Il Festival di Sanremo Commentato Da Cesare/ Linda Lee - Va Pensiero (Sanremo 1980) The Sanremo Festival nicely commented by Caesar Borrometi is a great way, I think, to continue this week in San Remo, where everything is dedicated to the Festival. Sounds strange when you consider that the operator of the blog decided not to see even a frame. And do not know if will look the evening dedicated to the anniversary of the Unification of Italy. One question springs to mind (as someone said), but those two moron named Luke and Paul (the apostles?), Are so important and fun to take them to the Festival?
Thanks to Caesar for the "scholarly" and entertaining review
All'Illustrissimo Commander
Gianni Morandi - Teatro Ariston di Sanremo
(Imperia - Riviera Ligure di Ponente) -
your Lordship is willing to accept early beginning our apologies PEL disorder with which we turn to her in public with the intent to examine the first act of that single combat between musicians and singers, CERTAME coronary vulgar attention to Italy and renamed it the "Festival of Italian Song."
We are pleased that she wanted to personally make every effort to trace and bring people able to sing on stage and playing, closing the door to jesters and fools in disguise and leaving them to vent any of the other execution: his good will be rewarded and yet despite your discretion. Indeed, we have noticed how she, esteemed Commander, has given much space to the novel in verse poems to music, rightly putting aside unnecessary and vote tongues. Few and essential words, who knows what without getting lost in labyrinthine chaos to proclaim throat more or less proven (Financo those stories coming soon), esibitesi courts in major Italian soil and indeed those of Europe and the Hispanic New World of expression.
Last night they were to descend into the arena in fourteen sanremasca: indomitable men and women, bravely awaited the fatal opinion of the stalls there and agreed that connected through the increasingly powerful media audio-visual technology from all over the hemisphere, exhibited for the first words and notes kept in storage for months, maybe for whole years, while continually reviewed and revised to be like universal audience. No doubt about the willingness of each one fighter, but inexorable, mixed results. Before
to give himself to wild beasts, Miss Josephine Ferreri, a brunette girl Panormita but always enjoys the allegiance of the Viper Visconti leads afield, as the great poet Dante: she has an ugly tone of voice that should be educated on the basis of 'air that touches them sing. This time, did they regret it, being confused in a cacophonous mix of nasty popularized rhythmically aggressive stamps issued by musicians of hexachord amplified harp.
Messer Luca Barbarossa, sincere son of eternal Rome without veils (com'ei same explicit, now three decades ago are, at the pristine appearance on the Riviera), was escorted by an unknown maiden of Spain, they said that the girl be a knight who rides for years to win tournaments all over the world, that Sir Ferdinand Alonso. Here, too, was touched the qualitative infamy of the poem: a simple succession of up and down to embarrass the Teutonic twins Tersicorea the weather that was.
Professor Roberta Flack finally arrived: it is lying in wait, as it was thirty-eight by rejecting all calls for the annual race CERTAME Riviera. Cleverly, the distinguished professor took into account the potential complexity of the audience, composed in largely semi - illiterate, to invite men, women and youths to win the battles caused by normal wear and superficiality of modern life, especially believing in love themselves and others. Overwhelming theme music, even as the text, despite some sincere stentorian accent.
Ciociaria came up from the Riviera to return to compete in such a trial singing Donna Anna Tatangelo, the female a dark figures of Neapolitan music, that Don Luigi. She decided to get away for a time from the machinations of its musical man, relying on other poets and musicians that the packages bear a theme called Bastard, song of rage and love, highlighted by winning note. For the occasion Donna Anna also wanted to change his appearance, singing his argument dell'istoria narrated by her: in truth, this mixture proved an incomprehensible mess, but at least we liked the melody a bit 'more of those amenities that the daughter of Sora bakers had to offer stubborn in the past (this does not mean however that it is worthy of praise, but ...).
It was then time for a group of singers and musicians dall'azzeccata name, La Crus. These lords we were impressed by the outside walls of the coronary CERTAME hosted annually in Bloom Riviera di Ponente: this time, however, worthy of the name chosen precisely for their Social activities - music, led the listener to take a personal Golgotha, vaguely evoking titles masterful feature movies in the language of perfidious Albion thrilling call ("I Confess" was a beautiful and gripping story directed by Alfred Hitchcock Mister nearly six decades ago are) and inserting forced to turn nell'avello vocals by soprano Mara Women's Malibran. Evil!
Insignificant as slavishly equal to other nonsense exhibited in the past two decades, the issue presented by Messer Pezzali Massimiliano, Visconti another subject but it seems that nowadays has rebuilt a life in Rome. And speaking of subjects Visconti, was the bold idea the singer and lyre Davide Van de Sfroos, from the remote Dutch ancestry, singing a strange story to offer pirate-flavored speech in Como, with all due respect to those who listened to this plea from Sicily or related dall'Apulia: without infamy and without praise (when sang the notes, Van de Messer Sfroos seemed to imitate the cadences of the emulator Danilo Sacco, who settled in the foothills nomadic Emilia).
