Enough Machismo Italian Style (commentary)
First of all let me say that Berlusconi has now run its course (because he did not know how to use properly) and then must leave. She did not understand, all these years, he can not make the man bar but it is the Prime Minister. And if you did not understand now hardly can understand it in the future. Besides her daughter Barbara has criticized 's inability to act as his role demands. Now is not that choose a suitable successor and retire, because now we are tired of seeing all the pages filled with sex scandals, D'Addario, Ruby and stuff like that ... Of course I do not think all the scandals that are assigned to be true but it is equally difficult not to believe that something is not true there is.
agree, however, Berlusconi's opinion that we have a judiciary becoming increasingly pervasive (over the role that compete) and, unfortunately, spendthrift of the money we pay in taxes (exaggerated).
But reading the article by Chiara Ruffa and Red Raffaelli, springs back to the eyes rhetoric typical of a left incapable of producing anything that is not the Berlusconi, because Berlusconi has produced the left and not Berlusconi ipse. The
always speak on behalf of others that does not generate empty views especially in the era of 'Homo Digitalis, which features its own in having access to all media to talk in person.
Why then should not have women who want to make the home instead of being professionals, the author of the article should explain it to me? Being a housewife has an equal all'esser professional?
How should I explain why not let them talk about the various choices of Ruby's life instead of speaking to them in the name of Ruby?
I'm surprised, moreover, that the authors are scandalizzino for the way men look at women but did not tell us anything about the way women look for men who, in reality, little different. Not even this rhetoric? The desire anyway positivization at the expense of the feminine as masculine rather have equal status
... Why do not lead back to the current situation un'imporsi (mainstream, that is, global) of a pornographic vision of life at the expense of erotica? (As a matter of reducing the eroticism of eros to 'Private I - as an extension of eros pornography in private audience).
The fall of ideologies has certainly led to the expansion of a force (eros) in the life actually lived and experienced in itself, in the flesh, in leather, in the streets, fighting in the streets, or virtually in social media, under endorsements (the private) which calls for respect and dignity in all its forms manifested. For which a tissue or an escort has the same right to respect of a protester Arab struggle against the regime that oppresses him.
But still the "left" is not able to grasp this change and remains ( noblesse oblige? ) wrapped in 'ideological overshadowing the reality that produces only retorica, e vuota soprattutto.
E’ una forma di neoplatonismo che continua a guardare la realtà osservando le ombre dalla caverna quando invece potrebbe guardare direttamente in faccia quella realtà che preferisce vedere solo adombrata.
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