da Alba Marcoli, Il bambino nascosto , Mondadori,1993
Il Bosco delle Sette Querce –
Lo scoiattolo che non imparava a scuola
Una volta nel bosco delle Sette Querce capitò una cosa strana, Nel gruppo dei cuccioli c’era uno scoiattolo che si chiamava Blacky e non voleva crescere. Tutti i suoi compagni avevano già poco a poco abbandonato la scuola dello Spiazzo delle Sette Querce e lui era ancora lì, con tanti altri cuccioli nati da una stagione dopo di lui che lo guardavano in maniera un po’ strana.
Ma era come se Blacky non riuscisse ad imparare le storie che i vecchi raccontavano perché quando loro parlavano, anche se lui si sforzava tanto, His head could not follow the words and danced in front of the air as meaningless. The truth is that the puppy was fighting a desperate battle against his head. A battle that was lost forever. The more he wanted his head remained there, the school of the open space, more if you went around on his own. And the place where his head was always returned to its lair, where his mother for some time had a strange disease: does not hurt anything, had not broken any body part and there was enough to eat at home, but she was always sad and often cried. The squirrel was afraid that while he was in school, his mother something bad to happen to So his head, he always returned home.
Slowly matured in the minds of Blacky the idea of \u200b\u200bstarting to search for the Millennial Owl. It was said that it was a wise owl who could meet at night in the heart of the forest, if you venture on your own. He probably could find a way to read the big book of stories where there lies the secret to help everyone.
waited until there was a moonlit night because the darkness was really afraid, then, slowly, not heard came from the den and began to wander. It seemed to go for a new world that he did not know and even things that were familiar during the day now looked different and hostile. But the squirrel he remembered that his father had told him that he had a lot of fear in which the first vote had gone around at night alone, but now he had become strong and courageous. Then she heard the will within him was so strong that it overcame the fear and palpitations.
And so the puppy he found himself in a distant forest, where nobody ever went and where necessary to make their way through the foliage. Blacky went in and suddenly saw a black figure in the middle of a tree, and his heart began to beat so hard that you had to put a paw on his chest to calm him down. And then he heard a greeting that came from all the darkness and saw that it was an old owl smiling.
"Who are you?" Said the puppy with a voice that sounded like another puppy and it came from another body, not his.
"I am Owl millennium," he said, "and who are you? What are you doing here at this time of night? "
When the old Owl had heard his story invited him to join in the hollow trunk of a tree thousands of years. The puppy saw that the inside of the trunk was all covered with big and important books.
"See, Blacky," said the owl, "This is the library of all life in the forest, there are the history of animals and plants that have lived here there are the books partly written and partly still to be written to those who live now or who will live in the future. And 'here we will find even your life "
Owl put on his spectacles, looked in volume after another and finally found one on a shelf above, all shining because it was not yet open: he took it and opened it to page right.
"Blacky is, this is your story, now you read the"
And so little by little owl began to read his story and Blacky was really surprised because in that book was written throughout his life, even the his fears of the dark of night, that something happened to my mother and so on. When he arrived at the meeting who spoke of the squirrel and owl something broke away from the book, an envelope. Millennial owl took and passed the baby. Blacky grabbed it, opened it, c. .. a large tear gushed down the hair. The envelope was empty! What a disappointment!
But then he saw that each of the tears turned into a bubble that first dance, here and there in the library, then went to slip into the envelope, which becomes heavier.
"See Blacky" said the Owl, "Now your head will be lighter because the stars were inside the ice melted. Now you're ready to learn the stories of the Grove School of the clearing. "
Blacky began to feel good as a long time oiù not happening.
She set the bag on his heart and thanked the wise old man.
Owl Millennial closed the book and put it on the shelf.
"Here are the stories of all?"
"Yes," said the Owl
"Then I read the story of my mother, so maybe I find the gift for her?"
But the owl replied that definitely no, could be "the story of your mom tla, Blacky, is not written in your book because you're another person. Everyone must come to seek their own history, but to others. If your mom wants to know his story has come here in person. You, if you want, you can tell him. "
The squirrel returned home with his bag on the heart that made him feel stronger.
When he reached the cave he found the mum and dad that they were looking very worried. Blacky told all her history and her mother realized that she had to go looking for owl Millennial read her story and find his gift. On the trip back was not as cheerful and happy in a long time.
Since that day, Blacky began to learn the stories of the forest, no longer had to fight with her head because she was there with him to listen to the School of the clearing.
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