We fail to understand the reasons for which Donna Anna Hoxha, Albanian Gypsy naturalized Apulian, groped for a few years wanted to make the original, relying on incomprehensible rhythmic and metric. And to say that, months ago, the help of a distinguished knight that you, esteemed Commendator Morandi, knows very well (he wrote a whole repertoire of new tunes specifically for your lordship in AD 1975 AD), which Messer Ivano Alberto Fossati from Genoa, had led to the creation of a catchy song that cheered your last summer days . New
disappointment: "Messer Francesco Tricarico preferred to rely on words, music and even the harp of Don Fausto Mesolella, cherishing the past century and a half from the achievement of long-awaited (but much reviled nowadays) units Italic, but producing a history of flags that showed only a bunch of places to be common patriotic rhetoric. The maiden
Emma Brown, daughter of that gold from Salento architectures, came accompanied by another group of musicians on stage, those - then who knows what reason - Fashion. Never was so pimp theme, time and an airy shuffle so catchy as to be all too commonplace. And the duo of musicians
Sicilians, the lyre and the investigator Messer Luca Madonia Francesco Battiato was not passed at the height of fame, telling portrait of a victim who would like to incommunicability Messer Michelangelo Antonioni lamented at the time of the stories from he filmed and based on themes such as these. The Maestro Battiato, also, during his speech developed a melodic pattern that did not fail to remind us that, eleven years ago, presented to the coastal CERTAME an original type fitted with a mustache, Massimiliano Gazzè this, too (albeit only of paternal origin) Ciciliano.
Women Nicola Nicoletta, worthy representative of the Lion of San Marco, he showed class singing a song to have refined and well built in terms of rhythm, worthy of being appreciated far beyond the misogynist audience that always supports the icy venexiana. It was the last surge that gave us the last night: that he left us indifferent Miss Natalia Giannitrapani, which told of life suspended while hostilities closed the everlasting Al Bano Carrisi, pathetically reaching for the office.
Finally, distinguished Commendatore, mi consenta di spendere qualche parola sul contorno e sull’inutilità insita in esso. Che bisogno c’era di introdurre due emerite cortigiane, incapaci di dire cose provviste di nesso logico (eppure ci dicono che una di esse ottenne il lauro per il baccellierato sostenuto nell’apprendimento delle varie favelle d’Europa: che ciò le serva per commentare i propri approcci all’eros vissuti assieme a un coreuta del Nuovo Mondo ? Mistero) ? E due giullari che attentavano alla memoria di Aristofane, ridicolizzando i governanti d’Italia senza un minimo di originalità (tanto valea che i panni sudici fossero resi netti direttamente in famiglia, in ottemperanza al noto adagio) ? E la maestra di cerimonie last year, with his daughter in his arms, unable to show how smart she knows rather be (doctor in utroque what)?
We just have to wait for the new members and hear CERTAME inscribed this verse and scores.
Please accept, Your esteemed Commander, my best regards and my encouragement for the rest of CERTAME, with the hope that she might be big and impartial arbitrator if the show degenerate into absurd gladiatorial ludi (as happened last year). His
Cesario de 'Borromei
Clerk Ciciliano naturalized piedmont
Addi, sixteen of the eleventh year 2000 Febraro
And of course ...
Narrow leaf, wide street,
Have your say, I told my ... "
Linda Lee (nee Ross Barbieri) presents the Festival of the thirtieth anniversary with a song called" important "and uncomfortable: Va pensiero.
With such high-sounding title, one who knows what is thought, as a masterpiece .... but you better not think about anything because it is one of the nastiest songs presented at the Festival of that year (and beyond). For former Linda Lee Daniel Sentacruz Ensemble is a hole in the water. However, discrediting a myth: the DSE with a few song and apt oreccchiabile, mica have never been that great. And the two maidens che si dimenavano all'interno di tale
gruppone (per quantità di persone), non erano mica novelle Barbra Streisand! Anzi...!
Non tutto quello che è "passato" è oro. Certo, visivamente e celebralmente stanno messe meglio di una Anna Tatangelo o una squinzia qualsiasi di Amici, ma i paragoni debbono essere sempre presi dal basso?
Ah, visto le premesse, qualcuno mi chiederà il perchè della scelta del disco:
perchè dopo due post "anni '50" qualcosa "anni '80" ci voleva.
Ed ho scelto un singolo particolare e poco sfruttato, nello spirito del blog.
01 Linda Lee - Va Pensiero (Caruso-Barbieri-Longo-Caruso)(Sanremo 1980)
02 Linda Lee - Dico No (Barbieri-Minuti) (2-1980)