Il titolo del post advised a publication at least Sunday, but given the minefield Sunday (Orlando's) we decided to move bag and baggage on Wednesday, as was a midweek football.
In fact, Wednesday is another day for football official. Why
Finals on Sunday? First because it resembles a transmission of the spring of 1972 by Pino Caruso, second because it is SETTEVOCI SUNDAY went on air on Sunday. And so Canzonissima '73.
An excuse as any to a title as you know, something is always hard to call.
The post was written by Cesare Borrometi (who better?) And graphics invented by Kurtigghiu.
Hello everyone!
could not miss, in a sort of encyclopedia of acronyms sound reasoned TV, a volume devoted entirely to songs that have signed the programs conducted by Pippo Baudo, now the only survivor of the great group of entertainers, artisans more significant the contribution to development of television in our country. Even today, the presenter Sicilian (but from the distant ancestors of Piedmont) tries to make a speech in their programs the most effective possible in thematic terms, but viewers do not always, inexorably involgaritisi transpose such content, a bit 'deeper than the general emptiness.
Pippo "Long Legs" debutta in TV nell’estate del 1960 e, in ottemperanza a quanto decretano Antonello Falqui e Lino Procacci, esaminatori in fase di provino, viene utilizzato per programmi minori (festival musicali tipo Napoli, Castrocaro, la “Canzone Nova “ di Assisi; giochi per ragazzi come “TiCiVi - Telecruciverba”, presentato in coppia con Enza Soldi, prima moglie di Enrico Vaime; qualche pubblicità – un Tic Tac del 1963 per il Totocalcio ed un carosello del ’65 per una carne in scatola assieme ad Alberto Rabagliati -). Quand’ecco che, nel febbraio del 1966, esordisce quasi per caso “Settevoci”: la canzone diventa protagonista, tra giovani talenti e semplici concorrenti esperti, e Baudo consegue la prima importante affermazione della sua carriera. La formula di “Settevoci” è semplice ed è ben spiegata nel “jingle” introduttivo, talmente orecchiabile, che la Ariston ne fa un disco affidato ad oscuri turnisti, i quali, giocando sia con il nome della casa discografica che con quello di un complesso inglese ormai ben noto anche da noi, si fanno chiamare “The Hary Stones”.
Di “Settevoci” vengono realizzate ben cinque edizioni: ci vorrebbe un apposito sito Internet per elencare tutti i cantanti che vi parteciparono, destinati a divenire celebrità nazionali e non solo. Limitiamoci a citare Massimo Ranieri, Al Bano, Marisa Sannia, i Pooh, Giovanna, Edoardo Bennato, F. R. David. Naturalmente ogni serie ha le proprie sigle: ad esempio, per l’apertura del 1967-’68 viene interpellato Gianni Morandi, in quel momento artigliere a Pavia. Sua è la voce della festosa ed allegra “Una domenica così ”. Sempre a partire da quell’anno si delinea la tradizione di affidare la sigla di chiusura ad un artista francese di casa (o quasi) in Italia. Il primo è Sacha Distel, ma ancora più eclatanti sono i successi di Nino Ferrer con “Donna Rosa” (1968-’69), motivo composto personalmente da Baudo, provetto pianista, e di Marcel Amont con “Viva le donne” (1970), con la partecipazione di un certo Don Nicola, la cui identità è quella di un attore loved by all, Nino Manfredi.
Even for "Settevoci" it's time of farewell: in February 1971 Goofy returns to the public with a new game, "Golden Arrow", which involves all ages. From children to grannies, everyone is invited to fumble with a camera and then to snap an arrow at a target by default. Who can do the center, or at least to get closer to it, wins. Although the small orchestra in the studio is headed by Tony De Vita, author of the music of the opening theme is Pippo Caruso, former guitarist of the complex as well as a personal friend of Armandino Baudo, known as D'Artagnan to his characteristic goatee. E'allora born collaborazone an "important", still alive, between two friends Etna: on the occasion of their first album there's even a singing performance of the same host, which launches, inspired by a Brazilian song, the "Ginga ", which became, albeit briefly, the greeting - baudesco trademark.
After a year spent in the theater as an actor to put to the test of prose ("The hour of fantasy"), with a pair of whiskers and Sandra Mondaini as a partner in October 1972 Pippo Baudo returns to television viewers playing another key card, "Canzonissima. With Loretta Goggi and him are on alternate Saturdays, Mariangela Melato (replaced Monica Vitti) and Vittorio Gassman. Even if the race drags rather wearily, finding the only new name in Marcella Bella, the show has the usual steady audience. The ending theme is performed by Enrico Simonetti, with his orchestra and choir of Cantori Moderni di Alessandroni, "My Piano", a song from the atmosphere "night."
