A ridosso del post di Orlando (domani) va in scena questo fuori programma.
Sono stato abbastanza occupato e non ho potuto "affacciarmi" prima da queste parti.
Se non cambia niente all'ultimo momento(che so, ospiti inattesi) ci saranno due post consecutivi, cosa che non si verificava dalla notte of time.
The choice tonight, cogitata during dinner (someone will say "but you six magnet?") Fell on two actor-singers, Renato and Luigi Proietti Rascel.
The two, as you know, have also had an artistic spent together, the show was called Alleluia BRAVA GENTE, and it is represented by the first forty-five tonight. Working with Rascel has always been difficult for all (except for his wife, maybe).
Modugno waiver Hallelujah, good people a few days before the premiere at the Sistine Chapel. Many diplomats are talking about a lumbago which occurred (or sciatica). The truth is that the two can not stand since Sanremo 1960. It takes its place
Luigi Proietti and after many years of playing, here it is finally reveal themselves to the public.
Proietti from that moment will be a cornerstone of the national theater and film. That was until the Italian cinema has had an effect (say, until the late eighties). In this single
of 1972 sings the theme song of a television program entitled HOW THE ITALIANS laughed, with a tour on the comic by the end of the nineteenth century to the (then) newborn seventies. A song style Petrolini very nice.
01 Alleluja Brava Gente (Garinei-Giovannini-Rascel) (9-1971) 02
Soon (Garinei-Giovannini) (9-1971)
01 Who made me Fa '(V.Tommaso-G.Tommaso) (3-1972) 02
What are you looking at (Proietti-Thomas) (3-1972)
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