dawn of the Empire, when Rome was in front of you 'a couple of centuries of absolute brilliance and almost five hundred years of history, Augustus already recognized the signs of crisis in the disappearance of old customs and family ties in the spread of hedonistic lifestyles, individualism. In vain he tried to fight them. No tax on celibacy weighs as much as the maintenance of children or the responsibilities of parenthood, and any attempt to reform public life morally failed. He was right though. Rome fell much later for a complex of reasons, but the root cause of the bug was brought in by that time. As a child, uncertain of its strength and unsteady on his legs, had dismissed the impact of warlike peoples such as the Samnites. About a thousand years later, despite the army layer, crumbled advancing front of the Barbarians who came in bursts, disorderly, divided by a thousand rivalries easy to exploit (and no one had been able to exploit to his advantage the divisions inside the tribal people as the enemies of Rome at one time). The worm destroyer
always acts from within and attacks those who hold first antibodies: the wise stewards of knowledge because experience, foresight and common sense. The elderly, for example, not by chance in the popular fairy tales and the words of truth, for solutions of the problems that ravaged a community, they always pronounce to be quite advanced in years, being "in the know". The old owl, the old king, the ancient fairy ... Today
ask old (in the best sense of the term: old men, Dante would say) to behave as a former offensive plays. "Just differently young" here as each tries to look old. As if the experience and knowledge accumulated much they had no value: they were not themselves able to obfuscate, plywood, physical decay and to drown out the good "natural and immediate" than just his physical prowess of youth.
remember that my father's physical beauty was the "virtues of the donkey" soon vanishes, it is sterile and is not deserved. A rather 'moralist perhaps the beautiful body that is anyway - why not - a value, but had the honor to invite you to a world view not narcissistic and is based rather on giving and doing. A beautiful book published in 2010 "This is not a pase for old" Loredana Lipperini record with sadness the humiliating condition in which they live the elderly (especially the elderly) in Italy, particularly in the last fifteen years. That old age is almost a sin to be ashamed of and hide until you can (and possibly later). An analysis such as that of Lipperini, however, must be conducted in line to the bottom if you do not want to stop the criticism of pure morals instead offering prospects for change. You can not fight the degradation of old age and a vision of life unless we realize that only in a community context the different stages of life acquires its full meaning and dignity, if not fought in short individualism and cynicism of the system that we are as entangled. Until they reign it is inevitable that the physical and economic autonomy, health, prowess primary values \u200b\u200bare totally in the absence of which is better to die. If knowledge and wisdom then loses any connotation tends to be the technological know-how, information, commentary, then the old stops being the "pot" from which to draw a sense of depth and continuity of life. Here's the "otherwise young" takes its place. I think with horror to certain television programs in which older people are exposed to pubblico ludibrio. Vecchietti aromatizzati al viagra giocano a fare i ragazzini con vecchiette artificialmente lubrificate. A me sembra la nave dei folli, dove i lebbrosi un tempo s'imbarcavano per affondare nel vizio l'orrore della fine imminente.
Una volta la vitalità degli anziani veniva da un particolare rapporto con l'infanzia e con tutti i segni della circolarità della vita: i nipotini ad esempio, ma non solo: anche il semplice dinamismo della natura con i suoi costanti ricambi. Strano, ma proprio l'epoca scaturita dalla liberazione del desiderio e dalla negazione dei modelli esemplari, ha ridotto drasticamente la ricchezza e la varietà della vita alla riproduzione stantia e caricaturale di una sola stagione: quella dell'adolescenza. The ripe, to fifteen years. Inferno amorazzi sweaty and erotic masturbatory fifty springs below. What we can not fall in love at sixty or seventy years? Certainly yes, but not as fifteen.
In this situation I think the very young: even if Dante, who arrived in the "middle path" of his life (35 years), which needed a master trust to deal with the confusion of the jungle and the babel of Hell, our guys who will pay? Who will be their father and mother we are all very young?
Today I read a beautiful poem by Ungaretti, and come along in years following the "great silence" that crowns a long life. The old lights consciously meditated di nobiltà l'anima del poeta il quale di fronte all'irrompere giallo e "minuto" di una mimosa, nel mese chiaro di febbraio, si domanda cosa muore e cosa è eterno: l'apparenza o qualcosa che l'apparenza ci nasconde?
Pensieri meravigliosi, pensieri da "vecchio" in cui si gusta centellinando il succo aspro della vita. Ed è un peccato, ho riflettuto, che i nostri vecchi, fradici delle più innovative sostanze chimiche antiradicali antigravitazionali e chissà che altro, questi pensieri non li sapranno avere più, mancando ormai dell'indispensabile presupposto: la luce dell'umana coscienza, fonte di consapevolezza e cammino di verità.
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