful teapot: - Where you from? - Asked. The tinker rolled his eyes: he did not remember ever having seen,-but-certain comments is an object of great value and both, after having well observed, they established that it was too beautiful for a miserable hovel like theirs. He and his wife so they decided to donate them to the temple priests, so they will remember to pray for us -
The temple priest gladly accepted the gift and in a few day he decided to honor the priests guests preparing a good cup of tea 'with the teapot. But first I wanted to test their quality in the private placing on the stove to boil. But then, as soon as he was placed on the flame came from the teapot a little voice shouting - It 's too hot, hot, hot! "In
prey to the greatest terror, the priest saw the teapot on the floor and immediately fly out to the side popped out a pointy nose, four legs and a furred tail.
- Help, help, the teapot is haunted! - shouted the priest and the children ran screaming to her novices, who looked all worried about trying to understand what had happened , but saw nothing unusual. In one corner was a simple teapot resting quiet and innocent as all the teapots in the world.
- But I tell you, "cried the priest is haunted - When the 'I put it on the fire, he shouted' It is too hot, hot" -
The novices were puzzled: the priest, they thought, sure he had dreamed, but for compared to its authorities pretended to believe him. The next morning the priest opted to return the pot to tinker, to whom he told honestly what had happened: - I can not take an object to the temple-haunted apologized - I beg you to take it back - The
tinker took back the teapot without protest, and laid it on the night table beside his bed. In the silence of the night he was awakened by a voice crying: - Mr tinker! Mr tinker! -
sat up in bed screaming and saw it was just the teapot: a teapot with the nose, tail and legs of a badger.
- Hi-tinker-rate politely greeted the teapot - I've already acknowledged, is not it? I am the rate at which you saved the life freed from the trap. I changed to reward you for tea but you did not understand and because you have a heart of gold you gave me to the temple. I scared the priest of the temple, and of course I am sorry to come back in your hands. Now, listen: I can sing and dance as I like the best of dancers, get to do and organize a performance fee. You'll see that I'll your luck. "And suddenly the teapot such a small test of his abilities with a lot of dancing gracefully on the table.
The tinker decided to listen to the advice of the teapot, and the next morning he prepared a small stage in the plaza's busiest city. Hung also a sign that said: "The Teapot living! The only living Teapot walking and dancing on the rope! "
The people at the beginning did not believe it and laughed, thinking it was a joke. But when the tea went up on stage and started dancing, doing somersaults and all sorts of stunts, every mouth was speechless with astonishment. The number that sent everyone into raptures and gave the celebrity teapot was definitely the one on the rope. A show that left all suspended upward with his nose and heart throbbing with emotion.
That was just the first of a long series of events that followed over the years by attracting new audiences from every region of the country. The tinker was a man who was very rich from poor, but in his heart was always right. In fact, when he heard the suspicion that the rate began to get tired of that life, he said: - Dear friend, that's enough. I do not need more money than you have and you too tired. Woe if because of my greed, something bad happens. "
The proposed therefore to return to rest alongside other teapots at the sacred temple. The rate joyfully welcomed the proposal and dropped back to the priest, il quale venne a conoscere tutta la meravigliosa storia della teiera che un giorno l'aveva tanto spaventato. "E' davvero una nobile teiera" disse infine, commosso "la più adatta per la sacra Cerimonia del tè".
La teiera fu posta sopra una bella mensola, insieme a tante altre belle e antiche. E se veniva posta sul fuoco, ci stava, tutta contenta di bollire l'acqua per la Cerimonia del tè. Si dice tuttavia che, di tanto in tanto, cacciando fuori musetto, coda e quattro zampine vellutate, danzasse ancora facendo molte graziose capriole per la gioia delle altre teiere. E c'è chi giura che ancora oggi continui così.
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