This is a post that was in the air for quite a while. Talking
discs Mina, unless this is ep 60 of the first or the foreign press, is not it very useful or particularly interesting.
It takes something special. And this "something" we found it.
The final choice was whether to take the French album of 1975 and propose it again verbatim or reinvent graphical tracklist and then giving that personal touch that this blog has never missed. One reason for long playing original was graphically squallidino. Took over both the image of my best shooting VOLUME 1 is used for the score of E 'MIA.
So, things seen and magazines. Then with
Kurtigghiu we decided to add three tracks (which period could also be there as well) and change everything. And here is the result.
Mina, oddly, has never had crabs success outside the borders of country.
In France, the only song that worked really was ET puis CA SERT A quoi.
We came to sing dogs and pigs and Italy failed to export as it should be a Mine? This thing I never understood.
fact is that here we have thirty-three French as well as postammo tempo fa quello inglese .
01 As a man (Giraud-Delano)
02 To Finish On How To Make (Anelli-Malgioglio-Delanoe) 03
Cigarette (J. Higelin)
04 Together (Soffici Albertelli-Mogul)
05 And then what is it (Shapiro-Lo Vecchio-Delano)
06 Two Can Be Three (Shapiro-Lo Vecchio-Delanoe) 07
Like A Rainbow (Giraud-Rashied, Delanoe-blades)
08 The palmist (Bolzoni -Delano) 09
Lumiere (Miccichè-Capelli-Delanoe) 10 Nothing That You
11 (bonus track) Love Is Dead (Io e Te da Soli) (Battisti-Mogol-Demarny) (1972)
12 (bonus track) La Vie (loans) (Limits-Noble-Demarny) (1972)
13 (bonus track) Les Oiseaux Reviennent (Do not come back) (Baldan Bembo-Califano-Delano) (1974)
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