In 1973, Professor Vittore Branca, a member of the Supervisory Committee, asked RAI to "downgrade" the singing festivals for the benefit of a higher quality TV programming. To be the impacts of this reform it is "Canzonissima" relegated to six in the afternoon of Sunday, between "ninetieth minute" and recorded a record time for a league match. However complex and open to the new generations of the song (there are even a young Roberta Flack and Delia Gualtiero). Pippo Baudo remain to lead Siena to take care of Romulus and the direction, but change the partner, being busy with Goggi Noschese: Mita Medici Loredana Berte check up and starts to "run free-wheeling," as well specify the marking head for this edition.
After a nice set of "Without a network," Goofy returns after four years at the Teatro di Milano Fiera 2, this time to lead the TV game show on Thursday, now died out a long season of "Rischiatutto" Mike. The game will be aired in spring and summer is called "Spaccaquindici", a sort of card game where you need to totals 15 points to become champions, after not tests based on the notion, but on the reasoning of individual competitors and sull'astuzia . For the occasion, Pippo Baudo, exhibiting a falsetto as to ensure the incognito, he began a partnership with Pippo Caruso to form the duo "TRADEMARKS" and sing along with the initials of the head, "Skittles, stars and music," as it passes a cartoon by Bruno Bozzetto.
"Spaccaquindici" although not a blockbuster, not sorry at all: the formula is so engaging and, finally put aside "Canzonissima," the suits in the mechanisms of Lottery Italy. It was decided to change the title to "A stroke of luck" and give each region, the Italian representative, confirming most of the games "Spaccaquindici", but with some preliminary questions to geographic - cultural (obviously in reference to territory from which each participant resides). The winner is the Ligurian Gianni Barabino, but the cutest little girl is a look at the umbra by Angela Davis, a certain Maria Pia Lombardi. Here Baudo is flanked by Paola German comprimaria already in "The sign of the command," drama directed by Daniele D'Anza few years earlier, while Pippo Caruso writes the letters along with co-authors of an exception, Domenico Modugno (non-happy, but not bad "Sunday", for credits) and especially Toby Lightman, who, in addition to award to Paola German "Heartbeat", which accompanies the opening credits, reserves "Turtle" for preview lunchtime and sell many records, accomplices is a text "modern" that the handsome accompanying cartoon, masterfully created by Bruno Bozzetto and Guido Manuli.
Never change a winning team, or nearly so, in 1976, for the preview of "Who?", combined with new game the Lottery quiz where Baudo has inspired yellow and mystery with the help of Alberto Lupo and Nino Castelnuovo, here is a dog - cop ready to investigate the lies and pranks of children. "Johnny Dachshund, also designed by Bozzetto and Manuli, music by Caruso and dashed from Lauzi, but this time with the voice of Lino Toffolo (Lauzi also affects the piece for its own account in an album dedicated to the young listeners). This is also a triumph in terms of sales: now the children's song has its own market. It should be less well the following year: this time the protagonist del terzo ed ultimo appuntamento di Baudo con una lotteria “quizzarola” è la storia dal 1927 al 1977: “Secondo voi”. La trasmissione, che si ricorda anche per il lancio di Tullio Solenghi e Beppe Grillo, protagonisti di un “luna park” nell’anteprima, e per i testi di Michele Guardì ed Enzo Di Pisa, viene siglata da uno spaesato Enzo Jannacci in uno dei suoi rari insuccessi: d’altronde, “Secondo te…che gusto c’è” appare una cosa alquanto forzata, malgrado il testo nonsense scritto, tra una “Domenica sportiva” e l’altra, dal grande Beppe Viola.
Quando, nell’ottobre del ’79, Pippo Baudo prende una prima Once the reins of "Sunday in ...", which lasts for six years finally explodes as a versatile conductor and encouraging the development of a "container" - then as they say - can also make spectacular cultural elements otherwise difficult (the theater , classical music, books), it is thought only to write and run the appropriate codes, but it serves well as new songs that are repeated every Sunday for three months each, may have a greater commercial success. It happens now with the Pooh, whose "Night Surprise" (single, after the summer "I'm alive", is the driving force of the album "Viva") becomes un classico proprio grazie a Baudo ed a “Domenica in…”. L’anno dopo si ritenta l’esperimento con “Il tempo del sole” dei Matia Bazar, ma le cose non vanno come la volta precedente, fors’anche per una “crisetta” all’interno del quintetto ligure.
