It returns to normal after a week to talk about Sanremo.
The beauty is that I have not even talked about having seen me!
Before leaving for Orlando to entertain us on HIGH PRESSURE (in TV and hard) I would ask you to go read the last comment on the previous post where resumed Tortlo that a written head Mario Monster Fegiz Luzzatto. Apart
so bad that one should not even go out in the morning from home if not before covered with cloths of all the mirrors in the neighborhood, but the trouble is that for some historical misunderstanding is considered an expert on music.
Perhaps because 42 years ago was the columnist-set a special for you?
ugly and stupid then, and unwatchable ass today.
If I were the director of his newspaper kicks him in the ass making me give back all salaries over the past 40 years. Plus interest.
But probably the director of his newspaper will be more ass than he.
Ah ... the wife of Alberto Testa died in 1980, not 1966.
This post was to be published last week, but the vampire who wanted to speak of Sanremo, so I was off topic. A link could be: Gianni Morandi, after almost fifty years is present in this record that on the stage of the Ariston. But it was a link a bit 'pulled the hair, so I waited until the five days and I moved to this evening.
Although short-lived and despite having been relegated to the second channel baby, High Pressure had a strong impact on the style of the time and influenced the very way of doing entertainment television. Before then, the so-called variety was anchored in patterns inherited from the revue theater, which alternated between the number of fantasy to the ballet, the gag comic musical attraction, with the end of the main dish (usually represented by the International vedette or our local) and the final parade. All with the rigid division between stage and audience, between fiction and reality.
Enzo Trapani, forte della possibilità di sperimentare nuovi linguaggi in un canale nato da meno di un anno e visibile da una minoranza di spettatori, volle rompere questa invisibile barriera tra spettatori e spettacolo e piazzò in uno studio televisivo una quarantina di teen agers (tutti puliti ed educati, per carità, giacca e cravatta e neanche una sedia fuori posto pur in un'aria di apparente disinvoltura) insieme all'indimenticata Renata Mauro per animare una trasmissione dedicata ai gusti del pubblico giovane. I protagonisti erano gli stessi delle classifiche discografiche del momento: fuori quindi i vari Achille Togliani, Nilla Pizzi, Claudio Villa, Carla Boni eccetera; il nuovo era rappresentato da Adriano Celentano, Domenico Modugno, Mina, Peppino Di Capri. Alongside these established artists were already in the Hit Parade, new characters were proposed as Johnny Halliday, Edoardo Vianello , Geronimo (presented by the same Mina), Rosy , the seventeen year old Gianni Morandi in a sequence taken replicatissima from the cradle to the even younger Rita Pavone.
From this sort of anti-Canzonissima, which aired in the fall of 1962, RCA obtained a compilation where do the lion's share just the last two people mentioned, Rita Pavone and Gianni Morandi, with two tracks each. The record of Via Tiburtina lot on the two points, although newcomers. And rightly so, given the distinguished career of both.
After winning a couple of local competitions for new entries in November 1961 John was presented in Rome for an audition with Franco Migliaccio. The audition did not go well and the boy had returned disappointed and resigned to make evenings in the dance halls in Emilia for a few thousand lire. You all know the story told by the same Migliacci, who a few months after recovering accidentally tape recorded by Gianni Morandi and he decides to record a piece sent to him by Tony Doris, a strange character, a miner who emigrated to France and amateur musician. The piece was a hundred miles an hour I went , which Migliacci would not sign the text with his real name for fear di un fiasco. D'altronde era sempre l'autore di successi internazionali come Nel blu dipinto di blu e Tintarella di luna e non poteva permettersi errori...
Il 16 aprile 1962 Gianni viene finalmente convocato a Roma e incide la canzone, proprio all'indomani di una vittoria a Bellaria nell'ennesimo concorso per voci nuove. Per lanciarlo, la RCA tuttavia aspetta l'autunno e la trasmissione adatta. Il disco vende poco, ottantamila copie (oggi sarebbe disco d'oro con quella stessa cifra, o di platino, non so); un po' meglio fa il successivo Go kart twist , che viene inserito nella colonna sonora di "Diciottenni al sole" ed entra, anche se per sole due settimane, in classifica. The text of this passage, incidentally, is signed by a stranger. But Pilantra is the pseudonym of another famous person, Luciano Salce. The real success will come however with the third 45, the famous not Tell Mama, released a few months later.
Rita Pavone is present in this collection with both sides of his sensational debut. the game of football know it all ; of Love Twist, which I always preferred the two, the liner notes of the disc indicate the young age (fifteen years) of the author, Angelo Bovenzi, revealed at the Feast Ariccia strangers and immediately disappeared again anonymous.
A third character, Roby Ferrante, who was also present with two songs in this LP, was linked to the other two promising author Rita Pavone ( At my age) and then a successful songwriter ( Whenever paired with Paul Anka in Sanremo 1964), double with the same Gianni Morandi choruses of "collars" in Rita Pavone, such as in television and carousels Algida. Unfortunately, Roby died at the age of 24 in a car accident, returning from an evening spent at the Bussola in Viareggio with some friends.
conclude a final plea, pointing out that, although part of a drive to "high pressure", dates back to 1926: a forgotten standard, Dinah , celebre ai tempi del dixieland ed eseguita da Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Django Reinhadt e altri grandi del jazz. Qui i dissacratori Flippers la trasformano in un cha-cha tutto da ballare, ma pochi anni prima era stata ripresa da Ricky Nelson in una versione confidenziale, jazzata, la versione che io preferisco.
A presto
01 Rita Pavone - La Partita Di Pallone (Rossi-Vianello)
02 Edoardo Vianello -Guarda Come Dondolo (Rossi-Vianello)
03 Gianni Morandi - Andavo A Cento All'Ora (Camucia-Dori)
04 I Quattro Di Lucca - The Madison (A.Brown)
05 Roby Ferrante - A Woman Like You (Rossi-Robifer)
06 Rosy - Minuet twist (Ross-Polito)
07 The Latins - What Your Red Dress (Mogol-Marcellos Rigual)
08 Gianni Morandi - Go Kart Twist (Pilantra-Morricone) 09
Rita Pavone - Amore Twist (Bovenzi) Roby Ferrante
10 - The Ship Talpa (Rossi-Robifer) 11 Gianni
Meccia & Jimmy Fontana - Liar (Mecca-Fontana)
12 The Metaphysical - Psicotwist (Bonicatti-Latessa)
13 I Quattro Di Lucca - Be-Bop-A-Lula (Davis-Vincent) 14
The Flippers - Dinah (Young-Lewis-AKST)
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