Into Paradiso
REGIA: Paola Randi
GENRE: Comedy
LENGTH: 104 min
continue the disastrous series of Italian films this period.
After "males against females," Fausto Brizzi is now up to "Into Paradise" by Paola Randi.
In a virtually deserted cinema (6 people including me), the film starts.
Naples! (But with Peppe Servillo and not this time).
But it is Naples or Bombay, out of a Bollywood film? Despite the doubt, the film moves forward with a large deployment of stylistic means, from the start: great music, great colors, callara noise at all (to put it to Pasolini), deafening sounds of the street (I think persino di sentire gli odori…) idiomi asiatici che si intrecciano con l’italiano napoletano (alla Alejandro González Iñárritu) , e con tanto di sottotitoli (come in Gomorra).
Il film, dopo il dispiego notevole di stilemi, ci parla di Alfonso D’Onofrio, dottore che studia il modo di comunicare delle cellule e che viene licenziato su due piedi dal laboratorio dove presta opera come ricercatore.
Così, con un pacchetto di sfogliatelle in mano (altro stilema) si ritrova ad elemosinare una raccomandazione Vincenzo Cacace, successful entrepreneur who now tries to climb in politics. Vincenzo Cacace, however, is in cahoots with the mafia and employed by a Camorra boss (Don Fefè) that must comply with.
Cacace takes advantage of the good faith of Alfonso inguaia and in a story that is beyond the possibilities of all 'and two ...
The film oscillates between a 'atmosphere that recalls the surrealistic world of Sorrento and the legendary squalor, covered in a very Batik, which serve to build a very tribal Rococo, where the director gives wide play to his holographic multiracial narrative and its smallness, so that in the end, beautiful style, but boredom is deadly: 104 minutes of pure exercise in style are a bit 'too much. 15 It would be enough and advanced.
One star.
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