Nel frattempo è entrato nella squadra di autori di “Domenica in…” il grande Giorgio Calabrese, che ha pure la genialità di tradurre in italiano e rendere ancor più appetibile un brano dell’Electric Light Orchestra. A fare il resto è una Marcella Bella più sexy che mai: questa è la ricetta di “Mi mancherai”, che apre le puntate autunnali (le prime tredici) 'Sunday in ... "1981-'82, presented by Pippo Baudo and a nineteen year old named Alessandra Mussolini.
years pass: Baudo gradually approaches to "Fantastic," giving up "on Sunday ..." and discovering a talented dancer Roman: Lorella Cuccarini. In 1986, the edition is made perhaps the most troubled of the autumn show on Saturday night, at least among those presented by Pippo, including policies battutazze Beppe Grillo, diplomatic incidents with Iran to the imitation of Cicero Solenghi of Ayatollah Khomeini and controversy RAI with the then chairman Enrico Manca. Despite all this, they enjoy their deserved share of popularity Lorella Cuccarini and the future Madame Lelouch, alias Alessandra Martines, who together sing the ending song, "Love is" early recovery in commercial kitchens interpreted only by Lorella. Initially, however, participants in the competition "Great" (a review of new talent show) sing in chorus, "Who is master?".
years pass: the paper tries Baudo the Canale 5, but no luck. Granted his first return to the RAI, and then to "Great" in 1990, with a new formula, a competition between guys who have had a high school diploma also graduated with honors. By Marisa Pippo's graduates, but above all there is Lorenzo "Jovanotti" Cherubini, who can not afford not to sing the ending theme of the show, "Hello Mama." For the rapper Tuscan is the swan song as "clubbers" in a couple of years, "positive thinking", he will change the skin. Even
Fantastico declines, so Baudo, waiting to become art director of Raiuno, focuses more on the festival of Sanremo, resulting in the ideal of "patron". Suddenly, he brings the spoils of the leading four to nine (later it will reach the other four, making it the absolute record holder and now deceased Mike Bongiorno, unattainable in the present) and more "baptizes" the majority of the characters that populate the charts today (before then the best sellers and most downloaded files), giving the festival Riparian touch that makes it more and more of a forced expiration calendar, as if a party controlled. There is therefore no coincidence that in 1995, Pippo Caruso wrote the new theme song of the festival, set to become the inevitable smash of all six editions baudesche that follow: "Why is Sanremo Sanremo". Vocals (but few know it) is Maurizio Lauzi.
Many, perhaps too many (at least sixty) were the songs that hanno aperto o chiuso spettacoli TV (o porzioni di essi) condotti da Pippo Baudo. E’stata necessaria una durissima selezione prima di elevare al rango dell’antologia i venti titoli qui presentati: la scaletta definitiva è stata formulata da Verdier, che ringrazio di cuore pubblicamente.
Vi saluto e vi do appuntamento al mio prossimo post.
Cesare Borrometi
01 The Hary Stones - Settevoci (Paolini-Silvestri-Fineschi)(da “Settevoci” 1966-’67 sigla di testa)
02 Gianni Morandi - Una Domenica Così (Paolini-Silvestri-Vantellini)(da “Settevoci” 1967-’68 sigla di testa)
03 Nino Ferrer - Donna Rosa (Paolini-Silvestri-Fineschi-Baudo) (from "Settevoci" 1968 - '69 tail markings);
04 Marcel Amont - Viva Women (Paolini-Silvestri-Baudo) (from "Settevoci - tail markings) (1970) 05
Pippo Caruso - La Freccia D'Oro (P. Caruso) (from "The Golden Arrow" - marking head) (1971) 06
Pippo Baudo - Ginga (Cruseiro-Caruso) (from "The Golden Arrow" - short tail) (1971) 07
Enrico Simonetti - My Piano (E. Simon) (from "Canzonissima 1972" - short tail) (1972) 08
Mita Medici - Rotate Free (Paolini-Silvestri-Baudo-Caruso) (from "Canzonissima 1973" - marking head) (1973) 09
registered trademark - Bowling Stars And Music (A.Testa-P.Caruso) (from "Spaccaquindici - marking head) (1975) 10 Paola
German - Heartbeat (Lauzi-Caruso) (from" A shot of Fortuna "- marking head) (1975) 11
Domenico Modugno - Domenica (D.Modugno-D.Modugno) (from" a stroke of luck "- short tail) (1975)
12 Toby Lightman - The Turtle (Lauzi Baudo-Caruso-) (to "Preview of a fluke) (1975) 13
Lino Toffolo - Johnny Dachshund (Lauzi-Caruso) (to" Preview of Who?) (1976) ù
14 Roger Whittaker - What You In There Gusto (Whittaker-Violet) (from "Under You") (1977) 15
Pooh - A Night Surprise (Facchinetti-Negrini) (from "Sunday In "- short tail) (October-December 1979)
16 Matia Bazar - Il Tempo Del Sole (Matia Bazar) (from" Domenica In "- short tail) (Sept.-Dec 1980) 17
Marcella Bella - I Miss You (g.calabrese-J.Lynne) (from "Domenica In" - short tail) (Sept.-Dec 1981) 18
Lorella Cuccarini & Alessandra Martines - Who is' Scene (Bardotti-Caruso) (from "Fantastic 6" - marking head) (1986) 19
Jovanotti - Hello Mama (abbreviation of "Fantastic 11") (-Cecchetto-Jovanotti Cersosimo) (1990) 20 Maurizio
Lauzi - Why Sanremo E 'Sanremo (Bardotti-Caruso) (abbreviation Sanremo 1995)
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